320 W. Springdale Road, Rock Hill, SC 29730

803-981-1300 Telephone 803-981-1343 Fax

Judith B. Mobley, Principal

August, 2010

Dear Students and Parents:

We welcome you all to Rock Hill High School for 2010-2011! Whether you are entering the Bearcat Family for the first time as a Freshman Academy student or you are a returning Bearcat, we are glad you are here and hope you will make the most of the educational and extra-curricular activities available to you this year.

Teaching and learning are the first priority every day. Students are expected to participate in all planned class activities and complete homework assignments that reinforce the learning and prepare them for the next class. Teachers post homework on the Assign-A-Day link on our school webpage so that students and parents can check for homework assignments daily. Tutoring is offered beginning the second week of school on Wednesday afternoons for freshmen and each morning at 7:20 (except Tuesday) for upperclassmen. Students should attend the tutoring as soon as they begin to struggle and should not wait until the end of a course.

Attendance is also a priority since students miss valuable course content when they are absent. Students who miss more than 6 days in a 90-day course, regardless of the reason for absences, will fail the course due to absences unless they attend make-up school. Avoid attendance issues by coming to school every day and by coming on time.

Student involvement in extracurricular activities is another way to be successful in high school. Rock Hill High School offers many clubs and service organizations, art programs, ROTC, and over 30 competitive sports teams. Since research shows that students who become involved in school activities are more likely to be successful, we urge all students to get involved in activities outside class.

Communication between school and home is also vital to students’ success. We will communicate with progress reports, report cards, newsletters, phone calls, and e-mail and ask that you also keep in touch with us about your students. The school website is an excellent resource for information and provides links to teachers’ e-mail addresses. If your contact with us is not returned within 24 hours, please contact us again to be sure we have received the message. We want to work together with students and parents to provide the best education possible, and we need to communicate effectively to meet that goal.

We will provide excellent instruction that engages students in learning and prepares them for the world beyond high school. We ask students to give their best and parents to join with us in helping students reach their fullest potential this year.

