Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College

(A-B Tech) Procedure

Procedure503.041: Alternative Work Schedule for Staff Procedure

It is the philosophy of the College that a flexible work environment supports employees to balance work responsibilities and personal responsibilities, as well as be engaged, healthy, and productive. Consistent with this philosophy, Alternative Work Schedules for Staff (AWS-S) may be granted when it is beneficial to the operations of the College and the employee is able to continue to meet the needs of the institution.

Supervisors are responsible for determining and managing the appropriate work schedules for their operations that are consistent with the needs of the College and the people they serve. In doing so, Supervisors may also accommodate the employee’s request for AWS-S on a one-time or re-occurring basis. Such schedule adjustments may include a compressed workweek. These arrangements must be done as fairly and equitable as possible, within the guidelines of these procedures.

While it is not required that AWS-S be uniformly available to all positions in a department, the department head is responsible for ensuring the fair and equitable administration of this procedure to eligible employees.

Eligibility for Alternative Work Schedule for Staff

Full-time Regular or Part-time Regular employees are eligible for One-Time Alternative Work Schedules, subject to the prior approval of their immediate supervisor.

Only Full-time Regular employees who have completed their Introductory Period (See Policy #510.01) are eligible to request a Re-Occurring Alternative Work Schedule. Re-occurring Alternative Work Schedules are effective for the current fiscal year only.

Any and all AWS-S for staff must comport with the College’s workweek which is defined as 7:00:00 a.m. on Monday through 6:59:59 a.m. the following Monday.

Requesting an Alternative Work Schedule for Staff

If an employee wishes to be considered for an AWS-S, he/she should submit a request in writing to their Immediate Supervisor.

One-time AWS-S requests may be granted via email or an AWS-S Request Form. The Immediate Supervisor may require an AWS-S Request Form.

Re-occurring AWS-S requests require an AWS-S Request Form. The Immediate Supervisor, and all other supervisors up to and including the Senior Administrator of the Division must approve the AWS-S Request Form for a Re-Occurring AWS-S. The completed AWS-S form should be retained by the Immediate Supervisor for three years.

Supervisor Assessment of AWS-S Requests

Upon receipt of an AWS-S Request Form, the Immediate Supervisor will carefully review the job description and how the adjusted schedule might affect the completion of duties, how it would impact other employees, and how it affects the College and community served. Supervisors should analyze their department’s workflow and staffing needs, peak service or demand times, regular meeting schedule, and ideal work schedule coverage. An AWS-S will not be granted if it would result in additional costs incurred by the department.

An AWS-S will not be granted unless:

•The Employee will be able to fully meet job responsibilities and performance expectations;

•all service needs will be met during normal business hours; and

•the department’s efficient and effective operations will not be interrupted.

Key issues that Supervisors should assess when considering an AWS-S:

•Other requests for AWS-S.

•College and departmental needs.

•Customer (student, employees, community, etc.) needs.

•Ability of the job tasks to be successfully completed at non-traditional times.

•Cross-training of core department functions.

•Support needs of the staff member and the Supervisors.

•Ability to monitor employee performance successfully.

•Burden on other employees.

•Communication processes to keep employees informed and coordinated with one another.

•Clearly defined performance expectations and accountability.

•Adherence to federal and state wage and hour regulations for hours non-exempt employees work outside of their supervisor’s schedule.

•Ability for the employee to sustain current or increased productivity

•Attendance at department, division, or College meetings, professional development, or functions.

•Amount of onsite supervision, oversight, or direction needed for a position.

The Immediate Supervisor will carefully evaluate all of the pros and cons of an alternative schedule.

In cases where two or more employees with similar duties request an AWS-S, the Supervisor may not be able to approve all requests. The Supervisor should assess the work to determine how much flexibility is possible. Factors such as years in a position, merit, skills and personal circumstances may be considered when a choice must be made. The Supervisor should consult with Human Resources if assistance is needed.

Approval/Denial of a One-Time AWS-S

When an Immediate Supervisor approves a One-Time AWS-S, the Immediate Supervisor will explain to the employee the approval and any stipulations.

When an Immediate Supervisor denies a One-Time AWS-S, the Immediate Supervisor will explain clearly to the employee why the request is not approved.

Approval/Denial of a Re-Occurring AWS-S

When an Immediate Supervisor approves a Re-Occurring AWS-S, the Immediate Supervisor will submit the form to all other supervisors up to and including the Senior Administrator of the Division.

Supervisors may choose to initially approve a pilot period to assess the success of the AWS-S and allow for adjustments. At the conclusion of the pilot period, the Supervisor and Employee should discuss how the AWS-S worked for both the employee and the College. If the AWS-S is working, a new request should be completed with the adjusted effective dates. If the AWS-S is not working, a new AWS-S request form with adjustments or a return to the “regular” work schedule may be necessary.

