Math 91 Prealgebra 3 Credits

Course Description: This course reveals the fundamental operations of whole numbers, fractions and mixed numbers, decimals, percentages, measurement, and integers. It is intended to provide a review of basics needed in later math courses and on the job.

Objectives: The course will provide students with the fundamental concepts and thought processes that are most useful in preparation for work in algebra. Central to this preparation are: refreshers in the manipulation of fractions, decimals, and percents; problem-solving techniques; the metric system; and the systems of integers and rational numbers.

Textbook: Prealgebra, 3rd Edition, by Baratto, Bergman, and Hutchison, ISBN 978-0-073-40623-7

Recommended: Student Solutions Manual, ISBN 978-0-073-35787-4

Instructor: Jim Paxton

Office Hours: Before or after class or by appointment

Office Phone: (775) 513-1031


Learning Outcomes: The successful student will be able to –

perform the four basic operations on integers and extract roots*

simplify integer expressions using the order of operations*

make real life applications of negative numbers*

explain the meanings of the parts of a fraction*

build and reduce fractions*

simplify rational numbers*

perform operations rational numbers*

apply fractions to rate, proportion, and other problems*

explain the decimal notation**

perform operations on decimals**

explain the percent form and the conditions for its use**

convert between the forms – fraction, mixed number, decimal, percent**

solve proportions for an unknown, even if a fraction or decimal is involved**

make use of the exponent laws for integer exponents**

simplify expressions containing variables (combining like terms and the order of operations) ***

use the exponent laws to simplify monomials***

identify polynomials***

add, subtract, and multiply polynomials***

correctly employ basic terminology relating to points, lines (parallel, perpendicular), rays, and polygons (whether a polygon, name of shape)

correctly employ terminology relating to angle measurements (complementary, supplementary, vertical) ***

give appropriate uses of weights and measures in the English and SI (Metric) systems***

convert between units within the English system***

convert between units within the Metric system***

convert from English to Metric and vice-versa***

make applications of other course material at instructor’s option***

Measurements: The concepts listed above are measured as follows:

*Test 1 (and either Quiz 1 or Quiz 2)

**Test 2 (and either Quiz 3 or Quiz 4)

***Test 3 (and Quiz 5)

The final exam is a mandatory, cumulative test of all material covered in the course.

Makeup Policy: No make-ups will be allowed except under extreme circumstances. Being out of town (except due to personal or family illness) is not excusable. Being absent due to a job is not excusable. Being absent due to a lack of childcare is not excusable. Essentially, excusable circumstances involve personal or family illness and must be accompanied by a doctor’s note. Circumstances will be judged on a case-by-case basis. Usually, make-up tests are more difficult than the original exams.

Academic Integrity: The NSHE code (Board of Regent Handbook 6.2.2q) expressly forbids all acts of academic dishonesty, including but not limited to “cheating, plagiarism, falsifying research data or results, or assisting others to do the same.” In more detail, these acts include, but are not limited to the following: giving/receiving unauthorized assistance during quizzes or tests, using study aids (textbooks, notes) during quizzes/tests, and failing to adhere to test-taking instructions (e.g. talking). Students who are accused of academic dishonesty will first be reviewed by the instructor. If the instructor judges that academic dishonesty has occurred, the matter will be submitted to GBC’s Academic Officers. Students guilty of academic dishonesty will receive an “F” grade for the course. If the dishonesty was not isolated (occurred more than once and/or involved others), then the instructor will recommend a one-year period of academic probation.

ADA Statement: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Office (Julie Byrnes) in Elko at 775-753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Attendance and Homework: Attending class regularly and completing the practice problems are essential components of your math education, therefore they will be components of your grade. Attendance will count as 5% of your semester grade and homework in the form of chapter worksheets will count for 10%. Also, the listed practice problems can help raise your test grades by up to 10%.

Final Exam: In order to assure student competency, the final exam at the conclusion of the course is a mandatory, cumulative test.

Grading Policy/Course Requirements: Grades will be calculated using these percentages:

Attendance (5%): 0.5% will be deducted from your grade for each absence after the first one, up to a maximum 5% deduction.

