Innogen Scholarship Application for MSc in Management of Bioeconomy,
Innovation and Governance 2017-2018
Please complete and return this form by email to no later than 30th June 2017.
Personal Details:
Name:University User Number (UUN):
E-mail address:
For 2017/2018 we have 1 fully funded Scholarship (at Home/EU fee rate) and 4 partial scholarships (each valued at £5000), which will be used to reduce the fees of successful applicants. The full scholarship will be provided to the most outstanding applicant.
Have you submitted an application for MSc in Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Note: If you answered “No” to above question, please submit an online application before continuing with this form. The application form can be found here:
Funding and Financial Circumstances
Have you applied for any other funding to cover the costs of this course? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If yes, please list your other applications and indicate the status of each application (e.g. pending, unsuccessful, etc.).
While decisions on scholarships are based primarily on academic merit, applicants’ financial circumstances may be taken into account. If you have any personal and/or financial circumstances which might affect your ability to start or continue your course, please provide details.
Personal Statement
Please explain how receiving this scholarship would make a difference to your life and what you feel you could contribute to the MSc BIG programme
Applicant’s Declaration
I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Applicant Name:Applicant Signature:
The University of Edinburgh holds information about everyone who applies for a scholarship award from the University. We use the information you provide on your scholarship application form together with the information you give on your University application form to administer and assess your application for a scholarship and to select successful applicants.
If you have any queries regarding the University’s use of your information please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer (e-mail: )