Health Class Information and Expectations

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to Health! I am looking forward to a challenging, exciting and successful quarter with you. I believe every student is capable of being a successful learner. To ensure this, we need to make sure we maintain a positive learning environment in our classroom.

Use the teacher’s school wires site on the CKMS webpage to fine all information for the class including daily assignments and flip charts used in class.

As we approach the HIV and Human Growth and Development unit, I will send out another more specific letter addressing what will be taught during these classes. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these subjects, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Behavior Expectations:

I value respect, responsibility and honesty. I will model and teach these traits in my classroom, and in return, I will expect the students to demonstrate these behaviors as well.

Absences/Homework/Make-up Policy:

When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to find out what they missed. If a student is absent, he\she will have the number of days absent to make up the work to receive full credit. I will post our homework assignments on the School wires site. Go to CKMS web page, teachers, click on my name ( Kjorsvik) click on PE and Health Calendar, click on Health each day for what we learned in class and what the homework assignment is if there was one.


Grades are a compilation of all the work completed in this class. Brief homework assignments and in-class exercises are given along with unit tests, projects and writing assignments.

Grades will be based upon the following:

Grade Percentage (+/- at each level)Grade Breakdown:

90-100 %A

80-89%BEverything is weighted equally



59% or belowF


Please have a section for Health in student binders. Some students may have a specific health notebook if they wish. Make sure to come to class prepared each day.


Food drinks and gum will not allowed in the classroom; however, students are allowed to bring water.

Hats and Hoods: I do not allow students to wear hats or hoods in my class at any time.

Music/ Technology use: The teacher will tell students when they will be allowed to use these items. We often use chrome books for class work. This does not mean they get to play games.

I strongly encourage parents\guardians to contact me whenever you have questions, concerns or suggestions. I would like to reiterate that I am very excited about the quarter ahead and look forward to working and learning together.

Thank you for taking the time to review this letter. Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the expectations of this class.


Joyce Kjorsvik

Room 602


It is important to me that you return the bottom section of this letter as a way of saying, “we have read and discussed this syllabus!” by the end of the first week of the class.


Student Name (Please print)Parent/Guardian Signature

Parent email address ______

Best Phone number for contact: ______