Chapter four part Bexamines graphsof the sixtrigonometric functions. Just like any other graph, you must be able to sketch the parent graph of a function and then adjust based on translations or stretch/shrink. It is criticalthat you memorize the parent graphs as soon as possible (relative min/max, intercepts, period, amplitude, asymptotes, etc…). As usual, please don’t put them in the short-term memory! Please ask questions regularly in class or stop by to see me or go to the MathResourceCenter in room C117 for extra help.

1.4.5Graphs of Sine and Cosine

Pg. 294-295Odd # 1-15, 23, 27, 31, 35, 41, 43, 45, 49

2.4.5Pg 294-295# 14, 20, 26, 47, 50, 51, 53

3.4.5Pg. 295-7# 55-59all (sketch phase shifts without a calculator)

63-69all, 73, 77

4.4.6Graphs of Other Trig Functions

Pg. 305# 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 19, 20, 27, 30

5.4.6Pg. 305# 1, 4, 6, 13, 15, 16, 17, 25(be careful!), 26, 41, 43

6.4.7Inverse Trig Functions

Pg. 316# 1-7 all, 11, 12, 13-24 all, 27, 29, 31, 32

7.4.7Worksheet, exact values of inverse trig problems

8.4.7Pg. 317-318# 33-35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 49, 53, 57, 73

9.4.8Applications and Models

Pg. 326#6, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26 & worksheet on 9 trig graphs -- domain/range

10.4.8Pg. 327-329#19, 20, 21, 27, 31, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39

11. Pg 335-337#49-52, 83-89 odd, 103, 109, 114 (phase shift!), 125, 128, 137, 139, 145, 147, 148, 157, 159, 165, 166,

12. Chapter 5 part II Review Sheet

3-7 / #1 / #2 / #3 / #4
Sine/Cosine Quiz / #5
10-14 / #6 / #7
Other Trig Functions Quiz / #8 / #9 / 4.7 Quiz
Dec 17-21 / #10 / Review
#11 / Review / 4B Test Part I / 4B Test Part II

Even Answers to Chapter 4B

Section 4-5 Pg 294:

14. Period: 24


20. g is f moved down 6 units

26. g is f moved two units up

Section 4-6 Pg 305:

2. d

4. f

6. b

Section 4-7 Pg 316:








14. .59

16. 2.35

18. -1.52

20. 1.36

22. -.13

24. 1.40

32. 35

Exact Inverse Values Worksheet:













13. 0


15. undefined



18. 0

19. 0






25. 0







32. 0

Section 4-8 Pg 327:

6. a = 25

c = 35

A = 45.58º

B = 44.42º

18. 13.44 meters

20. 30 feet

22. 76.7 feet

26. 1.09º

34. 5.46 kilometers

36. S 27.98º W

Chapter Review Pg 335:

50. 1

52. ½

148 a.

148 b.

166. 1221 miles at N 85.6º E

Chapter Review Sheet:



8. undefined


10. 1

11. .3

12. 0





17. 72.27 ft

18. 109.9 ft

Inverse Trig Functions & Name______

Composite Trig Functions Worksheet

Directions: Write the exact trigonometric value of the following problems.












Pre-Calculus Names______

Graphs of trig functions

Directions: Please show at least one full period with each graph.

1. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

Describe in words where this function is defined on

unit circle.______


Why do we select the range that we do?______



2. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

Describe in words where this function is defined on

unit circle.______


Why do we select the range that we do?______



3. Graph below.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

Describe in words where this function is defined on

unit circle.______


Why do we select the range that we do?______



4. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

5. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

6. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

7. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

8. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

9. Graph below and label.What is the Domain?______

What is the Range?______

Pre-Calculus review worksheet

Chapter 4 part II

1.Sketch the 6 trig functions for one full period, label the key points and the asymptotes for each. Also define the domain and range of each function.

Sin, Cos should have 5 key points labeled

Tan, Cot should have 3 key points labeled

Csc, and Sec should have just one point labeled

2.Sketch the three inverse functions labeling key points and define the domain and range of each.

3.Sketch the graph of

4.Sketch the graph of

5.Sketch the graph of

Find the exact values of the following. If you cannot find the exact answer from memory or the unit circle, use substitution and draw a triangle to help you.


8.arcsin 29.arctan -1

10.sin(arcsin 1)11.cos(arcos .3)



Write an algebraic expression for the following:


Answer the following word problems and draw a picture to help answer the question.

17.In the parking lot of the school, a line from the ground to the top of the new auditorium makes an angle of elevation of 12 degrees. If I am standing 340 feet from the base of the auditorium, how tall is the auditorium’s wall?

18.I want to measure the distance across the highway without risking my life by crossing it. I am standing at point A and want to know how far it is across to point B. The bearing from A to B is N 30 W. I walk 40 feet to another point C on the same side of the highway and the bearing from C to B is N 50 W.


Chapter 4 part 2


Section 4.5

1.I can identify the period, section, amplitude, horizontal shift, vertical shift, and any reflection of a sine or cosine curve.

Identify the period, section, amplitude, horizontal shift, vertical shift and reflection(s) of the following:

a. b. c.

2. I can sketch a graph of a sine or cosine function that has been stretched horizontally/vertically, translated horizontally/vertically, and/or reflected.

