Experiment O01 Chemical properties of alkenes

Chemicals:Cyclohexene (with teat pipette), (~5 cm3)

Bromine dissolved in 1,1,1-trichloroethane (with teat pipette), (10 drops)

Bromine water (with teat pipette), (5 drops)

Dilute sulphuric acid, 1M H2SO4 (1 cm3)

0.01 M KMnO4, (5-6 drops)

Concentrated sulphuric acid, (1 cm3)

Apparatus:Hard glass watch glass,

Bunsen burner,

Long wood splints,

1 dry test-tube covered in aluminium foil,

5 dry test-tubes with corks to fit,

Test-tube rack,

Bench protection sheet,

Lamp with 100 watt bulb,

Safety spectacles,

Protective gloves.

Aim:The purpose of this experiment is to test the reactivity of the alkenes by carrying out some test-tube reactions on cyclohexene.


You will be using cyclohexene because it is one of the cheapest liquid alkenes. It has virtually the same reactions as hexene and is similar to other alkenes.

Hazard warning:

Bromine is dangerously toxic and corrosive, especially in its liquid state. Solutions, such as those used in this experiment, must also be treated with care. Therefore you MUST:

Do the experiment in a fume cupboard.

Keep the top on the bottle as much as possible.

Wear gloves and safety spectacles.

Cyclohexene is very flammable. Therefore you MUST:

Keep the top on the bottle as much as possible.

Keep the bottle away from flames.

Wear safety spectacles.


Experiment O01 Chemical properties of alkenes


A. Combustion

1. Place your watch glass on a bench protection sheet in the fume cupboard. Put on safety spectacles and make sure the extractor in the fume cupboard is witched on.

2. Using a teat pipette, place 3-4 drops of cyclohexene on the watch glass.

3. Stopper and remove the bottle of cyclohexene to a safe place away from the watch glass and any Bunsen flames.

4. Pull down the front of the fume cupboard leaving a 30 cm opening.

5. Light a long splint and use this to light the cyclohexene. Lower the front of the fume cupboard to a 10 cm opening.

6. Write down, in Results Table :

(a) the colour of the flame,

(b) whether you can see any soot produced.

B. Reaction of bromine(dissolved in 1,1,1-trichloroethane)

1. Place the test-tube covered with aluminium foil in a rack in the fume cupboard. Put an uncovered tube alongside. Put on safety spectacles and gloves.

2. Using a teat pipette, place approximately 2 cm3 of cyclohexene in each test-tube.

3. Stopper the cyclohexene and remove it to a safe place away from flames.

4. Pull down the front of the fume cupboard leaving a 30 cm opening.

5. Using a teat pipette, place in each tube five drops of a solution of bromine in 1,1,1-trichloroethane.

6. Stopper the bromine bottle.

7. Shine the lamp on both test-tubes for about 3 minutes.

8. Note the test and write down the result in your Results Table.

9. Note the appearance of the contents of the clear test-tube.

10. Pour the contents of the test-tube covered with aluminium foil into a clean test-tube. Note its appearance.


Experiment O01 Chemical properties of alkenes

C. Reaction of bromine water

1. Place a clean test-tube in a rack in the fume cupboard. Put on safety spectacles and gloves.

2. Using a teat pipette, place approximately 1 cm3 of cyclohexene in the test-tube.

3. Stopper the bottle of cyclohexene and remove it to a safe place away from the flame.

4. Pull down the front of the fume cupboard leaving a 30 cm opening.

5. Using a teat pipette, place 5 drops of bromine water in the test-tube.

6. Stopper the bottle of bromine water.

7. Cork and shake the test-tube.

8. Note the appearance of the reaction mixture.

9. Write down the result in your Results Table.

D. Reaction of acidified potassium permanganate

1. Place a test-tube in a rack in the fume cupboard.

2. Using a teat pipette, place 3-4 drops of cyclohexene in the test-tube.

3. Stopper and remove the bottle of cyclohexene to a safe place, away from flames.

4. Pour into the test-tube approximately 1 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid. Shake the mixture.

5. Pour into the test-tube 5-6 drops of potassium permanganate solution and shake the mixture.

6. Note the appearance of the reaction mixture.

E. Reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid

1. Place a test-tube in a rack in the fume cupboard.

2. Pour into the test-tube approximately 1 cm3 of concentrated sulphuric acid.

3. Pour into the test-tube approximately 1 cm3 of cyclohexene.

4. Stopper and remove the bottle of cyclohexene to a safe place, away from flames.

5. Note whether the substances mix or form two separate layers.


Experiment O01 Chemical properties of alkenes


Seat No.:



Results Table (Reaction of cyclohexenes)

Reaction / Observations
A / Combustion
Appearance of flame:
Sootiness: / 1.
B / Action of bromine
(in1,1,1-trichloroethane) 1. In dark:
2. In light: / 1.
C / Action of bromine water:
D / Action of acidified
potassium permanganate:
E / Action of conc. H2SO4:


1.Would you expect ethene to be more or less reactive than ethane? Why?

2. Why do you think alkenes produce a sootier flame than alkanes?

3. Which test(s) could be used to distinguish between alkanes and alkenes?
