St. Mary Daycare and Preschool

Tricia Potteiger (425-308-3291)

601 W. Columbia

Monroe WA 98272

Parent Information Packet

Welcome to St. Mary’s Daycare and Preschool! Thank you for making us your choice to care and nurture your child’s growth and development. We appreciate your review of this Parent Information Packet.

Table of Contents

Summary Page: Sections

Section 1: Enrollment and Admission

Section 2: Fee and Payment Plan

Section 3: Typical Activity Schedule, Including Hours of Operation

Section 4: Meals and Snacks, Including Guidelines for Home Food

Section 5: Permission for Free Access

Section 6: Sign In/Sign Out Requirements

Section 7: Child Abuse Reporting Law Requirements

Section 8: Behavior Management and Discipline

Section 9: Nondiscrimination Statement

Section 10: Religious Activities

Section 11: Transportation and Field Trip Arrangements

Section 12: Ill Child Practices

Section 13: Medication Management

Section 14: Medical Emergencies

Section 15: Disaster Preparedness Plan

Section 16: Infant/Toddler Care

Section 16A: Diapering Policy

Section 16B: Toilet Training

Section 16C: Infant Feeding

Section 17: Items You Provide/Items We Provide

Section 18: Program Philosophy

Section 1: Enrollment and Admission Requirements:

Before your child enters care, the following forms must be filled out and returned. They include:

a. Child Registration Agreement, which includes Consent to Medical Care and Treatment of Minor Children.

b. Certification of Immunization TO BE KEPT UPDATED AT ALL TIMES. c. Permission Authorization

d. Completed food program enrollment form

e. A copy of the Child Registration Agreement will supplied to the parent within one week

f. A non-refundable $50 Registration Fee for materials and supplies for your child

We will be accepting newborn through 12 years old. We accept full time or part time children and DSHS care. We accept new clients on the basis of availability.

There will be a two week trial period. This is a time to observe how your child is doing, and whether he or she is progressing in our care. If there are issues that cannot be resolved, care will be amicably terminated.

Section 2: Fee and Payment Plan:

There is a discount if you pay at the beginning of the month, for the month scheduled.

Drop In Care: Not to exceed 2 hours.

Half Day: Less than 4 hours in a day.

Payments for care are due on Monday, and considered late by Wednesday.

Late Pick Ups: If you are more than 10 minutes late to pick up your child after the daycare closes, there is a $15 fee per 15 minute increment paid the next business day.

St. Mary Daycare and Preschool reserves the right to adjust fees and payments.


Ages 0-24 months: $225 per week for full time ($45 per day)

Discounted rate is $40 day if paid by the 5th of the month, for the month.

Ages 2 yrs – 5 yrs: $200 per week for full time ($40 per day)

Discounted rate is $38 per day if paid by the 5th of the month, for the month.

Half Day Kindergarten Or Before/After School Care: $100 per week ($20 per day)

Discounted rate is $18 per day if paid by the 5th of the month, for the month.

Discounted rates accommodate for your child’s sick days; no refunds will be given.

Drop In Rates: $5/ hour (not to exceed 2 hrs)

A punch card can be purchased for care in advance. Multiple-sibling rate is $3/hr per child for the drop in rate.

Availability is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Section 3: Typical Activity Schedule, Including Hours of Operation

This is a sample schedule as a guide, not a strict regimen:

7:00 a.m. Daycare opens, free play, movie

8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Breakfast

9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Circle time, sharing, play dough, preschool activities, arts and crafts

10:30 – 10:45 a.m. Snack time

10:45 – 11:45 a.m. Outdoor play/P.E.

11:45 – 1:00 p.m. Clean up and lunch time, possible outdoor play

1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Nap time or quiet time (longer if children are sleeping)

3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Afternoon snack

3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Outdoor play, social play, puzzles, art

4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Free play, reading books, movie, daycare closes

We will be closed the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

We will use various methods to encourage age-appropriate social development, positive self-concept, language, and literacy, physical development, and creative expression. The kids will have developmentally appropriate learning materials, art projects, etc. There will be individual learning and group activities, developmentally relevant. Children will be able to use both fine and large motor skills. We provide a preschool program.

Section 4: Meals and Snacks served

We will be providing meals based on the USDA food program requirements and provide 2 meals and 2 snacks per day. Please notify us of any food allergies/nutritional requirements. No gum is allowed. Infants will be fed on their own schedules. No home canned foods will be used. Any staff person serving meals maintains a food handler’s permit. Hand washing will be done before and after food preparation. Foods will be kept at the proper temperatures. All cooking surfaces will be sanitized with a bleach/water solution prior to use. Only microwave safe dishes are used with a microwave. If your child needs a special diet, please send food from home clearly marked with your child’s information, and please make sure you provide enough for their meals and snacks.

Section 5: Permission for Free Access

Parents and Guardians have access at all times to their children during daycare hours. Because a parent’s visit may interrupt the day (especially during naptime if your child thinks they are going home with you at that time) please use this freedom wisely and not to the detriment of your child. If you want to volunteer at the daycare, there are certain guidelines and a process for that.

Section 6: Sign In and Sign Out Requirements

You will sign in and sign out your child every day. If there is someone else picking up your child, please communicate that and list them on the registration form. We will not release your child to anyone else but you unless you give me notice ahead of time. We may ask for identification.

Section 7: Child Abuse Reporting Law Requirements

The staff must protect children in our care from all forms of child abuse and neglect as defined in RCW 26.44.020 and report suspected abuse or actual abuse or neglect to CPS.