**Please remember, Sine & Cosine graphs should have 5 key points labeled on a period**

a. Sketch b. Sketch

3.I can write the equation of the trig graph based on its graph.

a. Find an equation of a sine wave with a peak of 12 and a minimum of 6, starts its cycle at 3π and

completes one full cycle every 4π units.

4.I can use sine and cosine functions to model real life data.

  1. The water level in a city water storage tank oscillates in a simple harmonic motion. The water level varies depending on the time of day and the corresponding demand of the people. The low point of the water in the tank, 22 feet, occurs at 8am and 8pm when demand is highest. The high points occur at 2am and 2pm with a water level of 58 feet. Create a sinusoidal function that models the data and use it to predict the water height at 4pm.

Section 4.6

5.I can identify the period, section, amplitude, horizontal shift, vertical shift, and any reflection of a tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant curve.

Identify the period, section, amplitude, horizontal shift, vertical shift and reflection(s) of the following:

a. b. c.

6. I can sketch a graph of a tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant function that has been stretched horizontally/vertically, translated horizontally/vertically, and/or reflected.

Tan, Cot should have 3 key points labeled with asymptotes on a period

Csc, and Sec should have just two points labeled on a period along with asymptotes

a. Sketch the graph of b. Sketch the graph of

c. Sketch the graph of d. Sketch the graph of

Section 4.7

7.I can sketch the 3 inverse trig graphs, label important points and define the domain and range of each.

a. Sketch the three inverse functions labeling key points and define the domain and range of each.

8.I can evaluate inverse trig functions from memory or by using my calculator

a. b.

c. d.

9.I can use properties of inverse trig functions to evaluate expressions.

a. sin(arcsin 1)b. cos(arcos .3)c.

10.I can find the exact value or an algebraic expression for a trig expression by using the “triangle technique.”

a. b.

c. d.

Section 4.8

11.I can solve right triangles for all missing parts.

a. Given an isosceles triangle with base angles of and a height of 12, find the legs and base.

b. Given a right triangle with legs of 50 and 30, find all missing parts. Round answers to the nearest tenth.

12.I can solve real-life trig problems, especially problems involving bearings.

  1. In the parking lot of the school, a line from the ground to the top of the new auditorium makes an angle of elevation of 12 degrees. If I am standing 340 feet from the base of the auditorium, how tall is the auditorium’s wall?
  1. An airplane flying at 550 mph has a bearing of 58 degrees. After flying 1.5 hours, how far north and how far east has the plane traveled from its point of departure?
  1. From City A to City B, a plane flies 600 miles at a bearing of N 40º W. Then, from City B to City C, a plane flies 775 miles at S 20º W. Find the distance from A to C and the bearing to A to C.
  1. I want to measure the distance across the highway without risking my life by crossing it. I am standing at point A and want to know how far it is across to point B. The bearing from A to B is N 30º W. I walk 40 feet to another point C on the same side of the highway and the bearing from C to B is N 50º W.


Chapter 4 part 2

Answers to Targets


Per. / π
Sec. / π/4
Amp/VS / 3/2
H.S. / π/4 left
V.S. / 3 down
Ref. / none


Per. / 4π
Sec. / π
Amp/VS / 4
H.S. / 8π right
V.S. / 3 down
Ref. / Over y=-3


Per. / 2π
Sec. / π/2
Amp/VS / 2
H.S. / π/2 right
V.S. / 1 up
Ref. / Over x= π/2

2a. check graph with calculator

Per. / π
Sec. / π/4
Amp/VS / 3
H.S. / π right
V.S. / None
Ref. / Over x-axis

2b. check graph with calculator

Per. / 4π
Sec. / π
Amp/VS / 2
H.S. / 2π left
V.S. / 2 down
Ref. / none

3a. answers may vary:

4a. answers may vary:

and at 4am the water 49 feet.


Per. / π
Sec. / π/4
Amp/VS / ½
H.S. / π/2 right
V.S. / 2 up
Ref. / None


Per. / 4π
Sec. / π
Amp/VS / 2
H.S. / 8π left
V.S. / 1 down
Ref. / Over y = -1


Per. / π
Sec. / π/4
Amp/VS / 3
H.S. / π/2 right
V.S. / 2 down
Ref. / Over x= π/2

6a. check graph with calculator

Per. / 4π
Sec. / π
Amp/VS / 2
H.S. / None
V.S. / 2 down
Ref. / None

6b. check graph with calculator

Per. / π/4
Sec. / π/16
Amp/VS / 2
H.S. / None
V.S. / 3 down
Ref. / None

6c. check graph with calculator

Per. / 4π
Sec. / π
Amp/VS / 1/2
H.S. / None
V.S. / 1/2 down
Ref. / none

6d. check graph with calculator

Per. / π
Sec. / π/4
Amp/VS / 4
H.S. / π/2 left
V.S. / none
Ref. / none

7a. refer to notes or inside

cover of book



8c. undefined


9a. 1


9c. 0





11a. 23.876

11b. 58.3, 31.0º, 59.0º

12a. 72.27 ft

12b. 437.183 miles north

699.640 miles east

12c. 704.006 miles

bearing S 67.6º W

12d. 109.9 ft