Effect of Salt on Boiling Water…

Many of us have been told to add salt to water that we’re boiling, but why? Have you ever actually experimented to see what adding salt to water really does? As a class we’ll be investigating this kitchen behavior.

Your task: Pose a testable question about the effect that adding salt has on boiling water. Be specific about what you plan to vary (independent variable) and what you will measure (dependent / responding variable). EXAMPLE: If you’re investigating the effect of reactant concentration on the rate of chemical reaction your independent variable is the reactant concentration and the dependent variable is the rate of chemical reaction.

You MUST be able to make a line graph of your data. You MUST have multiple trials, so that you can average your data. Think about proof… you want to be as certain as possible about the claims you will make from your data.

Before beginning your experiment, you will make a hypothesis (predicted an answer to your question) and write a detailed experimental procedure. Once you have this bring your paper to get a stamp and ‘go ahead’ from your teacher.

You will write a formal lab report for this experiment, so for now you should be making a rough draft of your work.

Effect of Salt on Boiling Water…

Many of us have been told to add salt to water that we’re boiling, but why? Have you ever actually experimented to see what adding salt to water really does? As a class we’ll be investigating this kitchen behavior.

Your task: Pose a testable question about the effect that adding salt has on boiling water. Be specific about what you plan to vary (independent variable) and what you will measure (dependent / responding variable). You MUST be able to make a line graph of your data. You MUST have multiple trials, so that you can average your data. Think about proof… you want to be as certain as possible about the claims you will make from your data.

Before beginning your experiment, you will make a hypothesis (predicted an answer to your question) and write a detailed experimental procedure. Once you have this bring your paper to get a stamp and ‘go ahead’ from your teacher.

You will write a formal lab report for this experiment, so for now you should be making a rough draft of your work.