/ The 4thCampaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
January 2007

Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad ("BOCOG"), through the Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (the "Olympic Songs Solicitation Office"), hereby launches theFourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (the "Campaign") to solicit songs and music works propagandizing the Games of the XXIX Olympiad ( "Beijing 2008 Olympic Games") and the XIII Paralympic Games (“Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games”) world widely.

The Campaign willsolicit seven categories of song works, namely, Song for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Song for Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games,Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, Theme Song for Volunteers of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games,MusicforVictory Ceremoniesof Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, andMusic for Sport Presentation of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Participants may submit their works through one of the following methods: mails, delivery in person or internet. The solicitation of the aforesaid seven categories of song works will concurrently commence on January 22, 2007, but will end separatelybefore March 10, 2008.

TheCampaign designates“Olympic Songfest” as its official television program, which features topics discussion ofOlympic music andperformances of BeijingOlympic songs, and some of the submissionworkswill be showedin the program during the Campaign.The “Olympic Songfest” will broadcast on the BTVSatellite Channel, andthe broadcastingschedule is as follows: first broadcast,from22:00 to 23:00everyFriday; rebroadcast, from 11:00 to 12:00everySaturday.

The Olympic Songs Solicitation Office is responsible for relevant organization work of the Campaign. For obtaining the “Rules for the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games”, “Notice to Participants of the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games”, “Participation Form for the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games”,“Copyright AssignmentLetterfor the Fourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games” and other related documents and information, please log on the official website of the Campaign:changxiangaoyun.sohu.com, or BOCOG ’s official website: or the website of Sohu.com Inc.( the Official Internet Content Service Sponsor for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games):

BOCOG sincerely invites all individuals, legal entities and other organizations who are enthusiastic about the Olympic Movement and concern about Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, to participate in the Campaign.

The Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

/ The 4th Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
January 2007

Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad ("BOCOG"), through the Organizing CommitteeOffice for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (the "Olympic Songs Solicitation Office"), now officially launches theFourth Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (the "Campaign") to solicit songs related to the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (the "Beijing 2008 Olympic Games") world widely.

I. The Candidates and Participants of the Campaign

All individuals, legal entities and other organizations, from any country (district) in the world, who are willing to abide by these Campaign Rules, may participate in the Campaign as “Candidates”. Among the Candidates, all the composers, writers, performers and other people contributing to relevant submission work, will be regarded as "Participant" of the Campaign.

The individual Participant shall submit his/her ID Card, Household Registration Book, Passport or other official documentation with equal authority, and the Participant as legal entity or other organization shall submit its registration documents or other official documentation with equal authority, so as to certify the Participant’s identity/status fully and accurately. The Olympic Songs Solicitation Office shall have the right to verify the photocopies of any such documentation.

II The Solicited Contents and Submission Time of the Campaign

Delaines for the submission of relevant works are set forth as follows:

  1. Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: March 10, 2008.
  2. Songs for Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games:March 10, 2008.
  3. Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: March 22, 2007.
  4. Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games: July 22, 2007.
  5. Theme Song for Volunteers of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games: March 22, 2007.
  6. MusicforVictory Ceremoniesof Beijing 2008 Olympic and BeijingParalympic Games: June 22, 2007.
  7. Music for Sport Presentation of Beijing 2008 Olympic and BeijingParalympic Games: June 22, 2007.
  8. ExcellentLyric Works for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: August 22, 2007.

Where a piece ofsong work or lyric work(“Submission Work”)is submitted by post, the timeshown on relevant postmark when such work arrivesat Beijing, People’s Republic of Chinawill be deemed as the submission time; wherea piece ofsong work or lyricworkis submitted by delivery in person, the time when such work is delivered to the Olympic Songs Solicitation Office will be deemed as the submission time; where a piece of song work or lyric work is submitted through internet, the time automatically recorded by the internet system shall be deemed as the submission time.

III. Requirements for Creating the Submission Work

1.The Submission Workfor the Song forBeijing 2008 Olympic Games shalluse melodious music and profound lyricsto express the core values of the International Olympic Movement as “Hope, Dream and Inspiration, Friendship and Fair Competition, Joy in effort” and reflect the theme of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games as “One World, One Dream”. There is no restriction on language, style or form of the Submission Work. The Submission Work shallbe accepted bypeople from different culturalbackground.

2. The Submission Workfor the Song forBeijing 2008 Paralympic Games shalluse melodious music and profound lyrics to express the spiritof International Paralympic Movement as “Sports in Motion”, and shall reflect the spirit of “Transcendence, Equality, Integration” and the theme of “One World, One Dream” of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. There is no restriction on language, style or form of the Submission Work. The Submission Work shall be accepted by people from different cultural background.

