Minutes of meeting held on Monday 7th December 2015

A meeting of Weston Parish Council was held on Monday 7th December in the Village Hall, Weston Hills commencing at 7.30 pm.

Present:-Cllrs. Casson, Pratt, Bellamy, Bunder, Jex and Smith

In attendance:-Cty. Cllr. Fairman


Cllr. Pennington (holiday)

16.83Public Forum

There were no members of the public in attendance,

16.84Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held 2nd November 2015

The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd November, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record.

16.85Matters arising not elsewhere on the agenda

The Clerk confirmed that the pot-hole on Marsh Road has been filled in and that Mr Allsopp had been written to in order to thank him for his service on the Parish Council.


a)Mr D Farnsworth – email of resignation from Parish Council. Noted.

b)Revd. M Chesher – notification of intention to seek closure of Weston St Mary’s Churchyard (dealt with under agenda item)

c)Lincolnshire Police – notification of the cessation of Community Panel Meetings (dealt with under agenda item)

d)LCC – Lincs. Minerals and Waste Local Plan – Draft Site Locations Document (Preferred Sites and Areas) – notification of sites where it is available to view.

e)LCC – notification of road closure – Delgate Bank (vicinity of Cobgate Farm) for essential works - February 2016. Noted.

f)Hollyoaks Landscaping – tender for grounds maintenance contract 2016(dealt with under agenda item)

g)T A Blackamore Ltd. - tender for grounds maintenance contract 2016(dealt with under agenda item)

h)PCSO Robinson – statistics for incidents reported during November (dealt with under agenda item)


NALC – Local Council Review, Winter 2015

16.87Police matters

PCSO Robinson had supplied the statistics regarding reported incidents during November as Anti-social behaviour – 2, criminal damage – 1, RTC – 3, theft 2, violence – 2 and burglaries – 0.

The information that the Community Panel Forums would cease at the end of the year was greeted with dismay and the Clerk was asked to write to Insp. Reeves and the Police and Crime Commissioner to express the Parish Council’s views.

16.88Interactive and passive speed signs

Cllr. Pratt informed that meeting that the most recent deployment of the SID on Broadgate, Weston Hills (vicinity of no. 345) had recorded 8300 vehicles travelling one way and 9700 the other with a maximum recorded speed of 85 mph. and the average speeds recorded of 30 and 33 mph.

16.89Highways matters

Discussion took place on the appalling state of the sides of the carriageway on West Cobgate (Delgate Bank crossroads to Moulton). The Clerk was asked to write to LCC Highways and request that the sides of the road are ‘white lined’ to improve drivers’ awareness of the true width of the carriageway.

The Clerk was also asked to follow up on the previously reported issues of the overgrown vegetation at the junction of High Road, Weston and the A151 and lack of visibility (due to overgrown vegetation) at the junction of Broadgate, Weston and Beggars Bush.

16.90Planning matters

Notification of application for consideration available via SHDC website:-

H22-1124-15 – proposed new field access – adj. 50 Moulton Chapel Road. It was agreed that, because of the nature of the plan, comment was difficult to make.

Notification of permission being granted received for:-

H22-0925-15 – change of use of livestock/hay store into dwelling – New England Farm, Delgate Bank, Weston Hills

H22-0851-15 – change of use of packhouse, general and cold storage buildings to 2 dwellings – adj. 50 Moulton Chapel Road

Regarding the application for 45 properties on Small Drove, Weston Cllr. Bunderspoke about the meeting that local residents wanted to hold with MP John Hayes, SHDC planning officers and representatives of the Drainage Board. It was confirmed that the owner of dyke adjacent the site had written to SHDC to confirm his refusal of permission for any discharge of water from the site into his dyke.

16.91Church matters

a) consideration of Revd. Chesher’s correspondence regarding Weston St Mary’s

Rev. Chesher had indicated that the Diocese would be starting the process of formally closing Weston St Mary’s Churchyard.

b) consideration of grass cutting tenders

After consideration of the two tenders received it was agreed to award the contract to the lowest tender which was from the current contractor.

c) other matters

Cllr. Pratt kindly undertook to read a lesson at the Christmas Carol Service

Discussion took place about the roof of the Lytchgate War Memorial and possible repairs that need to be carried out. The Clerk was asked to contact a carpenter to inspect the Lytchgate canopy.

16.92Weston and Weston Hills Playing Fields

a) report on equipment inspections by Cllr. Bellamy and the Clerk

Both Cllr. Bellamy and the Clerk had undertaken inspections at Weston Playing Field since the last meeting.

One urgent repair had been carried out to the skate board ramp. The toddler swing seats and handles for the springers needed to be replaced. Some attention was required to the tyre swing. It was agreed that the goal posts should be made stable rather than removed. It was agreed that the wood on the various pieces of equipment should be given a coat of preservative next year.

b) consideration of grass cutting tenders

After consideration of the two tenders received it was agreed to award the contract to the lowest tender which was from the current contractor.

16.93Update on purchase of a defibrillator for Weston Hills

The Clerk informed the meeting that the LIVES defib. is on order but the lead time is longer than normal as they are experiencing difficulties with the supplier of the cabinets.

An approach had been made to the landlord of the Bell Inn, Austendyke Road to ask if it would be possible to site the British Heart Foundation defib.there and he had agreed subject to a satisfactory agreement regarding the cost of the electrical supply.

16.94Financial Report to 30th November and payments to be made

The Financial Report to 30th November, having been circulated, was taken as read and its content noted.

The following payments were approved:-

Susan Wilson - Clerks salary/ expenses £ 483.94

Inland Revenue - PAYE£ 109.20

EIBE Ltd – playground spares£ 42.50 (incl. VAT)

Playdale Playgrounds - playground spares£ 137.26 (incl. VAT)

16.95Consideration of draft budget for 2016/17

Further consideration was made of the Draft Budget. Cllr. Pratt suggested that provision be made for the costs of repairing the damaged woodwork and the statue on the Lytchgate War Memorial.

The Clerk confirmed that the Precept does not have to be set until the January meeting.

16.96Consideration of possible cover required for Clerk at January meeting

Cllr. Pratt kindly undertook to take the minutes of the January meeting should the Clerk’s Jury Service mean that she is unable to be in attendance.

16.97Consideration of persons willing to be co-opted to the two vacant seats

It was suggested that Janet Prescott be approached with a view to co-option to the vacant seat on the Weston Hills ward.

16.98Any other business

Cllr. Pratt asked if fellow Cllrs. had heard any opinions expressed about the new head at Weston Hills Primary School. Cllr. Casson said that although he had not been able to attend recent School Governor meetings he had heard no poor reports about the new head.
