2016 - 2017
*This Supplement is additional information to help explain our District Student Handbook. It is not intended to be used instead of the District Student Handbook*
1098 WestMain Street
Lewisville, Texas 75067
Phone: 469 713-5190
Fax:972 350-9291
Jeffrey Kajs
1250 West RoundGrove Road
Lewisville, Texas 75067
Phone: 469-713-5201
Fax: 214-626-1680
Tony Fontana
1301 Summit Road
Lewisville, Texas 75077
Phone: 469-713-5987
Fax: 972-350-9304
Pam Flores
ThemissionofLewisvilleHighSchoolis to educateand inspirestudentsina safe,supportive,and academically rigorousenvironment,creating opportunities to valuescholarship,promoteleadership,develop character,and provide service to thecommunity. All studentswillgraduatepreparedto lead and contribute withquality and integrity ina rapidly changing world.
LewisvilleHighSchoolisa diverseand inclusivecommunity that embraces the virtuesofpublic education−a community ofuniqueindividualsinwhichself- empowerment andself-wortharedeveloped and celebrated.
Fardown in a town so noble
Challenging the eye,
Stands the school above all others
StandsourLewisville High.
Lewisville High to thee we shall be
Everloyal and true;
Fighting always to do service
For maroon and white!
Revised: August 9, 2016
Honor in class work and examinations are more important than any grade that may be received. Students are to assume the responsibility of not cheating, of not giving the appearance of cheating, of not contributing to the cheating of others, and for reporting violation of this responsibility to teachers and/or administrators. Students reporting cheating violations will be protected from harassment, ridicule, and criticism for demonstrating their convictions to honor and honesty.
An important part of academic honesty is avoiding any intentional or unintentional plagiarism. Plagiarism can be presenting someone else’s ideas as your own or using another person’s ideas or work without proper credit. Practice academic honesty in all work that you do.
Grade and discipline consequences can apply to any occurrences of academic dishonesty.
Please review our policy in the LISD Handbook
If a student arrives to school after classes have started for the day, the students must report to the attendance office, sign-in to school, and receive an admit to class. This admit will be marked “unexcused” unless appropriate documentation can be presented to warrarnt consideration for an excused admit. The admit must be presented to the teacher. Students must sign-in even if arriving between class times. If a student reports to the career centers after the start of school, the student must sign-in at the career centers, and LHS will be notified.
If it is necessary for a student to leave campus for reasons other than illness, the student must check out through the attendance office with a written note, telephone call, fax or email. Before permission is granted toleave campus, the attendance office will contact the parents. If no contact can be made, permission to leave campus will not be granted and students will be required to report back to class.
Students who are ill must report to the nurse's office. Students who are ill should not contact a parent on theirown in order to go home. If it is necessary to leave school due to illness, the nurse will contact the parent and give the student a signed statement to take to the attendance office.
Failure to follow the check-in/check-out procedure will be considered a disciplinary violation, and appropriate action will be taken. Students will not be released from school at times other than regular dismissal hours except with the permission of an administrator the principal of the school or parent (after notifying the Attendance Office).
Only school-related items will be accepted for delivery at Lewisville High School. Flowers, balloons, birthday items, pizza, homecoming mums, etc., will not be accepted fordelivery. Students WILL NOT be paged between class periods to pick up items nor will class be interrupted for delivery of items. Students will not be allowed to carry balloons and/or flower arrangements (unless part of a class assignment) to class during the school day. Please do not bring these items to school. Outside food deliveries to students are not allowed, except when delivered by parents or guardian. These items will be labled and left in the lobby for student pickup. School staff is not responsible for items dropped off. ****Lewisville High School is a latex free campus****
The following guidelines are established as a point of reference for parents, students and administrators in regards to dress. All students must be clean and neatly groomed. The administration reserves the right to determine any inappropriate dress that it feels is disruptive to the school environment.
- Hair, by color or design, may not create a distraction to the learning environment. Hair should be primarily a natural color. Non-natural accents such as dye streaks or color strips may be permitted, but may not cover more than 25% of the hair.
- Students may not wear the following: tongue rings, lip rings, eyebrow rings, ear gauges, spacers, facial jewelry such as hoops or rings, or facial decorations. Students may, however, wear one small nose stud.
- Caps, hats, sweatbands, bandannas, hair rollers, hair curlers, and other similar hair grooming items, shall not be worn by male or female students in the school building.
- Students may not wear clothing that advertises by name or symbol any products that are not permitted in schools, including, but not limited to the following: drugs, alcohol, profanity or suggestive slogans, tobacco, obscenity, violence or gangs.
- Male students may wear long pants of appropriate length or shorts of appropriate length, at or about mid-thigh or longer, at the natural waistline.
- Female students may wear long pants of appropriate length, skirts or shorts of appropriate length, at or about mid-thigh or longer.
- Clothing which, in the opinion of the professional staff, would be deemed inappropriate or offensive for school in general, shall not be allowed, including, but not limited to the following: trench coats, mini-skirts, halter or tube tops, split sides, midriffs, bare shoulder tops, see-through clothing, fish net tops, or running/spandex shorts.
