West Forsyth High School

Mr. Timothy DeVane

Course # 7921

Room #610 – - 336.712-4400

Course Overview

This course is designed to teach students the basic use of simple and complex graphic tools used to communicate and understand ideas and concepts found in the areas of engineering, manufacturing, architecture, science, and mathematics. The topics include business meetings, and goal setting strategies, traditional methods such as sketching, geometric construction techniques, CAD or computer aided drafting, orthographic projections and dimensioning. Communication skills in leadership, teamwork, mathematics, science, and problem-solving are reinforced in this course.

Course Outline

ESSENTIAL STANDARD 1 - Understand Fundamental Concepts and Trends of


1.01 Understand BIM, and Rapid Prototyping

1.02 Understand Industrial Design, Sustainable Design, and LEED

1.03 Understand Career Options

ESSENTIAL STANDARD 2 - Understand the ideation process

ESSENTIAL STANDARD 3 - Apply sketching skills and techniques

(Architectural and Engineering)

3.01 Apply Rough sketching (lettering for clarity, uppercase caps)

3.02 Apply 2D sketching – Single and Multi-view

3.03 Apply 3D sketching - Pictorials

ESSENTIAL STANDARD 4 - Apply CAD User Skills for Certification - AutoCAD

4.01 Apply procedures for working with the User Interface (navigation tools)

4.02 Apply procedures for creating drawings (coordinates and draw tools)

4.03 Apply procedures for manipulating objects (grips, object selection, drawing aids)

4.04 Apply procedures for working with the drawing organization and inquiry

commands (layers)

4.05 Apply procedures for altering objects (modifying)

4.06 Apply procedures for working with layouts (templates, viewports)

4.07 Apply procedures for annotating the drawing (adding Text)

4.08 Apply procedures for dimensioning

4.09 Apply procedures for hatching objects (Drawing enhancements)

4.10 Apply procedures for working with reusable content (blocks)

4.11 Apply procedures for creating additional drawing blocks (polylines splines ellipse)

4.12 Apply procedures for plotting the drawing

Grading Policy

Grade Scale

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Evaluation Criteria

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VoCATS State Testing

A / 90 – 100 / Lab Work and Homework / 66.50% / Raw Score / Level of Mastery
B / 80 - 89 / Quizzes / 33.50% / 71-100 / Level II
C / 70 – 79 / 0-69 / Level I
D / 60 – 69
F / 50 – 59 / TOTAL / = 100%


Please become familiar with the West Forsyth High School Student Handbook. This handbook provides crucial information regarding tardiness, absenteeism, and behavioral expectations. Academic dishonesty will result in receiving a zero on the work being completed. Furthermore, the student will call the parent/guardian in the presence of the instructor and inform the parent of the incident, and receive a disciplinary notice. Other class rules that are expected are as followed:

1.  Listen and follow instructions the first time they are given. (Builds character)

2.  Be productive and prepared at all times. (Builds self-discipline)

3.  Honor yourself, others, and school property. (Builds integrity)

4.  Do your best, use your mind, and focus. (Builds self esteem)

5.  Take every opportunity to succeed, do it with integrity. (Builds determination)

Absenteeism & TARDINESS

You are expected to attend class regularly and on time. Since this is a lab course, it is imperative that you be here for class each day. If a student is absent, please understand that they will miss a significant amount of information that may be delivered. The class is designed to be hands on and very active, therefore missing a day of school may tremendously affect a student’s performance both cognitively as well as performance. It is the student's responsibility to collect missing assignment(s) from instructor. If a student misses a quiz or test, it is the student's responsibility to request to make up that quiz or test during office hours within 3 days. No quiz or test can be made-up during regular class time, planning period or lunch.


Safety is part of the curriculum in Technology Education. Students and parents will be required to sign a safety sheet, and students must pass all safety quizzes prior to the student entering the Laboratory. A complete safety packet will be sent home with the student during the safety portion of the curriculum.

Mr. DeVane - 2 - Drafting 1