VRQA VET course amendment application form

Please read the document, Amendments to a VET accredited course – categories of change before completing this form.

The document sets out what constitutes a minor change to a course that can be made by submitting a course amendment application form for approval, and a significant change to a course that will require an application to renew (re-accredit) the course.

Please provide details (the text boxes will expand as you type).

Course code
Course title
Period of accreditation
Copyright owner
  1. Proposed amendments to the accredited course.

Please select the boxes that apply.

additions and/or deletion of units from an elective list

units within a course are updated to a later equivalent version, including core and elective units, and any pre-requisite units

minor updates to enterprise units of competency that do not change the outcome of the unit, and which do not require a code and/or title change, for example:

pre-requisite units of competency are replaced with updated equivalent units

edits and/or deletions, enhancements to units of competency

changes to Range Statement or Evidence Guide, for example, additions to resources due to changes in technology

changes to copyright ownership

typographical errors

changes as a consequence of changes to legislation in this industry such as occupation health and safety/licensing requirements which need to be incorporated

other changes – please specify

Provide the rationale and details for each change:

  1. Provide evidence of consultation and/or industry support for the amendments, for example steering committee minutes, letters of support from relevant industry/community organisations, any other consultation processes.
  1. Sign the declaration below: (please print document for signing)

The rationale and details of each change are included and I request that the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority considers this application to amend the course/s as a result of monitoring and evaluation.

Signature: / Date:
Name: / Position:

Please note:

  • New fees for VRQA regulatory activities have been approved to apply to all accreditation applications received from 1 January 2013. These fees are set by Ministerial Order 615, which was made on 21 December 2012. This order was subject to the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) process.
  • Details of the new fees payable can be found on the VRQA website at
  • When you lodge your application for short term renewal with the VRQA an invoice will be sent for payment.There may be a reduction of the course renewal fee for each course for a short term renewal if the VRQA costs are less than the maximum fee.
  • Fees are payable prior to any assessment or other services being provided by the VRQA. Once the accreditation fee has been paid, the VRQA will assess your application.

Course amendment application form V1.01 April 2017Page 1 of 2