Toby Macrae, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Assistant Professor

The FloridaStateUniversity

School of Communication Science and Disorders

201 W. Bloxham Street

Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1200


Doctor of Philosophy inUniversity of NevadaSchool of Medicine 2009

Speech PathologyDepartment of Speech Pathology and Audiology

Advisors: Ann A. Tyler, Ph.D. and Kerry E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Dissertation Title: The relation between error

variability and stimulability in children with SSD

Master of SpeechUniversity of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2005

and Language TherapyDepartment of Communication Disorders

Advisor: Michael P. Robb, Ph.D.

Thesis Title: Acoustic analysis of word and segment duration and

variability in speech-impaired and normally-developing children

Bachelor of SpeechUniversity of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand 2001

and Language TherapyDepartment of Communication Disorders

Professional Experience

Fall 2010 – PresentAssistant Professor

The FloridaStateUniversity

School of Communication Science and Disorders

Summer 2007, 2008, 2009Clinical Supervisor

Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of

NevadaSchool of Medicine

Supervision of graduate student clinicians in the evaluation of

communication disorders in preschool- and school-aged


Supervision of graduate student clinicians in the assessment and

treatment of communication disorders in preschool- and

school-aged children and in adults

Summer 2007Research Assistant

Department of English, University of Nevada, Reno

Acoustic analysis of speech in adult speakers of American English

Summer 2006Research Assistant

Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of

NevadaSchool of Medicine

Acoustic analysis of speech in children with speech sound disorders

Mar. – July 2005Clinical Supervisor

Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury

Supervision of student clinicians providing speech-language services

for preschool- and school-aged children with communication


Apr. – Jun. 2005Speech-Language Pathologist

Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury

Administered evaluations for clients referred to the University of

Canterbury Campus Speech and Hearing Clinic

2004 – 2005Speech-Language Pathologist

Provision of services for private school-aged clients with

communication disorders

2004 – 2005Research Assistant

Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury

Acoustic analysis of speech in children with cleft palate

Jan. 2002 – Jan. 2004Speech-Language Pathologist

Ministry of Education, Lower Hutt, New Zealand

Provision of services for preschool-and school-aged children with

communication disorders

2000 – 2001Research Assistant

Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury

Acoustic analysis of speech in adult speakers of New Zealand

English and New Zealand Maori

Data collection from adult speakers of New Zealand English

Professional Certification

Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

License to practice Speech-Language Pathology in the State of Florida

Professional Affiliations

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Research Interests

Speech Sound Disorders in Children:

  • Early identification and intervention
  • Subgroups
  • Underlying speech sound knowledge
  • Word and phoneme variability
  • Speech motor performance
  • Genetic bases of speech sound disorders

Experimental Phonetics:

  • Acoustic characteristics of speech in children and adults with speech sound disorders
  • The evolution of phonological systems in different languages of the world


Macrae, T. (in press). Lexical and child-related factors in word variability and accuracy in infants. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics.

Tyler, A. A., Gillon, G., Macrae, T., & Johnson, R. L. (2011). Direct and indirect effects of stimulating phoneme awareness vs. other linguistic skills in preschoolers with co-occurring speech and language impairments. Topics in Language Disorders, 31(2), 128-144.

Macrae, T., Robb, M., P., & Gillon, G. T. (2010). Acoustic analysis of word and segment duration in children with speech sound disorder.Asia Pacific Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing, 13(2), 77-86.

Tyler, A. A., & Macrae, T. (2010). Stimulability: relationships to other characteristics of children’s phonological systems.Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 24(4-5), 300-310.

Fridland, V., & Macrae, T.(2008). Patterns of /uw/, /ʊ/, and /ow/ fronting in Reno, Nevada. American Speech, 83(4), 432-454.


Macrae, T., Stierwalt, J. A. G., Phillips, S., Rielly, S., Haas, S., & Behel, K. (2012, November). Speech disturbance following VPI repair: Acoustic and perceptual analyses. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.

Stierwalt, J. A. G., Macrae, T., Haas, S., Phillips, S., Rielly, S., & Behel, K. (2012, November). Speech impairment following corrective surgery for VPI: Pre-/posttreatment. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.

Macrae, T. (2012, June). Phonetic/phonological and lexical effects on word accuracy and variability. Poster presented at the 14th Meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Cork, Ireland.

Macrae, T., Stierwalt, J. A. G., Phillips, S., Rielly, S., & Haas, S. (2012, June). Unusual speech distortion following palatal surgery: acoustic features pre-post treatment. Poster presented at the 14th Meeting of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Cork, Ireland.

Macrae, T., & Tyler, A. A. (2011, November). Speech abilities in children with concomitant speech and language impairment. Seminar presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA.

Macrae, T. (2011, March). Developmental phonological disorders and treatment approaches. Invited presentation at The 2011 North Florida Conference on Communication Disorders, Tallahassee, FL.

