In addition to answering the questions below, please submit a copy of your CV.
1. Name:
2. Major:
3. Minor:
4. Name of faculty mentor:
5. Name of peer mentor:
6. Semester and year you first enrolled in the SLAT Program:
7. Where, when, and in what field did you complete your Master’s degree?
Degreegranting institution: Date:
Major: Minor:
8. List courses and grades you completed during the past year that will count toward program requirements:
Core Courses / Courses for Specialization / Courses for Minor9. Date and results of Qualifying Examination (if you took the sit-down exam)
If you took the Qualifying Exercise (those who entered in 2003), then list the results:
10.If you have passed your Comprehensive Examination, provide the date of the oral exam and names of committee members. The following chart is for a five person committee. If you have a four person committee, then adjust the numbers to fit the composition of your committee.
If you have not taken your Comprehensive Examination, when do you plan to take it?
Have you identified the four or five faculty members who will serve as your committee?
Five person committee: 3 for the Major, 2 for the Minor
Major: Minor:
Four person committee: 2 for the Major, 1 for the Minor and 1 to represent either the Major or the Minor (please indicate which)
Major: Minor:
12.What second language are you using for the foreign language requirement?
How and when did you satisfy the proficiency requirement?
Manner of completion: Date:
If not, when will it be satisfied?
13.If you have passed your Comprehensive Examination, describe the progress you have made in the past year on your doctoral dissertation.
Subject of your dissertation.
Tentative title of dissertation.
Committee members names (remember that you need at least 3 members of your dissertation committee):
Have you given your director a dissertation proposal and work plan?
Have you done the Dissertation Proposal Defense? If so, what date? And what was the result (did you pass?).
If you passed the Dissertation Proposal Defense, is there a signed copy of the proposal and work plan on file in the SLAT Office?
When do you expect to complete the dissertation (month and year)?
14. If you held a GAT or RA position this past year, please give us information about it. You may also put here or below your evaluation of that experience. We are particularly interested in how it has (or has not) contributed to your professional development this year.
The following questions (14-18) can be answered by including them on your vita (CV) and just putting as an answer: see the CV.
14. List any papers presented at local, regional, national, and international meetings during the past year.
15.Provide references to any work you have published or submitted for publication in the past year
16.List awards, scholarships, fellowships, and other forms of recognition you received in the past year.
17.List any departmental or SLAT committees that you served on this year, as well as any other professional service.
18.List any memberships in professional organizations (e.g., AAAL, TESOL)
The following questions can be answered by putting the answer right after the question or at the end of the questionnaire (especially if the answer is a long one, or if you want to combine your answers to the three questions)
20. Please add any other information we should have in order to assess accurately your professional development in the SLAT Ph.D. Program.
21. Please tell us about any notable events, conditions, or problems that you have experienced this year in the program that have affected your progress positively or negatively. We welcome the opportunity to reinforce the positive or correct the negative. If you have suggestions for anything that would improve the program, please give these to us as well.
22. What goals have you set for your next year in the program? Please be brief, specific, and realistic. [You will also have an opportunity to give information about your financial needs when you receive the questionnaire about what type of financial aid you would like to have next year. That questionnaire will be sent out in February.]