Website Tutorial for Registered Persons
As a Registered Person, your primary interface and interaction with SACAP is via your new profile. Accessing and managing your SACAP profile is paramount to optimise your engagement, interaction and experience in dealing with SACAP. Maintaining your profile and both personal and professional information is your responsibility and you have all the tools at your disposal to now do so.
To access your profile you need to use your username and password, initially provided to you by SACAP or as changed by yourself at a later stage.
This short tutorial will help you get the maximum benefit from your profile and also ensure SACAP have the latest, complete and correct information at hand to help you manage and maintain your professional registration.
To access your profile, please log onto the SACAP website at Ensure you have your username and password ready.
(Note: If you have forgotten your username and password, please refer to the relevant tutorial available on the SACAP website available at About Us/Tutorials)

Step 1
To sign to your profile, navigate to the sign in box in the header section of the website, top right hand side. Type in your username and password, and hit the SIGN IN button. Refer to the red arrows above in need. You will now be taken to you profile home page
NOTE!!...the very FIRST TIME you log in to your profile, you will be asked to quickly review and set your preferences. This will only take a moment and will help SACAP know what notifications you wish to receive. That will help us reduce unwanted communication to you and cut out updates and notifications you don’t wish to receive. See the screen shot below for the PREFERENCES page you will see the FIRST time you sign in

(Note that you can at any stage AFTER your first sign in, REVISIT the PREFERENCES page, by clicking on the MANAGE PROFILE tab, in your profile box (Headed MY SACAP REGISTRATION, available on the right rail of the site, after sign in)

Profile Orientation:
To get started, you need an orientation to your new SACAP Profile as a Registered Person.
Once signed in, you will notice on the RIGHT RAIL a profile ‘’box’’ headed : ‘’MY SACAP REGISTRATION’’. Underneath it are a few very important FUNCTIONAL/FEATURE tabs that will help you access and maintain key aspects of your registration. We will cover these further on
Your Profile Home/Bio page:
Once signed in, you will be taken directly to your Profile Home/Bio tab/page, visible in the centre pane of the website. You can at any stage return to your Profile Home/Bio page by clicking Profile HomeTAB in the profile box (right underneath My SACAP REGISTRATION heading on the right rail. Review the sreenshot below to help orientate yourself
Step 3
Review key information in your profile:
Registration Number
Registration Category
Status of core process currently underway
Personal and Professional Information
See the red arrows below to help you navigate to these features

Step 4
We would like to get to know to know. Why not upload a recent picture of yourself so that next we talk to you we can put a face to a name.To upload a picture is simple and easy. Simply hover over the picture area on the left hand side of your profile Bio tab, and click on the upload icon, select a picture from your pc, and complete process

Step 5
Update Personal and Professional Information
Please help us to keep the most up to date information on record to ensure your registration is managed correctly and accurately by having all the relevant and required information on file. You now have full control and all the tools at your disposal to provide SACAP with your correct personal and professional information
From your Bio tab/Profile home, click on the edit tab to start editing and updating your profile information
See the screen shot below and follow the red arrows for guidance/navigation

You are now able to go through every field and update/complete as necessary, refer screen below in need

Make sure you complete required fields marked with an asterisk

On the left, review and select field visibility you wish to share with others.

(By clicking on the field visibility button on the left, next to each field, you can toggle visibility. Green sets the field to visible, red makes it not visible to others in directory searches for Registered Persons)

Some fields may require you to upload certain documents, such as ID

Step 6
Other Profile Features
Your profile also gives you access to a range of other useful features to mage all aspects of your registration with SACAP
Such as:
Manage Profile – for advanced profile management, and access to many features
Your invoices due to SACAP for various items, such as Annual Fees, Upgrade requests, new certificates
Your Registration Status under Membership Info
Files and Links where you are able to upload documents and files
Review your profile box to find and access these features. Each of these are supported with unique tutorial in the about us/tutorials section of the website. See the screen shot below for navigational assistance
Step 7
‘’Manage Profile’’ Tab
This is probably the most important tab in your profile. Apart from profile Home. From here you can access and manage/maintain crucial aspects of your registration with SACAP, such as
Advanced Bio editing, including changes your username/password
Accessing all invoices and transaction history/statements
Accessing and maintain Professional Development/CPD
Manage files and Links you wish to maintain online
Manage your CV
And many more. These features are all covered in separate tutorials at about us/tutorials on the SACAP website

Under Manage Profile/Invoices, please note to always distinguish between the Dues Invoices for ANNUAL FEES, versue Store and Events for other invoices such as upgrade requests, new certificates etc

Another quick note on INVOICES:

All invoices due to SACAP will in future be available on your Manage Profile/invoices for access anytime /anywhere

Invoices will also always be emailed , so you have both options to retrieve and access invoices, from your profile or from links in emails sent

PLEASE note the invoice number in future is your PAYMENT REFERENCE number!!!! Please familiarise yourself with the new invoices below

PRINTING of invoices – NB!!! Be sure to set your printer to NOT print Headers and Footers so that only the invoice and invoice content prints, and no URL info

Please contact SACAP for further assistance in managing your profile