Section XXX


Terms of Reference


In accordance with the Articles of Government, the following Committee shall be established with the membership, terms of reference and modus operandi as set out below and be subject to the general provisions of University Byelaws, Definitions, Policies, Procedures and Guidance.

1. Purpose

The purpose of the Search Committee is to advise the Nominations Committee and/or the Board of Governors on the appointment of Officers of the University including the Chancellor, the Pro Chancellor, the Vice Chancellor and potentially other senior post holders and give advice relating to their appointment to office.

2. Composition and Membership

2.1 Ex Officio Members

Chancellor or Pro Chancellor+

Vice Chancellor *

(for appointments of the post of Vice Chancellor, an ex officio serving or past Vice Chancellor from another University would join the Search Committee)

2.2 Governor Members

Chair of the Board of Governors *

Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors *

Chair of Nominations Committee (if not already a member)*

The Student Governor *

One other governor or member of the Nominations Committee */+

2.3 External Members

At least one member of the Court of the University of Northampton, normally chosen from those serving on the Nominations Committee.+

2.4 In attendance - by invitation

The Chair of the Board may invite external advisers as appropriate to attend the Search Committee, through the Clerk’s Office.

2.5 In Attendance - clerking

Clerk to Board of Governors

Assistant Clerk to Board of Governors

3. Quorum

The quorum of the Committee shall be five of the eight members of the Committee provided that there are two independent or co-opted governor members among those five who are present.

4. Terms of Reference

4.1 To seek suitable individuals for appointment as

·  The Chancellor

·  The Vice Chancellor

·  The Pro Chancellor

·  Other Honorary University Officers

·  Other senior post holders or other appointments as required by the Board of Governors.

4.2 To establish how such vacancies should be publicized and the use of headhunting or other external advice.

4.3 To undertake public search and general enquiry, including via members of the Board, the Senate and their Committees, the Court, the staff and students of the University to establish potential candidates.

4.4 To consider the views of the current Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Pro Chancellor and other University Officers and Senior Post Holders at the different stages of the process.

4.4 To consider applications and nominations, with consultation as appropriate, to interview likely candidates and to identify a person to be recommended to

a person to be recommended to the Senate and the Nominations Committee, and if approved to be recommended to the Board of Governors for the appointment as appropriate.

4.6 To make recommendations in connection with renewal of appointment for further terms of office where permitted, following the expiry of a term of office.

5. Powers and Authorities

There are no delegated powers.

6. Chairing

The Chair of the Search Committee is the Chair Board of Governors or in his/her absence, the Deputy Chair of the Board of Governors.

7. Frequency of Meetings

Meetings are held be as required and in light of appointment timetables initiated by the Board. The confirmation of the names of those composing the Search Committee shall take place at the start of a recruitment process.

8. Reporting and Clerking

8.1 The report on the work of the Search Committee meeting when it is ready to make an appointment recommendation is provided to the Board of Governors with confidential material lodged in separate confidential minutes as necessary. Notes of earlier meetings and materials used remain confidential.

8.2 The Clerk to the Board of Governors is the Clerk to the Search Committee, supported by the Assistant Clerk and/or the Director of Human Relations. The Director of Human Relations acts as Clerk to the Committee in the Clerk’s absence or where an appointment is for the Clerk of the Board.

9. Mode of Operation

9.1 The Search Committee is largely drawn from members of the Nominations Committee (see*) or Court (see+) with the option of additional or alternative members.

9.2 The Search Committee operates in the style of a Task and Finish Group with the completion of its work being the approval by the Board of Governors of the recommendation it has made and the appointment of the person concerned.

9.3 The Chair of the Board of Governors issues the letter of appointment once the person proposed has been approved by the Board. The Chair of the Board of Governors and the Vice Chancellor, with the support of the Clerk, are responsible for the induction and support of the Chancellor and the Pro Chancellor. The Chair of the Board of Governors and the Chancellor and Pro Chancellor, with the support of the Clerk, are responsible for the induction and support of the Vice Chancellor. The Chair of the Board and the Vice Chancellor is responsible for the induction of the senior post holders including the Clerk.

10. Approved/Reviewed

Version Control / Approval record
Author: / Clerk to Board of Governors / Approval: / Board Jan 2014 First Issue V1 Template
Date written: / Autumn 2013/Spring 2014 / First meeting: / May 2014
Current status: / Approved as template Jan 2014 1st Issue / Updates: / Chair’s update August 2014 V2