Tucson Quilters’ Guild

Business Meeting

July 2, 2008

Meeting called to order by Beth Glass at 9:35 am.

·  9 Board members present

Attendees: Sally Dickinson, Joan Swanson, Pam Wright, Flora Alderman, Evelyn George, Mary Bazzano, Sue Burns, Donata Pfisterer, Phyllis Spalla, Jean Biddick, Jo Cady Bull, Kathryn Wald, Mary Perry, Cathy Dargel, Vickie Oberg, Kathy Harris, Meg Silvern, Beth Glass, Lois Podolny, Nancy Arseneault, Peg Clampet, Barbara Collins, Pam Ashbaugh, Lyn Wilcox, Laura Cotter

Secretary: Minutes distributed by email 6/20/2008. Motion to approve minutes by Kathy Dargel, seconded by Kathy Harris. Minutes approved.

Treasurer: Report: Mary Perry, Interim

·  2007/2008 Data has been organized and entered. Profit and Loss report for March 2007 through February 2008 has been submitted and is attached.

·  March data has been entered into Quick Books; April May, June, and July still need to be completed.

·  Lyn Wilcox was introduced as the new treasurer nominee. Kathy Harris moved to nominate Lyn, seconded by Joan Swanson. Unanimous vote to recommend her election by the general membership at the July meeting.

·  Mary and Lyn have met with the accountant.

·  An amended report will be submitted for the Boutique sales tax with the City of Tucson and the State of Arizona.

·  It has been decided that in the future all checks will be computer generated; checks will be written on the 1st and 15th of each month.

·  Due to 2 bounced checks in January it is recommended by the interim treasurer and the accountant that once the vendor checks are received they be deposited in the account immediately. If a refund has to be issued the treasurer will issue a refund.

·  Barb Collins asked how the new profit and loss statement differs from that published in February. Also she asked if the new profit and loss statement needs to be published.

·  Mary Perry said she will work on a comparison of the 2 statements to highlight any changes.

·  Sue Burns recommends that a revised profit and loss statement be published for the general membership.

Quilt Show: Pam Wright/Mary Meserve

·  Everything is moving smoothly.

Bears: Joy States/Kathy Lohmeier

·  All bears have been distributed.

Bees: Pam Ashbaugh

·  The Kachina Bee recommends that we return to a potluck for the Holiday Tea. It suggests that the guild ask members ask for recipes to be submitted when the member brings a dish to share. 2 members of the bee have volunteered to compile a cookbook with these recipes for a possible fundraiser.

By-Laws: Sharon Townsend. No report

Block of the Month: Kay Hendricks/ Evelyn George

·  August block: Jumping Cactus

Corresponding Secretary: Margaret Newman. No report

Donations: Fran Braverman

·  Native American Peoples Circle wants to apply for funds for supplies. They have been given Fran’s contact information.

Endowment: Mary Perry. No report

Education: Shari Thompson. No report

Hospitality: Vickie Oberg

·  Vickie will talk with Flora about requirements for the quilt-a-thon.

·  Vickie will go to the storage locker following the business meeting to assess supplies for the Quilt-a-thon.

·  Vickie has helpers for the Holiday Tea. They are coming up with new ideas.

Library: Donata Pfisterer /Kathryn Wald

·  Asking members to check home libraries for any books that belong to the guild library. All library books are marked with blue tape. While the library is closed for July and August, the book return will be in the hallway both months at the general meetings. All books may be returned with no questions asked.

·  Kathy Harris will put a request in the August Newsletter asked for books to be returned.

Long Range Planning: Mary Perry. No report

Membership: Peg Clampet. No report

Members-at-large: Laura Cotter/Colleen Babcock

·  An email was read from Jan Pullen requesting that the Holiday Tea return to the potluck format.

Newsletter: Kathy Harris

·  Newsletter for July is at the printer, and is available online as of 7/1/2008.

NQA: Jo Cady-Bull

·  There were quilts from several of our members at the NQA Show in June.

·  Jean Biddick won first in her category and a special award for exemplary piecing.

Programs: Lois Podolny/Nancy Arseneault

·  The June classes were hugely successful due to the class giveaways.

·  Sign-ups will be available at the Round Robin for Joan Shay’s classes, the Great Horned Owl and the Monarch Butterfly.

·  Ann Fahl’s 2 day class is full. There is a waiting list started. Stand bys will be allowed the day of the class. If there is a no show then a standby could fill that position.

Pins: Patty Kruse

·  Report is in the newsletter.

Place Mats: Nancy Clarke. No report

Quilt-a-thon: Pam Wright/Flora Alderman

·  Committee is ready – needles and thread still need to be inventoried.

·  More kits have been made. There are 189 kits plus 25 tops to be quilted.

·  This year the quilts will go to the oncology unit at St. Joseph’s Hospital and to the fire department in the county.

·  Flora will give the required room layout to the program chairs to give to Dallas for the Quilt-a thon.

Quilting for Others: Pam Wright/ Flora Alderman

·  45 quilts given to Mended Little Hearts, a new group focused on children up to age 18. The organizer will speak at the general meetings in July. They have also asked for a raffle quilt to be composed of 8” blocks drawn and colored by children.

·  35 quilts given to the VA.

·  Habitat for humanity quilt project will meet its goal.

Raffle Quilts:

·  2009 Charlene Didjurgis

·  2010 Charlene Didjurgis All blocks will be collected this month at the general meetings.

·  2011 Joan Hinchcliffe/Linda Truesdell

Sister Guild: No report.

T-Shirts: Mary Bazzano

·  Currently we have about 200 shirts remaining.

·  We are about $1600 in the hole for these shirts.

·  There was some discussion at the Quilt Show meeting about purchasing new shirts. These shirts would not have a date on them.

Website: Meg Silvern. No report.

Old Business:

·  Audit committee members: Chairperson - Barb Collins, Phyllis Spalla, Phyllis Schaeffer, Mary Bazzano(2nd Vice President)

·  The audit committee has put the internal audit on hold until taxes are complete and the books are in order.

·  Kathy Harris asked Beth Glass for a current list of committee chairs to post in the newsletter. Beth will send copies to Kathy, Mary Perry, and Kathryn Wald.

·  Job descriptions have been written and are available to current officers. These will go on the website and be given to prospective board members.

New Business:

·  Mary Bazzano recommends that Connie and Don Bloom be made Honorary members. This recommendation must go to the general membership for a vote in August. Mary will write a recommendation listing their contributions to the guild.

·  Kathy Harris recommended Sherri Driver for an Honorary Membership. Kathy will write a recommendation listing Sherri’s contributions to the guild. This will go to the general membership for a vote in August.

·  Kathryn Wald noted that there needs to be a correction to the June minutes – the word from on page 3 is misspelled. It will be corrected before the minutes are published on the website

Pam Wright moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:40 am. Meg Silvern seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

Sally Dickinson, Recording Secretary