Central Michigan University

College of Education and Human Services

Professional Education Selection, Admission, and Retention Committee (PESAR)

Final Minutes

April 5, 2016, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.

EHS Building, Room 427

Present: (9) Micalah Brennan, Student Representative; Tamara Jetton, TEPD; Scott Roberts, Chair; Tibor Marcinek, MTH; Meaghan McCollow, Chair-Elect; Elizabeth Kirby, PEU; Emily Seward Student Representative; Kevin Park, CHSBS; Meghan Block, ENG;

Absent: (3) Erica Patera, PK-12; Suzanne Shellady CSE; Shannon Ebner-Buning, CSS;

Guest: (1) Tamil Periyaswamy, OPR;

Vacant: (3)

I.  Call to Order

Chair, Scott Roberts, called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.

I.  Approval of Minutes:

February 16, 2016 Meeting Minutes were approved

March 1, 2016 Meeting Minutes were approved

II.  Chair Announcements:

A.  Scott Roberts, chair, is going to continue to work with the researchers from Stanford and provide the information for the PESAR committee next year.

III.  Items of Old Business: (none)

IV.  Items of New Business:

A.  Implementation of Student Support for ACT (Tammy Hullender)

Dr. Tammy Hullender presented information on her experiences in working with students who are unable to pass the PRE or ACT. The students have been encouraged to take the ACT rather than the PRE, as there are many more resources available to help them prepare for the ACT. She has started weekly sessions with students to assist them in studying. In these sessions with students she answers any questions they may have and provides prompts to assist them in the writing portion of the test. Tammy explained, in her endeavors to reach out to students that she has had difficulty getting a response. She sought out 21 students and ten have showed up. In working with the students she begins with giving them an assessment to find problematic areas to focus on. She refers students to the math center at CMU to gain more assistance in passing that portion of the test. There have been 22 students who have indicated they will be attending upcoming sessions with her, in preparation for the June 11, 2016 ACT. Tammy will continue to reach out to students and faculty members to inform them of these test prep sessions she is having.

B.  Amendment of PESAR Charge

Meaghan McCollow made a motion to change the name from the College of Science and Technology to the College of Science and Engineering in the PESAR charge. Tibor Marcinek seconded that motion. All members were in favor. MOTION CARRIED.

C.  PESAR Committee 2016-2017

The PESAR Committee will be asked to examine the charge much more in-depth in the fall of the 2016-2017 school year, and align it more with the CAEP standards.

D.  Nominating Chair Elect for 2016-2017

There will be a nomination and vote for chair-elect at the April 19, 2016 meeting.

V.  Other Discussion: (none)

VI.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 p.m.

Next meeting- The next meeting is Tuesday, April 19, 2016.

Sarah K. Hansen 4/06/2016

Sarah K. Hansen