Sincerely yours,

Judith B. Mobley



General Information

Administration & Staff Directory 8

Alma Mater 9

Attendance Guidelines 16

Automated Phone Message System 14

Bearcat Creed 9

Bell Schedule 6

Bus Information 22

Care of School Buildings and Grounds 16

Class Rings 12

College Visit 18

Complaints and Grievances (JCE) 16

Parent Notification System Automated Phone Message System 15

Parent Notification of Handbook 5

Core Beliefs 10

Dress Code 52-53

Driving Rules and Regulations 21-22

Elevators 13

Equal Education Rights and Privacy Act 63

Family Education Rights and Privacy Act 63-64

Fees 11

Health Room 13

Homebound Instruction 20

Identification Cards 11

Junior-Senior Prom 12

Lockers 12

Lost and Found 12

Lunch Periods 15

Make-Up School 16-17

Make-Up Work 20

Media Center 15

Messages 14

Mission Statement 9

Package Deliveries 16

Photos & Release of Student Information 35

Parking 20-21

Public Address System 14

Salesmen 16

School Calendar 5

School Seal 10

Senior Privileges 12

Signing Out Early 19

Student Code 9

Student Lunches 15

Student Medicines at School 13

Tardies 20

Telephones 14

Textbooks 22-23

Trips 15

Valentine Deliveries 16

Visitors 14

Counselors and Curriculum Information

Academic Honesty Policy ……..48

Adviser/Advisee Mentoring Program 24

Advanced Placement Courses 25

Certificates 30

College Preparatory 24

College Prep Requirements 27

Course Selection and Individual Graduation Plans 24

Counselors 23

Diploma/Graduation, Promotion Requirements, GPA Determination 26

Dual Credits 25

Exam Policy 34

Gifted and Talented 25

Gold Seal Diploma Requirements 28

Grading and Reporting 31

Graduating Juniors 24

Graduation 30

Guidance and Counseling Services 23

Honor Graduates 29

Honors Courses 25

International Baccalaureate 25

Procedures To See Your Counselor 24

Promotion Policy 29

Release of Student Information to Military 35

Scholarships/Financial Aid 31

Semester Exam Policy 34

South Carolina 4 Year Preparatory Course Prerequisite Requirements 27

Tech Preparatory 24

Testing Information 34-35

Transfers/Withdrawals 24

Uniform Grading Policy 33

Disciplinary Information

Alcohol/Drugs 54

Assertive Discipline 47

Before and After School Waiting areas 47

CD Players, Tape Players, Radios, Electronic Games, etc. 53

Cell Phone and Paging Devices 53

Computer and Internet Use 49-50

Cutting 48

Detentions 46

Discipline for Extracurricular Activities 55

Discipline Offenses and Consequences 39

Drug Dog 54

Entering and Leaving Classrooms 47

Exclusions 47

In-School Suspension Program (ISS) 46

Leaving Class for Other Areas of the School 47

Leaving School Grounds 48

Off-Limits Areas 48

Out Of School Suspension (OSS) 47

Parent’s Role 37

Photographs and Work Samples on the Webpage 41

Principal’s Role 38

Public Display of Affection 49

RHHS Crime Stoppers Reward Program 55

School Dress 52-53

School Service Project (Work Detail) 44

School Lab Safety 51

Search and Seizure 54

Smoking 54

Student Code of Conduct 36

Student Rights and Responsibilities 36

Student Safety Contract 51

Weapons 54

Student Activities

Value of Activities 56

Holding An Office 56

Academic Organizations


Beta Club 57

Garnet, Black and Gold Honor Cards 56

History Club 56

Junior Marshals 56

Kitty Hawk Air Society 57

National Honor Society 57

Service Clubs

Environmental Club 58


Fellowship of Christian Athletes 58

International Club 58

Junior Civitan Club 58

Library Club 58

Peer Mediation 59

R.E.A.L. Link Program 59

Red Cross Club 59

Student Ambassadors 58

Student Council 59

Thespian Troupe # 4246 59


Garnet, Black and Gold 59

Springfire 60

The Bearcat 59


Athletic Trainers and Managers 60

Baseball 60

Basketball 61

Cheerleaders 61

Cross Country 61

Eligibility Requirements 60

Football 61

Golf 61

Soccer 61

Softball 61

Sportsmanship 62

Sunday Practices 62

Swim Team 61

Tennis 61

Track 61

Volleyball 62

Wrestling 62

Inclement Weather and Emergency Plans

Emergency Evacuation 62-63

Emergency Plan 61

FERPA 63-64

Inclement Weather/School Closing or Delayed School Opening 7

School Lockdown 63





When schools must be closed, or open on delay, announcements will be made by local radio stations by 6:30 a.m. Students are asked not to call the stations or the school. We will also utilize our Parent Notification System to notify parents of any school delays, openings or closing. This is a computerized phone system that will call all our parents/guardians with important information.

If schools open and then must close, announcements will be made by local news media. When possible, lunch will be served before schools are closed. Parents are encouraged to have a plan for their children as to where they should go in the event school closes early. Young children, in particular, should know who will pick them up or where they should go in case parents have not heard about the early closing.

In all 2 hour delayed openings, students shall report directly to 2nd period at the 10:20 warning bell followed by the 10:30 tardy bell. If the delayed opening is later than 10 a.m., the morning session for ATC students will not be held.


The following procedures will be observed in the event it becomes necessary to close schools early due to inclement weather or for other reasons.

·  Required closing of all schools.

·  The Superintendent or designee notifies principals, staff, media, and parents via our Parent Notification System.

·  If for some reason a call notification is not received, please check the school district website or tune to AM 1340 or FM 107.1. These radio stations, as well as the Charlotte television stations begin broadcasting delays around 6 a.m.

·  District policy states that “if school is delayed, teachers are expected to arrive at the normal time…or when conditions allow.”

·  If classes are delayed two consecutive days for two (2) hours, we will omit 1st block on the first day and omit 2nd block on the second day…etc.



9:00 Buses for the Applied Technology Center leave RHHS

9:20 Warning Bell

10:43-11:43 Second Block

Regular Bell Schedule remainder of the day.

TWO HOUR DELAY: Staff report at regular time or as conditions permit.

***10:20 Warning Bell—Students who normally go to ATC 1st block report to auditorium.

10:30-11:43 Second Block

If school is delayed two hours on consecutive days, we will alternate omitting first and second block.

Regular bell schedule remainder of the day.


