

1st Aid

First Aid 2nd 6 Wks. Test

1.  Which Pillar of character represents the Golden Rule?

A.  Trustworthiness

B.  Character

C.  Respect

D.  Fairness

2.  When you agree to do something and follow through with it that is an example of ______.

A.  Responsibility

B.  Trustworthiness

C.  Respect

D.  Good time management

3.  Building a ramp for an elderly lady to roll her wheelchair is an example of ______.

A.  Responsibility

B.  Caring

C.  Respect

D.  Trustworthiness

4.  To hold someone in high regard is ______.

A.  Caring

B.  Fairness

C.  Responsibility

D.  Respect

5. Which muscles are involuntary?

A. Smooth

B. Skeletal

C. Cardiac

D. Both A & C

6. Which one is a closed soft tissue injury?

A.  Avulsion

B.  Laceration

C.  Abrasion

D.  Hematoma

7. Which one of these is not a sign or symptom of a soft tissue injury?

A. Abnormal Sensation

B. Inability to move area

C. Different Temperature

D. Headache

8.  What is the purpose of the pivot joint?

A.  To move 180 degrees

B.  To move 360 degrees

C.  To move like a door

D.  To glide

9. What position to you put a victim in if they had a neck injury?

A.  Supine

B.  Prone

C.  Anatomical

D.  Recumbent Position

10.  What position would you put a victim in if they had an arm injury?

  1. Supine
  2. Prone
  3. Anatomical
  4. Recumbent Position

11.  What is the main artery in the upper leg?

  1. Brachial
  2. Femoral
  3. Carotid
  4. Hemorrhage

12.  Which one is uncontrolled bleeding?

  1. Arterial bleeding
  2. Capillary bleeding
  3. Veinous bleeding
  4. Brachial bleeding

13. Which one is a closed soft tissue injury?

E.  Avulsion

F.  Laceration

G.  Abrasion

H.  Hematoma

14.  Which one is not a bone?

A. Long Bone

B. Spongy Bone

C. Bone Marrow

D. Irregular Bone

15. Which muscles are involuntary?

A. Smooth

B. Skeletal

C. Cardiac

D. Both A & C

16. Which injury is a soft tissue injury?

A. Fracture

B. Dislocation

C. Strain

D. Both A & C

17. Which one of these is not a sign or symptom of injury?

A. Abnormal Sensation

B. Inability to move area

C. Different Temperature

D. Headache

18. What is one of the first signs of shock?

A. Increased Pulse

B. Shallow breathing

C. Decreased Blood Pressure

D. Loss of bodily function

19. What is the type of splint that braces another body part?

A. Anatomic

B. Soft

C. Rigid

D. Soft & Rigid

20. What is a similarity between shock and heat exhaustion?

A. Higher Pulse

B. Cool body temperature

C. Loss of feeling in extremities

D. Loss of consciousness

21. What is a difference between shock and heat exhaustion?

A. Higher Pulse

B. Cool body temperature

C. Loss of feeling in extremities

D. Loss of consciousness

22. What are signs of heat stroke?

A. Temperature 106 degrees or higher

B. Altered mental state

C. Loss of bodily function

D. Both A & B

23. What can happen when frostbite is severe?

A. Loss of limb or body part

B. Loss of eyesight

C. Loss of bodily function

D. Loss of vital signs

24. What is a normal body temperature?

A. 98.6

B. 98.7

C. 98.9

D. 99

25. What are signs of heat exhaustion?

A. Cool Skin

B. Nausea

C. Headache

D. All of the above

26. How do you treat hypothermia?

A. Just like frostbite

B. Warm the body

C. Check vital signs

D. Both C & B

27. Which one of these conditions below need to be treated by cooling the body down to 102 degrees?

A. Hypothermia

B. Hyperthermia

C. Heat Exhaustion

D. Heat Stroke

30. How do you treat a victim who is undergoing shock?

A. Ensure ABC’s

B. Give nothing by mouth

C. Call 911

D. All of the above


31. _____ Heat exhaustion is more dangerous than heat stroke.

32. _____ Frostbite is worse than hypothermia.

33. _____ Heat cramps are considered a minor injury.

34. _____ You elevate legs during shock except when there is a hip injury.

35. _____ You ALWAYS lie a person on their back when they are being treated for a leg injury.

Label Skeleton:

Directions: Label the bones, and label these muscles: Gastrocnemius, Hamstring, Quadricep, Tricep, Bicep, Deltoid, Pectoral, Abdominals