ADDRESS: ______
(complete a separate form for each contract)
- in 000 kuna
1. Total value of the construction service contract concluded with a foreign customer2. Contract conclusion date and contract number
3. Contract balance at the beginning of the reporting period
- in 000 kuna
Month/Year:4. Contract value executed in the reporting month
4.1 Salaries paid to employees of the domestic company, i.e. RC residents
4.2 Salaries paid to non-residents
4.3 Material purchased in the RC and used for works abroad
4.4 Material purchased abroad and used for works abroad
4.5 Accrued taxes in the RC
4.6 Accrued taxes abroad
4.7 Other expenses (specify expense types)
Has the construction work contract been concluded
for a period of up to one year (approximately)? YES NO
Are the works carried out through a Croatian resident's
branch abroad? YES NO
Are the works carried out through a Croatian resident's
office abroad? YES NO
(complete a separate from for each contract)
- in 000 kuna
1. Total value of the construction service contract concluded with a foreign contractor2. Contract conclusion date and contract number
3. Contract balance at the beginning of the reporting period
- in 000 kuna
Month/Year:4. Contract value executed in the reporting period
4.1 Salaries paid to employees of the domestic company, i.e. to RC residents
4.2 Salaries paid to non-residents
4.3 Material purchased in the RC and used for works in the RC
4.4 Material purchased abroad and used for works in the RC
4.5 Accrued taxes in the RC
4.6 Accrued taxes abroad
4.7 Other expenses (specify expense types)
Name and surname: ______Name and surname: ______
Position: ______Place and date: ______
Telephone: ______Telefax:______Stamp and signature: ______
Has the construction work contract been concluded
for a period of up to one year (approximately)? YES NO
Are the works carried out through a non-resident's
branch in the Republic of Croatia? YES NO
Are the works carried out through a non-resident's
office in the Republic of Croatia? YES NO
IMPORTANT NOTE: Complete this form only for construction works that are carried out for short time periods (approximately up to one year) and that have necessitated setting up an organisational unit (office, plant) other than a branch outside the parent company.
Part A of the Form GRAĐ-USL is not to be completed only by residents providing construction services through their branches abroad, regardless of whether the legislation of the country receiving the services provides for branch establishment and regardless of how the resident parent company records foreign branch's operations in its business books. A branch of a resident company abroad is considered a non-resident.
Section B of the Form GRAĐ-USL is to be completed only by the residents for which construction works in the Republic of Croatia are carried out by non-resident companies, and which have not established a branch in the Republic of Croatia for that purpose, but some other organisational unit (office, plant, etc.). A branch of a non-resident company in the Republic of Croatia is considered a resident.
A resident company having a branch established abroad is obligated, pursuant to the Decision on the Compilation of Balance of Payments, External Debt and International Investment Position Statistics (Official Gazette 150/2003), to complete and regularly submit to the CNB the prescribed forms on equity investments, and is therefore not required to complete this form. In addition, where a non-resident company has established a branch in the Republic of Croatia, the established branch is considered a resident and is not obligated to complete this form, but it is obligated to complete the mentioned equity investment forms.
Fill in the heading of the Form GRAĐ-USL with basic information on the reporting entity: name, identification number and address.
Part A
Complete this part of the form with data on construction works done by domestic companied abroad, including all related expenses. Complete a separate form for each contract concluded with a foreign customer/contractor to facilitate CNB's monitoring of all transactions effected in the period from contract conclusion to contract execution.
Complete item 1 Total value of the contract concluded with a foreign customer with the total value of the concluded contract in thousand kuna (conversion into kuna is made on the basis of the CNB's midpoint exchange rate effective on the day of contract conclusion), regardless of whether the contract was concluded before or during the reporting period. Enter this value in the form over the entire contract execution period.
Complete item 2 Contract conclusion date and contract number with the contract conclusion date and contract number as recorded in the control book.
Complete item 3 Contract balance at the beginning of the reporting period with the unexecuted contract balance at the beginning of the reporting period. For example, if a contract was concluded around mid-2003 and the form is completed for the first quarter 2004, complete this item with the difference between the total contract value and the contract value executed until end-2003.
Complete item 4 Contract value executed in the reporting month with the contract value executed in each month of the reporting period (e.g. for the first quarter 2004, report the contract value executed in January, February and March 2004 respectively).
Complete item 4.1 Salaries paid to employees of the domestic company, i.e. RC residents with the amount of salaries paid to RC residents in each month of the reporting period.
Complete item 4.2 Salaries paid to non-residents with the amount of salaries paid to non-residents in each month of the reporting period.
Complete item 4.3 Material purchased in the RC and used for works abroad with the value of the material purchased in the RC and used for works abroad in each month of the reporting period.
Complete item 4.4 Material purchased abroad and used for works abroad with the value of the material purchased abroad and used for works abroad in each month of the reporting period.
Complete item 4.5 Accrued taxes in the RC with the amount of accrued taxes in the RC in each month of the reporting period.
Complete item 4.6 Accrued taxes abroad with the amount of accrued taxes abroad in each month of the reporting period.
Complete item 4.7 Other expenses specifying all other types of expenses generated while carrying out works abroad, e.g. those related to terrain preparation for construction works, machinery installation, renting construction work equipment, etc. Report these and the previously stated expenses according to the invoicing principle, and not according to the payments.
Part B
Complete this part with data on construction works done by foreign companies in the Republic of Croatia for domestic customers, including all the related expenses. Complete a separate form for each contract concluded with a foreign customer to facilitate CNB's monitoring of all transactions effected in the period from contract conclusion to contract execution.
All items in this part of the form are completed in the same way as those in Part A, but with data provided relating to works of foreign companies done in the RC.
In completing item 4 in both Part A and B, use the average midpoint exchange rate of the CNB effective for the month in which a transaction was performed.
This form is used to collect data on revenues and expenditures of residents generated by transactions related to construction services in operations with non-residents. Data is collected on a quarterly basis and used exclusively for compiling Construction services item and related items in the Republic of Croatia balance of payments.
You are kindly requested to read carefully the Methodological Notes provided below and Completion Instructions at the end of the form before completing it. Please refer any inquiries regarding the completion of the form to the following contact persons at the Croatian National Bank:
Zorica Raspudić Golomejić
Davorka Davosir Pongrac
Croatian National Bank
Statistics Department
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics Division
P.O. Box 603, Zagreb
Telephone: 01/45-64-832 and 45-64-787
Telefax: 01/45-50-854
e-mail: ;
(1) The following are considered as residents:
– companies domiciled in the Republic of Croatia, excluding their branches abroad,
– branches of foreign companies and sole traders entered in the register kept by the competent government or administration authority in the Republic of Croatia,
– sole traders, craftsmen and other natural persons domiciled or resident in the Republic of Croatia who are self-employed and engaged in the economic activity of their registration,
– natural persons domiciled in the Republic of Croatia,
– natural persons resident in the Republic of Croatia based on a residence permit valid for at least 12 months,
– diplomatic, consular and other representative offices of the Republic of Croatia abroad financed from the government budget and Croatian nationals employed at these representative offices and their family members.
(2) All other persons not included under (1) are considered as non-residents.
Report the required data in thousand kuna, converting the amounts calculated in foreign currency into kuna using the current exchange rate (for non-convertible currencies use the market exchange rate of the US dollar (USD) and convert it into kuna).
Report the data at the moment of service accrual (invoicing), and not at the moment of payment, separately for each month of the quarter to which the form relates. There are three columns provided for this purpose next to each item (one for each month). Division by months is important for the compilation of the balance of payments of the Republic of Croatia on a monthly basis.