- Yoga pants, leggings and jeggings may be worn if the shirt drapes to mid-thigh in both front and back.
- All students must wear appropriate, non-visible undergarments.
- For health reasons, students are required to wear shoes appropriate for the school setting. House shoes or slippers are not appropriate for school. Flip-flops are not appropriate for elementary students.
- Tattoos must not be visible during the school day.
Administration reserves the right to determine any inappropriate attire or hairstyle that is disruptive or inappropriate for the school environment or community.
Whenlawenforcementofficers or other lawfulauthorities wishtoquestionor interview astudentatschool:
- Theadministratorwillverifyandrecordtheidentityoftheofficerorotherauthorityandaskforan explanationoftheneedto question or interview thestudent.
- Theadministratorordinarilywillmakereasonableeffortstonotifyparentsunlesstheinterviewerraiseswhattheprincipal considerstobeavalidobjection.
- Theadministratorordinarilywillbepresentunlessthe interviewerraiseswhattheprincipalconsidersto beavalidobjection.
StudentsTaken into Custody:
Statelaw requires theDistricttopermitastudenttobetakenintolegal custody:
- Tocomply withanorderofthejuvenilecourt
- Tocomply withthelaws of arrest
- By a law enforcement officer if there is probable causeto believe the student hasengaged indelinquentconductinneedofsupervision
- Byaprobationofficerifthereisprobablecausetobelievethestudenthasviolatedaconditionof probationimposedby theJuvenilecourt
- ByanauthorizedrepresentativeofChildProtectiveServices,TexasDepartmentofProtectiveand RegulatoryServices,alaw enforcement officer, orajuvenile probation officer,withoutacourtorder, under theconditionssetoutintheFamily coderelatingtothestudents physical health or safety
Beforeastudentis deliveredtoalaw enforcementofficer orotherlegally authorizedperson,the administratorwillverifythe officer’sidentity and,tothebestofhisor herability,willverifytheofficial’s authoritytotakecustodyofthestudent. Theprincipalwillimmediatelynotifythesuperintendentandwill ordinarilyattempttonotifytheparentunlesstheofficer orauthorizedpersonraiseswhattheprincipal considerstobeavalidobjectiontonotifyingthe parents. Sincetheprincipaldoes not havethe authorityto block acustody action,notificationmayoccur after thefact.
TheDistrictis alsorequiredby statelaw to notify:
- Allinstructionalandsupportpersonnelwhohaveresponsibilityforsupervisingastudentwhohasbeen arrestedor referredtothejuvenilecourtforany felonyoffense or for certain misdemeanors.
- All instructional andsupportpersonnel who have regular contact with a student whohas been convictedor adjudicatedofdelinquentconductfor any felonyoffenseor certain misdemeanors.
All students are required to wear their current school ID on a lanyard around their neck while attending school either in the building or outside the building.
ID should be worn in class and should only be removed with teacher permission. ID is to be worn at all times while in our out of the classroom.
- IDs can be removed for certain classes if safety is an issue or if the ID would get in the way of physical activity such as PE, athletics, band or for certain classes that require LAB activities.
- IDs should not be defaced or covered in any way. Student's picture needs to be clearly visible to all individuals.
Temporary IDs can be obtained upon entry of the school (either from the library or the back of the cafeteria if you are a bus rider) if you are without your official school ID for the day. Temporary ID cost $1.00. Payment is not necessary at the time of getting a temporary. The charge will be added to your account to be paid at a later date. Student will be allowed to purchase up to 3 temporary ID cards each semester. On the 4th temporary purchase, the student will be charged a $5.00 replacement charge and a new permeant ID will be produced for the student.
IDs will be required to ride shuttle bus transportation from one campus to another. Additional bus pass IDs will be provided by your coach or sponsor to allow access to the shuttles for after school transportation.
If a student is tardy to class, you should go to the designated area to receive a tardy slip to be admitted into class.
Lewisville High School Tardy Policy
1 – 5 ardies = 1 lunch detention
6 – 7 tardies = Wednesday Night School
8 – 10 tardies = ISS
10 or more = could result in being assigned to the ADAPT program or placed at DAEP
This information can be found on the district website ar under Athletics
To be eligible for the honor of valedictorian or salutatorian, a student must meet eligibility requirements specified in LISD Board Policy.
The district’s ploicies related to this can be found in board policy EIC Local on the district’s website at
Keys to Succeed At Lewisville High School
- Show Up, Be on Time and Prepared for Class.
- Wear your ID Badge at ALL times during the school day when you are on campus.
- If you go to another campus during the school day be sure to be on time for your shuttle bus. You don’t want to be left behind and have to wait in ISS.
- Bring your technology device everyday for learning.
- Know your school email and your Skyward login. Check your email twice daily for important announcements, detention notifications, updates and other information.
- Lewisville High School is a closed campus for lunch. Parents can deliver food for their student only (not to be shared).
- Attend tutoring regularly. Utilize your block lunchtime to keep your grades passing!
- Know the dress code and dress appropriately for school.
- Take responsibility for your actions. Take pride in yourself and in our school by making good choices daily.
- Have Farmer Pride, get involved, make a difference and have a positive impact on the school community.