It’s a known fact that being overweight and out of shape increases the risk of incurring injuries and illnesses at the workplace. However it is also true that stress, job satisfaction, fatigue and lack of sleep increase the odds that an injury can occur. Getting regular exercise and physical activity will help improve all of these maladies.

Exercising makes you feel better, more energetic and even increases life expectancy. No matter what your age, sex, physical ability or job role, physical activity will improve your productivity and quality of life.

There are five key benefits that will result from regular exercise and making physical fitness a priority. They include controlling weight, combatting health conditions and diseases, enhancing mood, boosting energy and promoting better sleep.

Exercise can keep you from gaining weight and/or maintaining a healthy weight. Regular physical activity can also help prevent heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis, falls and countless other ailments. This decreases out of pocket healthcare costs and lost time away from work

Committing to physical fitness also has a positive impact on mental and emotional health. Regular exercise enhances the mood, When we are easier to work with it makes coming to work more enjoyable for all and handle whatever job responsibility we are required to take on. Physical activity also boosts confidence and self-esteem.

Additionally, regular exercise will give you increased energy. Physical activity improves muscle strength and endurance. It also delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues which improves cardiovascular health.

Regular physical activity will help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. Adequate sleep is an important factor to being fully alert and focused on the job. Fatigue can result in weaker muscles that will lead to quicker over-exertion or greater strain on the body. Lack of focus can lead to missing critical safety measures and putting yourself and others at risk.

Regular exercise and physical activity lead to a happy and healthy as well as a safer work environment.


What are the five key benefits of exercising and regular physical activity?

Why is receiving adequate sleep important for job performance?



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