Nottingham University Business School Malaysia Campus

Minutes of the Undergraduate Staff Student Consultative Committee (SSCC) meeting held on Friday 8 November 2002


Lena N. Devold Dr Thomas F. Towey

Sharifah Syed Tahir Ms Chuah Swee Hoon

Lum Joy Deng Ms Rosniwati M. Nasir

Tung Lae Hing Ms Hung Woan-Ting

Ms Rita Hwang

Dr Bala Ramasamy

Professor David Morris - Director

Dr Robert Hoffmann - Deputy Director

Mr Lee Chew Ging – Director of UG Programmes

  1. Appointment of Chair and Secretary

A Chair and secretary was appointed from the students.

  1. Year One Issues
  2. Contradicting information given to students regarding the student exchange to UK.

The issue of students being given contradicting information before application and after joining the university on the choice of going to UK either in the second or third year, or for two years, was brought up. Students were given the information before sending the application to the university that students have a choice of going to UK either on the second or third year. But different information was given as when students started their classes. Students were concerned that if they go to UK for second year and come back for third year, students might have to transfer to the Semenyih Campus which most students were not aware of when they applied to the university. The Semenyih Campus might be too far and inconvenient for most local student. Lee Chew Ging responded that the contradicting information was due to a transitional problem when the University of Nottingham changed its earlier policy. It is due to space constraint in Nottingham that they have to change the policy. He also added that UNiM immediately changed the information in its web pages upon notification. He also confirmed that students were only informed that they could go for two semesters only. It was agreed upon that this issue will be open for discussion, only if the students stating why going in the third year was important. Students, who have been given contradicting information, their councillors, and the number of students interested in going to the UK should be identified.

2.2Computers in Business Lecturer – Ms Rosniwati

Concern was expressed over lecture classes being too technical and not contributing to the case study. It was also felt that the case study should be based in Malaysia for easier access to material. Ms Rosniwati responded that the lectures are only guidance for the case study and that technicality is normal when dealing with computers. She also agreed that the case study should be based in Malaysia and that the issue will be raised with the University of Nottingham.

2.3Toilets – Unsatisfactory

The issue of toilets being in bad condition was brought up. Most toilets, especially the one next to the library, were not functioning and have water leakages. Students also requested hooks for each door for their bags and to discourage theft. Staff agreed that the toilets were unsatisfactory. Robert Hoffmann said the issue would be raised with MISC, as they hire maintenance. The matter of installing hooks will also be looked into.

  1. Year Two Issues
  2. Classroom Tidiness

Dissatisfaction of students about current classroom tidiness was expressed. Much rubbish was left on tables unattended to for long periods of time. Dr Bala responded that the students were also responsible for the rubbish and that maintenance was only in charge of removing rubbish in the bins. It was also agreed upon that more rubbish bins should be provided.

3.2Registration Day – Notice on payment of tuition fees

Students feel that there should have been prior notice of at least two weeks, preferably by mail to all students about the issue of tuition fee payment upon registration. Apology was received for the inconvenience caused. David Morris assured that the matter would not happen again and they will bring upon this issue to the Central Administration.

3.3LAN subjects – Take too much time

It was reported that students who take two LAN subjects feel they are too time consuming as one LAN subject occupies three hours a week. It was hoped that the subjects could be separately taken in two semesters. Lee Chew Ging responded that according to regulations of the Malaysian government, LAN teaching hours cannot be reduced. However, separation of teaching hours will be looked into.

3.4Temperature – Extremely cold

Cold temperatures in classrooms were noted. Robert Hoffman responded, however, that nothing could be done, as air conditioning was centralized. Raising temperature in one classroom would mean another would be too hot.

3.5Library hours and school bus timing

Students who take the 10.00 pm bus have no access to the library after 8.00 pm. The students suggest that library hours be extended to 9.30 pm as those who do not have computers at their own accommodation need to work in UNiM and that male librarians be hired for the late shift. Also, all classrooms are locked. Lee Chew Ging responded that the classrooms have been locked due to recent hardware thefts. However, extension of library hours and the hiring of male librarians will be suggested to the library.

3.6Evaluation Forms – Have they been considered?