When an Immediate Supervisor denies a Re-Occurring AWS-S, the Immediate Supervisor will explain clearly to the employee why the request is not approved. No additional signatures are required. Denial of a request for an AWS-S is not grievable under Grievance and Reporting Policy, 509.03. However, concerns regarding the fair implementation of an AWS-S may be brought to the Vice President of Human Resources or the Senior Administrator of the Division.

Continuity of Department Hours, Services, Operations, and Supervision

The granting of an AWS-S should not result in a change to the department’s regular hours of operation nor does it limit the responsibility of Supervisors to establish and adjust work schedules.

The implementation of an AWS-S is contingent upon assuring adequate departmental coverage during the normal business hours. Supervisors should design AWS-S so that adequate supervision is provided. A department using an AWS-S must take appropriate actions to ensure proper cross training in order to maintain levels of service for the duration of the normal operating hours of the department. Some departments may be unable to offer an AWS-S for some positions and/or during certain times of the year.

Compliance and Limitations with an AWS-S

AWS-S must be implemented in accordance with applicable College, state and federal laws and regulations. AWS-S are not intended to alter normal attendance requirements and employees are expected to work their appointed number of hours per week.

At any given point, Employees may be required to report to work outside of their approved AWS-S for meetings, College events, professional development, conferences, or other work responsibilities.

Working an AWS-S is a privilege, not an employee right. AWS-Ss are not appropriate for all jobs or all situations.

AWS-S, whether one-time or re-occurring, are for pre-planned requests to change an employee’s schedule. An AWS-S is not intended to compensate for tardiness or an unplanned absence. The Immediate Supervisor may, or may not, grant a one-time AWS-S in such cases. If denied, the employee is required to submit a Request for Leave Form for missed work time.

In the event an employee has an unplanned absence during their AWS-S which requires them to work less than their appointed number of hours per week, the employee is required to submit a Request for Leave Form for the missed work time.


Employees must revert to their typical schedule for the weeks when there is a paid holiday. This eliminates use of vacation leave to equalize the holiday benefit, ensures uniformity, eases the burden in tracking the time, and reduces confusion.

•New Year’s Day

•Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday

•Spring Holiday

•Memorial Day

•Independence Day

•Labor Day


•Winter Break

Closings, Delays, and Dismissals for Inclement Weather

When the College’s hours are adjusted by the President due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, employees are expected to work their previously agreed upon schedule (either traditional or AWS-S) for the hours during which the College is open.

Meal Periods and Rest Periods

A Meal Period is a bona fide period of 30 minutes or more which occurs during the scheduled workday and is not hours worked if the employee is completely relieved from duty for the purpose of eating a meal.

Rest Periods of no more than 15 minutes each are permitted and will be counted as hours worked. Typically, there is one morning and one afternoon rest period. Rest Periods do not accrue. Rest periods shall not be used to allow an employee to come in late, to leave early, to extend the lunch period, or affect an AWS-S.

Modifying or Rescinding an AWS-S

The Supervisor may suspend or terminate an AWS-S agreement at any time because of performance issues, department needs, or other conditions. The Supervisor has the right and responsibility to modify or eliminate an AWS-S as circumstances change. When reasonable, the Supervisor will provide a minimum of one-week notice.

New AWS-S Requests & Expiration of AWS-S

Employees must submit a new request for a Re-Occurring AWS-S annually. Requests for a Re-occurring AWS-S may be submitted on or anytime after April 1 of the previous fiscal year. AWS-S may be approved up to, but not beyond, June 30 of the fiscal year in which they are effective.

This ensures all eligible employees have an opportunity to request alternative schedules when there is shared responsibility for coverage in their respective departments.


Alternative Work Schedule (AWS-S) - a one-time or re-occurring deviation from a standard work schedule for an employee that ensures coverage and appropriate productivity as long as the employee works at least their appointed number of hours per week

Compressed Work Week - a flexible work schedule arrangement that enables an employee to work longer days in exchange for a shorter workweek. For example, an employee may work four ten-hour days with no work on the fifth day. Part-time employees may also be eligible to participate in a variation of the compressed workweek arrangement at the discretion of the department head or dean.

Meal periods - a bona fide meal period of 30 minutes or more which occurs during the scheduled workday is not hours worked if the employee is completely relieved from duty for the purpose of eating a meal.

One-Time Alternative Work Schedule for Staff - one-time deviation from a standard work schedule for an employee that ensures coverage and appropriate productivity as long as the combination of hours the employee works is at least their appointed number of hours per week.

Re-occurring Alternative Work Schedule for Staff – a re-occurring deviation from a standard work schedule for an employee that ensures coverage and appropriate productivity as long as the combination of hours the employee works is at least their appointed number of hours per week.

Rest periods - one morning and one afternoon rest period of no more than 15 minutes each are permitted and will be counted as hours worked. Rest breaks shall not be used to allow an employee to come in late, to leave early, or to extend the lunch period.

Pursuant to Board Policy 503.041, this procedure must be followed when dealing with Alternative Work Schedules (AWS-S) for Staff at the College.

Owner: Executive Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development

Updated: July 18, 2017