Section 8: Behavior Management and Discipline

We use consistent, fair and positive guidance and discipline methods appropriate to the child’s developmental level, abilities, culture, and are relevant to the child’s behavior. We do not use corporal punishment. There will be no profanity or put-downs, angry or hostile interactions, name calling or shaming, biting, jerking, shaking, spanking, slapping, hitting, kicking or any other means of inflicting physical pain on your child while in our care. None of the children will treat each other this way, either.

We use time outs and redirection, in order to help children calm down and reassess the situation. We will not yell. We come to the child’s level and speak calmly to them. It diffuses a tense situation and helps them to learn to use words to express themselves. We explain and enforce clear, consistent rules. We allow children to participate in the problem solving that led to any issues. We use logical consequences to inappropriate behavior.

Section 9: Nondiscrimination Statement

We do not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation or any other reason. If you do, you are welcome to find alternate care for your child. We practice acceptance and inclusion.

Section 10: Religious Activities

There may be opportunities for children to attend events at St. Mary of the Valley Parish (for example, Vacation Bible school in the summer) but this would typically be a supplemental activity and involve a parent permission slip. We will do projects on holidays, birthdays and seasons. We celebrate/honor; MLK Jr. Day, President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Other religions/celebrations will be respectfully presented, as educational opportunities arise, in preschool activities.

Section 11: Transportation and Field Trip Arrangements

Does Not Apply at this time.

Section 12: Practice Concerning Ill Child:

If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease (chicken pox or pink eye, for example) please let us know immediately. All parents will be notified if there is a child with a communicable disease, so that they may take appropriate measures. Do not intentionally bring your child if your child has been diagnosed.

If your child has a fever over 100, fatigue that prevents normal activity, vomiting, diarrhea, a rash not associated with allergies, heat or diapering, or thick mucus draining from either or both eyes, please do not bring your child to daycare. If your child develops any of the above issues, you will be called. Please make sure that you or your emergency contacts can be here within 1 hour to retrieve your child.

Notifiable Conditions to Public Health:

There is a list of notifiable conditions that require reporting to the Public Health Department. The complete list is on the information board.

Immunization Tracking:

We are required to have on file a current record of your child’s immunization record, or the exemption form signed by your doctor.

Infection Control Methods:

Handwashing: We wash hands before and after eating, after playing outdoors, using the toilet, diapering, petting animals, whenever in contact with bodily fluids, or whenever hands are dirty. We do not use hand sanitizer on children.

Cleaning and Sanitizing: We sanitize the toys and books the kids play with. We wash my hands before and after changing diapers, as ill as sanitize the changing table with a bleach/water solution. Each child’s bedding is washed weekly, and none of the blankets or beds are shared amongst the children. Each has their own cubby for storage and each has their own napping mat or pack and play. They are sanitized regularly, and immediately if soiled.

Blood Borne Pathogens Plan:

We may be exposed to blood-borne pathogens. Bodily fluids include blood, feces, nasal and eye discharge, saliva, urine and vomit and will be cleaned up using protective gloves. The soiled items will be either cleaned with hot soapy water and/or bleach solution, sent home in a plastic bag to be cleaned, or disposed of in a plastic bag in the garbage.

Section 13: Medication Management/Storage/Giving Medications:

Parents must give written permission and instructions in order for me to give any medication. Any medication provided will be in a locked container or cupboard, inaccessible to the children

Section 14: Medical Emergencies:

When there is an injury that only requires first aid, we will give you a written or verbal notice of injury. If there is an in injury that warrants emergency medical treatment, I will call 911and follow their recommendations, call the parent, provide written documentation, and notify our state licensor of the event.

Section 15: Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Plans:

We have a written fire evacuation plan and disaster plan, and it is posted on the information board. All primary staff are aware of the policy and trained in it. In case of emergency, we will exit with the children, and after 911 is alerted and we are safe, we will then make parent phone calls.

Section 16: Infant/Toddler Care

Infant Sleeping: Babies will be laid on their backs to sleep, to reduce the risk of SIDS. Infants will follow their own sleep schedule. Each infant will be given periods of “tummy time” during the day.

16A: Diapering: Children wearing diapers will be checked every two hours for wet diapers, and are always changed before naptime. Gloves will be worn when diapering, and diapers will be disposed of properly. Hands will be washed after diapering. Infants may have their hands cleaned by diaper wipes if they are too young to wash their hands in the sink.

16B: Toilet Training: A good indicator of readiness is when a child can sleep through a nap or through the night without going potty, AND they can dress themselves, AND tell you when they have to go. Please dress your child in pants they can pull up or down themselves (this usually means no jeans with zippers and snaps or buttons) and send SEVERAL outfits during this period. Children will use the potty seat until they are comfortable sitting on the regular toilet seat and after each use the toilet will be sanitized with a bleach/water solution.

16C: Bottle Fed Babies: If your child is on formula, please bring an unopened container to be kept here, with your child’s name on it. If you breast feed, we will follow your guidelines. Bottles will not be heated in the microwave. Babies will be held during feeding, and no bottles will be propped.

Section 17: Items You Supply/ Items We Provide

Please provide 2 extra sets of clothes for your child. We are required to be outside EVERY DAY, and it is essential that your child have something clean/dry to change in to. Please bring an extra pair of shoes or a pair of boots for outside play, and ALWAYS send a weather-appropriate coat. Please don’t limit their opportunity for comfort during outdoor play with inappropriate attire. Send your child with 2 blankets for nap time and a spill proof drinking cup with your child’s name on it to be kept on site. The blankets will be sent home when they need to be laundered and returned.