Mrs. Mobley-Principal


Mr. King - Assistant Principal Mr. Knight - Assistant Principal

Mr. Modla - Assistant Principal Mr. Buddin - Assistant Principal

Ms. Deborah Maynard—Assistant Principal

Freshman Academy Administrator

Mr. Knight-Academy Director

Athletic Director

Mr. Parker-Athletic Director

Ms. Elder—Assistant Athletic Director

Guidance Counselors

Mrs. Daigle-Director of Guidance

Grades 10-12 (Ho-Mc)

Mrs. Lilienthal – Grades 10-12 (A-Co)

Mrs. Knotts—Grades 10-12 (Cr-Hi)

Dr. Russell—Grades 10-12 (Me-Sc)

TBA—Grades 10-12 (Se-Z)

Mrs. Karen Jackson – Grade 9 Freshman Academy and 9th Repeaters A-Li

Mrs. Starnes – Grade 9 Freshman Academy & 9th repeaters Li-Z


Mrs. Goolsby--Secretary to Principal

Mrs. Benfield – Guidance Secretary Mrs. Rogers - Attendance

Mrs. Center – Athletic Secretary Ms. Knox - Attendance

Mrs. Cobb – Secretary Mrs. Stewart - Bookkeeper

Mrs. Crenshaw – Registrar Mrs. Turner - Receptionist

Ms. Helms - Secretary Mrs. Workman – Secretary

Home School Worker

Mrs. Crocker


Mrs. Angie Jackson


We sing to thee, our Alma Mater,

From hearts that glow with pride sincere;

Thy mem'ry ever lingers with us

Though we be scattered far and near.

Whate'er we win of fame and fortune,

for high school days we oft will sigh;

We'll cherish still our Alma Mater

Our dear old Rock Hill High.

Let loyalty now be our watchword,

A theme that's dear to one and all.

Though far away we oft may wander,

We'll ever hear thy ringing call.

Our thoughts will linger with thee ever;

Our hopes and dreams will e'er be true.

Our hearts forever will be loyal,

Dear Rock Hill High, to you.


As a student at Rock Hill High School, I realize I am responsible not only to myself, but also to my school for the following code items:

1. I will at all times be a proud representative of my school at non-school as well as school-supported activities.

2. My behavior shall be of the highest caliber, displaying only the best examples of sportsmanship and spirit.

3. As a true Bearcat at Rock Hill High School, I will show pride in myself and in my school by having my dress and appearance in accord with good, acceptable school standards.

4.  Finally, as a student, I will devote the majority of my time and study periods to the job of preparing for the future, as no sport or extra-curricular activity takes priority over learning at Rock Hill High School.


We strive to serve as we ought; to give and not to count the cost; to fight and not to heed the wounds; to toil and not to seek for rest; to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we have given our best.


The Rock Hill High School community works to provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which each student chooses a unique path to success in a global society.


1.  Learning can be achieved by all students and is the chief priority for the school.

2.  Students have the opportunity to explore and make guided choices in their academic experiences.

3.  Students are provided guidance from the school community in order to make informed decisions about their future career path.

4.  A safe and supportive environment promotes student learning and mutually respectful relationships.

5.  Students, parents, school staff, and the community are responsible and accountable for the success of the school as a learning organization.

6.  Commitment to continuous improvement must be a primary focus of the learning organization to enable each student to be an adaptive and productive member of a global society.


In response to student requests for a school motto and shield, an official seal for Rock Hill High School was designed in 1933 through the cooperative efforts of Walter C. Sullivan, who was principal at the time, and Mrs. Clarence M. Kuykendal, who was the art teacher in the junior high school.

The symbolism may be understood as follows: the open book and quill, for knowledge received through instruction and study; the lyre, for the musical training available in school; the artist's palette, for art training and aesthetic opportunity; the mask, for training in the dramatic arts; the winged sandal of Mercury, for the learning in all fields, with particular emphasis on academic excellence; the perpetual flame of the Lamp, for the limitless opportunities always available to young people of good education.

The motto is the Latin CARPE DIEM, meaning, in strict translation: "Seize the day," and, in a free translation, "Take advantage of all opportunities."

The version of the seal depicted on this page is a rendering by Mrs. Beryl Tittensor, of the Herald Painters of the Kingdom of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, and was prepared especially for the forty-eighth volume of THE BEARCAT (1982).


For security reasons, students are required to wear a student picture identification card visible on them at all times. The student identification cards are used for signing in at the attendance office, purchase of student lunches, library checkout, textbook checkout, entrance into the media center, computer labs, purchase of prom tickets, entrance into the prom, attendance at extracurricular activities, purchase of advanced athletic ticket sales, etc. A replacement fee of $10 will be assessed for lost, damaged, or defaced ID’s. Replacement cost for a card holder only is $3.00 and $2.00 for a lanyard. ID’s are available in the main office with Mrs. Cobb and in E building with Mrs. Helms.