Macrae, T., & Tyler, A. A. (2010, November). Exploring error variability, severity and error patterns. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Macrae, T., Tyler, A. A., & Lewis, K. E. (2009, November). Relation between error variability and stimulability in children with SSD. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, New Orleans, LA.

Macrae, T., Tyler, A. A., & Morrissey, A. (2007, November). Speech motor performance in subgroups of children with SSD.Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.

Fridland, V., & Macrae, T. (2007, October). Patterns of uw, U, and ow fronting in Reno, Nevada.Poster presented at the New Ways of Analyzing Variation(NWAV 36)Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Macrae, T., Robb, M. P., & Gillon, G. T. (2005, November). Speech segment durations in normal and speech impaired children.Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego, CA.

Macrae, T., Robb, M. P., & Gillon, G. T. (2005, April). Speech segment durations in normal and speech impaired children.Poster presented at the Canterbury Conference on Communication Disorders, Christchurch, New Zealand

Robb, M. P., & Macrae, T. (2004, November). A phonetic record of prelinguistic development.Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Teaching Experience

The FloridaStateUniversity

  1. SPA 5204 Articulation and Phonological Disorders (graduate), Instructor

Integration of current phonological theory with best practices in the assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders in children

  1. SPA 5204DL Articulation and Phonological Disorders – Distance Learning (graduate), Instructor

Integration of current phonological theory with best practices in the assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders in children

  1. SPA 6804 Doctoral Seminar: Preparing for a Career in Academia, Instructor

Readings, class discussions and practical assignments related to research, teaching and service for doctoral students in communication science and disorders preparing for a college research and/or teaching position

  1. SPA 4112 Clinical Phonetics (undergraduate), Instructor

Phonetic transcription of vowels and consonants in isolation, syllables, words, phrases, and connected speech in normal and disordered speakers

  1. SPA 4056 Clinical Methods (undergraduate), Instructor

Fundamentals of clinical practice in speech-language pathology, including principles of assessment and treatment of individuals with developmental and acquired communication impairments, data collection, and reporting

University of Nevada School of Medicine

  1. SPA 301 Survey of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Spring 2008, Co-instructor

Introduction to speech-language processes and disorders and discussion of cultural and

linguistic influences

  1. SPA 660/661 Advanced Speech Pathology: Phonological and Articulation Disorders,Fall 2007, Co-instructor

Integration of current phonological theory with best practices in evaluation and treatment of children with speech sound disorders

  1. SPA 340 Speech and Language Development, Fall 2007, Guest Lecturer, and Fall 2006, Guest Lecturer

Typical speech-language development in children from infancy through the elementary school years

  1. SPA 757 Experimental Phonetics, Spring 2007, Instructor, and Spring 2006, Guest Lecturer

Acoustic characteristics of speech production and perception and instrumentation for speech analysis

  1. SPA 362Introduction to Audiology, Fall 2005, Guest Lecturer

Physics of sounds, anatomy and physiology of the ear, medical and surgical aspects of hearing loss, basic audiometric techniques, and hearing conservation

Clinical Supervision

Summer 2007 – Summer 2009Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Universityof

NevadaSchool of Medicine

Supervision of graduate student clinicians in the evaluation of

communication disorders in preschool- and school-aged


Supervision of graduate student clinicians in the assessment and

treatment of communication disorders in preschool- and

school-aged children and in adults

Fall 2005 – Summer 2007Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of

NevadaSchool of Medicine

Co-supervision of graduate student clinicians in the evaluation of

communication disorders in preschool- and school-aged


Co-supervision of graduate student clinicians in the assessment and

treatment of communication disorders in preschool- and

school-aged children and in adults

Feb. 2004 – July 2005Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury

Supervision of student clinicians in the assessment and treatment of

communication disorders in preschool- and school-aged


Grants and Awards

Summer 2012Committee on Faculty Research Support (COFRS) Regular Summer

Award, $14,000

Council on Research and Creativity, The Florida State University

Fall 2011Provost’s Faculty Travel Grant, $532

Office of the Provost, The Florida State University

Summer 2011First Year Assistant Professor (FYAP) Grant, $17,000

Council on Research and Creativity, The Florida State University

Fall 2005 – Summer 2009Graduate Assistantship, $14,000 per year

Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, University of

NevadaSchool of Medicine

Responsibilities include research, teaching, and clinical supervision

2008 – 2009Glen E. Whiddett Biomedical Graduate Student Scholarship, $500

University of Nevada School of Medicine

2007Student Research Travel Award: Annual Convention of the American

Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA, $500 (awarded but not utilized)

1997Rose Hellaby Bursary Scholarship, $1,000

University of Canterbury

1996 – 2001, 2004 – 2005Manaaki Tauira Grant, up to $1,000 per year

University of Canterbury

Curriculum Vitae – Toby Macrae, January 20131