3. The Submission Work for the Theme Song for Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the Submission Work forThem Song for Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games and the Submission Work for Theme Song for Volunteers of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games shallfully reflect the basiccharacteristics and main spirits of thetorch relay and volunteer work of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. There is no restriction on language, style or form of the Submission Work. The Submission Work shall be accepted by people from different cultural background.

4. The Submission Work for the Music for Victory Ceremonies(VC) of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games shall be consisted of four parts, which are:Indication Piece,Bridge Piece,Processional Piece,Recessional Piece.

. The aforesaid four parts of music shallhave distinct characteristicsaccording to their different functions; meanwhile, they shallgenerally harmonize instyle. Through luxuriantand powerful music languages, the entire work shallperfectly matchthe process of the Victory Ceremonies, praise the spirit and achievements of the athletes, and build the most cheerful time of each individual game. The work shallgive prominence to Chinese style, and the melody of the work shall be easy to remember. The detailed requirements for creating themusic for Victory Ceremonies are as follows:

Music for VC / Description / Requirements / Length(s)
Indication Piece / The play of Indication music indicates the beginning of medal ceremony. / A piece of symbolic music, sonorous and indicative, usually is using the fanfare. / 15-20
Bridge Piece / Play simultaneously with the announcementwhen medalists enter. / With an elegant and noble style, emphasizing pleasant melody and exquisite instrumental composition. / 90-120
Processional Piece / Ran for the duration of the ceremony / Emphasizing the glory of the athletes, expressing the expectance to the forthcoming ceremony; with regularstructure, bright rhythm, grandiose andsolemn, magnificent and glorious, manifesting the passionate and grand ceremony atmosphere. / 150-180
Recessional Piece / played as the medalists took their lap of honor and left the field of play / Bright, passionate, easiest, and with strong rhythm, being able to create strong festal mood so as to push the field atmosphere up to the climax, helping to enhance the inter-reaction and communication between the athletes and the audience, enabling all the athletes and audience to dance with the music. / 150-180

5. Music for Sport Presentation (SPP) of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games shall be consisted of three parts, which are: CompetitionIndication Piece,AthletesProcessional Piece,Athletes Recessional Piece.

The aforesaid music will be repeatedly performed in the fixed stages of 28 sports programs and 38 sub-programs of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The whole work shallbe full of Chinese style,and shall, through passionate and bright rhythm, match the process of the whole competition, enhance the heat atmosphere of the field, and provide people with the high-spirited feelings. The detailed requirements for creating the three parts of music are as follows:

Music for (SPP) / Description / Requirements / Length(s)
CompetitionIndication Piece / To be played before the beginning of everycompetition, attracting the attention of all the audience and indicating the immediate beginning of the competition / Sonorous, striking and indicative music. / 15-20
AthletesProcessional Piece / To be played before the beginning of the competition and also the background music for athletes entrance / Grand and magnificent, heat and powerful, with strong rhythm, being able to play up to the atmosphere, boost the spirit and enhance the field atmosphereto the first climax. / 90
Athletes Recessional Piece / To be played after the end of the competition and keeping on playing until the athletes leave the field / Bright, easiest, being able to create the valedictory and benedictory atmosphere / 90

Formore detailed information and historical data regarding the song works for Olympic and Paralympic Games in all categories, please log on the official website of the Campaign:changxiangaoyun.sohu.com.

IV. Restrictions on the Creation of the Submission Work

  1. All the elements of the Submission Work shall be original.The Participantshall entirely and exclusively assign the copyright of the Submission Work and all rights derived from the Submission Work to BOCOG free of charge in despite of whether the Submission Work has been previously published or not.
  2. The Submission Work shall not be the same as, or similar to, the national anthem of the People's Republic of China or any other country;
  3. The Submission Work shall be apparently distinct from the official Olympic Anthem, the theme songs of any of the previous Olympic Games or any other major worldwide sport events;
  4. The Submission Work shall not contain any elements in violation of the Constitutional Law of the People’s Republic of China or the provisions of any other laws or regulations;
  5. The Submission Work and all elements applied in creating the Submission Work shall not infringe on the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights or proprietary rights of any third party, or infringe on any other rights of any third party in any manner;
  6. The Submission Work shall not contain any elements allegedly expressing ethical discrimination or religious discrimination, threatening the friendly relationship among countries, or otherwise in conflict with the public interest and common custom of any country.

V. Presentationof the Song Work and Music Work

1. The Participants submitting Song Work by post or delivery in personshall submitthe following documents:

(a)One copy of audio media of the Submission Work (in the format of diskette, CD, CD-R, MD or DAT);

(b)One copy of the opera of the Submission Work (The opera refers to the combination of the music score and the lyrics. The music score should be presented in either numbered musical notation or staff. The lyrics should be written beneath the corresponding note, without restriction on the language);

(c)The original of the Participation Form, having been filled in and executed pursuant to these Campaign Rules, in either Chinese or English;

(d)The original of the Copyright Assignment Letter, having been executed pursuant to these Campaign Rules;

(e)Photocopy/photocopies of the identity/status certification of all Participants.

to: The Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,Beijing Music Radio, No. 14, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Beijing, China (Postcode: 100022).

