Author Names


The 10th International Conference on Industrial Management, School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China.

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The 11th International Conference on Industrial Management, Tokyo, August 29 - 31, 2012

Author Names


It should be noted that YOUR PAPER for the Proceedings would be reproduced directly from the pages that you submit. Please follow these format directions carefully. Papers should be prepared in conformity with this instruction sheet. They should be sized as this page. You should use standard A4 paper size for your submission. The main content should be in ten-point type and the Times New Roman font. Please refer to the sample document. The submission should be done via email . You should limit your paper to no more than 8 pages.

Format Instructions

Header and Footer

Each page should include a header and footer. Top margin for the Header, and the bottom margin for the footer should be one centimeter. The header is the name(s) of the author(s). The footer should be ‘The 12th International Conference on Industrial Management, Chengdu, September 3 - 5, 2014.’ Both the header and the footer should be in Italic 10-point font. Please use this page as the reference.


The top, and bottom margins for the text should be set at 2.54 centimeters. Those for left, and right are 2.54 centimeters.


The title of your paper should be in bold face, all caps, single-spaced, and centered across the top of both columns of the first page at the font size of 14.


The name of author(s), and affiliation(s) should be centered with initial caps. Try not to use titles such as Dr., Professor, etc.


All headings should be in bold face. First-level headings should be centered at the font size of 12. Second-level subheadings should be set flush left with initial caps at font size of 10. Please do not use headings other than these two types. At least a one-line space should separate these headings from the preceding text.


Introduce the paper with an abstract of approximately 100 words. The centered heading “Abstract” should be set above the single-spaced abstract text. The abstract text begins with four characters retracted. The abstract should properly describe the findings or arguments presented in the paper.


Follow the abstract with a first-level heading that introduces the body of the paper. All paragraphs should begin flush left and right justified. Single-space the body of the paper.

Figures and Tables

Figures and tables should be placed as close as possible to where they are cited. First-level headings state the table or figure number and may be followed by second-level subheadings.

Calling References

Bracketed numbers, i.e. [1], [2] should be used in the body of the text to call references. If more than one reference is to be called at once, the following format should be used: [4] [6] [11].


The use of footnotes is discouraged.


All equations should be placed on separate lines and numbered consecutively, with the equation numbers placed within parentheses and aligned against the right margin.

Ri = f(Xi) (1)


The appendix should immediately follow the body of the paper and precede the references. If there is more than one appendix, number each consecutively.


If you have a bibliography, it should include only those references cited in the text of this paper. Therefore, it should be referred to as “References”. References should be listed at the end of the paper. Entries should be numbered in the order of appearance and should be with the numbers placed in brackets.

[1]  Gunther, O. and Spiekermann, S. RFID and the perception of control: the consumer’s view, Communications of the ACM, 48(9), 2005, pp.73-76.

[2]  McGinity, M., RFID:is this game of tag fair play? Communications of the ACM, 47(1),2004, p pp.15-18.

The 11th International Conference on Industrial Management, Tokyo, August 29 - 31, 2012