Students would like to know what happened to the evaluation forms and whether they have been considered. Robert Hoffmann responded that the forms are sent to David Morris. For bad evaluations, David Morris would talk to the staff member concerned and ask for improved performance.

3.7Reading Week – Should be standardized

Students have commented that the reading week was not useful, as they still had to attend certain classes. This was also an inconvenience and they wanted a whole week off for reading week. The consensus among staff was that reading week should be standardized. Lee Chew Ging stated that Central Administration’s notification of reading week came too late and that not all staff could adjust their schedules in time. He assured that the problem would be rectified next semester.

3.8Lecturers Going Abroad

Concern was expressed over the issue of the number of lecturers going abroad for long periods of time, causing disrupted classes and changes in schedule. Robert Hoffman responded that the issue should be discussed only after the staff members involved are identified.

  1. Common Issues
  2. Lockers and Stealing

Students feel that the current numbers of lockers are insufficient. They suggest more lockers be issued, as this in can reduce theft and their heavy book load. Students also suggested that the library lockers should be placed inside the library to avoid thefts. Robert Hoffmann responded that lockers are incredibly expensive and since the university would be moving, more lockers will not be added. However, moving the library lockers into the library will be considered.

4.2Computers – Insufficient although there is capacity

Concern was expressed over the problem of finding a computer available for use. It was suggested that the computers in Room 1.15 be utilized when not used for lab classes. The students also recommended that one computer assistant be available in the room during those hours. Ms. Rosniwati responded that a portion of the computers in Room 1.15 was open to students when not used for lab sessions and that there was a student lab assistant there. A notification will be sent through e-mail to the students on the issue.

4.3Library – Insufficient materials and resources

Students in year one have complained of insufficient common law books while students in year two have complained about insufficient company law books. It was also suggested that the short loan period be extended to more than 24 hours. Dr Thomas Towey responded that the books have already been ordered, but will take two to three months to arrive. The order would be traced. Lee Chew Ging added that the core text would be put on short loan and that more staff be included in book shopping. Staff also agreed that the short loan period was appropriate because other libraries have even shorter loan periods.

4.4Issuance of ID’s

Dissatisfaction of students who have not been issued IDs and have been constantly questioned by guards was expressed. It was suggested that last semester’s ID be used. Staff apologized for the issue. The issuance of ID’s will be chased and the old IDs shall be made valid with the guards.

4.5Financial Accounting & Financial Management Lecturer – Ms Hung

Year One: Concern was expressed over the many problems students have coping with the subject. The main problem was difficulties in understanding the module, as it is communicated too fast due to too much material being covered in one lecture. Students also feel they are assumed to know certain things, especially those without accounting background. Difficulties in tutorials were also reported as attributed to lack of practical examples of workings and formats by the lecturer. It was suggested that students be given clearer directions on where to emphasize in the module.

Year Two: Year twostudents also have similar problems with those of year one. They suggest a workshop whereby exam standard questions are discussed be conducted. It was reported that lectures were too theory based, unlike tutorials that are basically practical questions.

Ms Hung responded that the workshops were created to help in the tutorials and directions of what to read were already given in the notes. Ms Hung agreed that the lectures were indeed rushed due to the compact materials given. But this is because she has to follow exactly the module of the University of Nottingham. Ms Hung also responded that students should not expect lectures to help them in all tutorials. The consensus among staff was that the solution was to reduce material being covered or to increase work hours. Ms Hung also stated that the module is exactly the same as that of the University of Nottingham’s and changes in content would need to be approved by them. Lee Chew Ging agreed that the module is taxing to new students and that students in UK are facing similar problems. However, there cannot be just discussion of exam questions as it is about knowledge and learning, not exams. Students concerns over the module would be raised with the University of Nottingham.

4.5 Cafeteria – Increased quality, lower prices and more variety

Concern was expressed over the lack of variety of food in the cafeteria. The quality of food was also not compatible with the prices charged. It was suggested that fruits be sold. David Morris responded the school had no power to deal with the cafeteria. He recommended that the issue be brought with the Student’s Association.


The minutes of the meeting held on 1 May 2002 were considered.

6. Any Other Business

The Committee noted its thanks and appreciation to all Student Representatives for their contributions.

7. Date of Next Meeting

To be confirmed.