2.The Participants submitting work through internet shall submit relevant Submission Workby logging on the official website of the Campaign: changxiangaoyun.sohu.com, filling out the required information, and completing the relevant operation procedures according to page clew.

Some of the Participants will be further required by the Olympic Songs Solicitation Office tosubmit the following documents:

(a)The original of the Participation Form, having been filled in and executed pursuant to these Campaign Rules, in either Chinese or English;

(b)The original of the Copyright Assignment Letter, having been executed pursuant to these Campaign Rules;

(c)Photocopy/photocopies of the identity/status certification of all Participants;

(d)One copy of the opera of the Submission Work (The opera refers to the combination of the music score and the lyrics. The music score should be presented in either numbered musical notation or staff. The lyrics should be written beneath the corresponding note, without restriction on the language);

(e)Other documents that the Olympic Songs Solicitation Office deems necessary.

3. If any Participant having been required to submit the above mentioned documents fails to submit those documents within the time limit and in the manner required by the Olympic Songs Solicitation Office, the relevant Submission Work shall be regarded as having lost the qualification for entering the Campaign.

VI. Presentation of Lyric Work

The Participants submitting lyric work shall concurrently submit all of the following documents:

(a)A clear copy of the manuscript of the Submission Work;

(b)The original of the Copyright Assignment Letter, having been executed pursuant to these Campaign Rules;

(c)The original of the Participation Form, having been filled in and executed pursuant to these Campaign Rules, in either Chinese or English;

(d)Photocopy/photocopies of the identity/status certification of all Participants.

To: The Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,Beijing Music Radio, No. 14, Jianguomenwai Avenue, Beijing, China (Postcode: 100022)

Or submit the relevant Submission Work online by logging on the official website of the Campaign: changxiangaoyun.sohu.com, filling out the required information, and completing the relevant operation procedures according to the page clew.

For any Participant who fails to present any of the above mentioned documents by the ending date of the Campaign, the relevant lyric work will be regarded as having lost the qualification for entering the Campaign.

VII. Information Inquiry on the Campaign

The Office for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

Contact Person: Xu Peng, Wang Pengfei

Telephone: 010-65673761

Fax: 010-65673761


The information related to the Campaign may also be inquired through the official website of the Campaign: changxiangaoyun.sohu.com, the official website of BOCOG: or the website of Sohu.com Inc. (the Official Internet Content Service Sponsor of BOCOG):

VIII. Selection of Submission Work

In the Campaign,the following awards would be selected from the Submission Work:

  1. Song for Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesAward: for 25 songs, each winning a prize of RMB 20,000 and acertificate of award.
  2. Song for Beijing 2008 Paralympic GamesAward: for 10 songs, each winning a prize of RMB 20,000 and acertificate of award.
  3. Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesAward: for 1 song, winning a prize of RMB 20,000 and acertificate of award.
  4. Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Paralympic GamesAward: for 1 song, winning a prize of RMB 20,000 and acertificate of award.
  5. Theme Song for Volunteers of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games Award:for 1songwinning a prize of RMB 20,000 acertificate of award.
  6. MusicforVictory Ceremoniesof Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic GamesAward:for 1 piece of music, winning a prize of RMB 50,000 and acertificate of award.
  7. Music for Sport Presentation of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing 2008 Paralympic GamesAward: for 1 piece of music, winning a prize of RMB 50,000 and acertificate of award.
  8. ExcellentLyric Work for the Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesAward: for 30 pieces of work, each winning a prize of RMB 2,000 and acertificate of award.
  9. Outstanding Organization for the Campaign to Solicit Songs for Beijing 2008 Olympic GamesAward:for 3 organizations, each winning a prize of RMB 20,000 and acertificate of award.

The Submission Work winning the aforesaid awards shall be called the “Selected Work”. The amount of the aforesaid prize is the amount before tax, the relevant Participants shall pay the taxes according to the applicable laws of relevant countries and districts (including but limited to the People’s Republic of China).

In addition, the unselected Submission Workbiddingfor the Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and the Theme Song for Volunteers of Beijing 2008 Olympic and Beijing2008 Paralympic Games will automatically become the Submission Work bidding for the Song for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and enter the campaign for the Song for Beijing 2008 Olympic Games; the unselected Submission Work biddingfor the Theme Songfor Torch Relay of Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games will automatically become the Submission Work bidding for the Songfor Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games and enter thecampaignfor the Song for Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games.

IX. The Solicitation Documents of the Campaign