School Advisory Council Membership

We recommend the following elected or appointed individuals for service on the 20XX-20XXSchool Advisory Council (SAC) at (insert school name). The people on this list represent the diverse ethnic, racial, and economic community served by this school. At least fifty-one percent (51%) of the SAC are parents and community members not employed by the District of Volusia County. At least one member represents support personnel who are employed at this school site. Students are members where appropriate.

Membership Composition

Number of VCS Employees

______= ______%

Total Number of SAC Members


(Elected during formal SAC election window – Includes only parents, teachers, staff, and students.)

Representative Group
Length of Term
VCS Employee
(Note Y or N)

Appointed MEMBERS

(Appointed with approval of the SAC Committee and noted in SAC meeting minutes. Principal, community members and business partners are always appointed.)

Representative Group
Length of Term
VCS Employee
(Note Y or N)

* SAC Chair ** Support Staff


  • Please designate the School Advisory Council Chairperson(s) with an * in front of their name.
  • Please designate the School Advisory Council Support Staff with an ** in front of their name.
  • Add additional rows as needed by tabbing through the fields.
  • Representative groups are ONLYprincipal, administrator, teacher, parent, student,community member, business partner, or support staff.
  • Community members/business partners are always appointed UNLESS they are also a parent and go through the SAC parent elections. They would then be labeled parent/Community Member and be listed under elected members.
  • Ensure the lengths of terms are staggered – some are for one year and some for two years.
  • Elected members serve a 2 year term
  • Appointed members serve a 1 year term
  • Community Members & Business Partners serve a 2 year term.



Principal’s SignatureDateSAC Chairman SignatureDate