End of Chapter worksheets (10%) – These worksheets will be assigned at the end of each chapter and will be due one week later.

Practice Problems (Up to 10% added to test scores): Please do the listed practice problems and turn them in the day of each test. Problems that are clearly labeled, in order, and complete may add up to 10% to your test grade on that material. Test scores will NOT be curved in any way, so this is your chance to improve your test scores.

Quizzes (20%) There will be 5 quizzes this semester and I will drop the lowest quiz score. The remaining 4 quizzes will be averaged and count as 20% of your grade.

Tests (40%): There will be three tests this semester and all of these grades will be counted. Your average on the three tests will be 40% of your grade.

Final (25%): The final will be cumulative and will count as 25% of your semester grade.

GRADE DISTRIBUTION: 90-100 A 80-89 B70-79 C 60-69 D Below 60 F

Schedule of Events Math 91 Fall 2012

Day / Date / Sections Covered / Practice problems / Notes of Interest
T 8/28 / 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 / P 113 1-30
H 8/30 / 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 / P 113 31-62
T 9/4 / 1.9 Ch1 Review / P 116 63-72 / Ch 1 Worksheet distributed
H 9/6 / 2.1 – 2.5 / P 206 1-52 / End of material on Quiz 1
T 9/11 / 2.6 2.7 / P 206 53-75 / Ch 1 Worksheet due
H 9/13 / 2.8 / Quiz 1 / P 207 77-90 / Quiz 1
T 9/18 / 2.9 2.10 / P 208 91-105 / Ch 2 Worksheet distributed /
End of material on Test1
H 9/20 / Test 1 Review/
Ch 3 Preview / Self Test Ch 1 & 2 Pgs. 117 , 209
T 9/25 / Test 1 / Test 1 / Ch 2 Worksheet due
H 9/27 / 3.1 3.2 3.3 / P 285 1-30
T 10/2 / 3.4 3.5 3.6 / P 260 23-36
P 286 31-53 / End of Material on Quiz 2/
Ch 3 Worksheet distributed
H 10/4 / 4.1 4.2 / P 381 1-50
T 10/9 / 4.3 4.4 / Quiz 2 / P 383 51-71 / Quiz 2 / Ch 3 Worksheet due
H10/11 / 4.5 4.6 / P 36713-29 odd
P 384 72-81 / End of material on Quiz 3/
Ch 4 Worksheet distributed
T 10/16 / 5.1 5.2 5.3 / P 487 1-29
H 10/18 / 5.4 5.5 / Quiz 3 / P 488 30-48 / Quiz 3 / Ch 4 Worksheet due
T 10/23 / 5.6 5.7 5.8 / P 489 49-74 / End of material on Test 2/
Ch 5 Worksheet distributed
H 10/25 / 6.1 /Test 2 Review / Self Test 3,4,5
Pgs. 287, 385, 491
T 10/30 / Test 2 / P 563 1-24 / Test 2 / Ch 5 Worksheet due
H 11/1 / 6.2 6.3 / P 564 25-52
T 11/6 / 6.4 6.5 / P 565 53-82 / Ch 6 Worksheet distributed
H 11/8 / 7.1 7.2 / P 625 1-31
T 11/13 / 7.3 7.4 7.5 / P 626 32-55 / End of Quiz 4 material/
Ch 6 Worksheet due
H 11/15 / 8.1 8.2 / P 681 1-16
T 11/20 / 8.3 / Quiz 4 / P 682 17-26 / Quiz 4/ Ch 7/8 Worksheet distributed/ End of Test 3 material
H 11/22 / THANKSGIVING DAY / No Class today / I recommend counting your blessings
T 11/27 / 9.1 / Rev. for Test3 / Self Tests 6,7,8
P. 567, 629, 683
H 11/29 / Test 3 / P 769 1-15 / Test 3 / Ch 7/8 worksheet due
T 12/4 / 9.2 9.3 9.4 10.1 / P 771 22-58 / End of Quiz 5 material
H 12/6 / 10.2 – 10.5 / Quiz 5 / P 827 1-71 odd / Quiz 5
T 12/11 / Review for final / Practice Final P. 831 1-83

H 12/13 Final exam No more problems Yippee!