posh tosh
Emma likes to wear the hippest clothes and eat the coolest things
like every one else. Unlike her friend, Lou Lou. Lou Lou is
her own self, she wears whatever and eats whatever.
Big Bird’s Busy Day – Barbara Hamilton -
--- Conversation Questions---
(1)In you own words tell me what this story was about.
(Answer) Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) Share with me your favorite part of the story.
(2) Suppose you are Lou Lou, describe to me how you would feel if Emma said your hat was ugly.
(Answer) Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) Has anything like that ever happened to you?
(3)Share with me how Emma felt throughout the book about the rude comment she made to her friend.
(Answer) Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) Is it nice to make rude comments to your friends? Why or why not?
(4)Explain to me the importance of being yourself.
(Answer) Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) Do you think Lou Lou forgave Emma?
(5)Define ‘grumble’.
(Answer) A noise.
(Follow Up) Does your stomach sometimes make a grumbling noise when you are hungry?
(6)Tell me the name of the cat with the big fat hat.
(Answer) Lou Lou
(Follow Up) Name the cat that wore the flat hat. (Emma)
(7)Recall where Emma and Lou Lou were going to eat lunch at.
(Answer) The Lapping Cat Lunchroom.
(Follow Up) Share with me your favorite place to eat.
(8)Lou Lou kept saying something to Emma throughout the book, tell me what she said.
(Answer) “Posh Tosh”
(Follow Up) Tell me what you think ‘posh tosh’ means.
(9)After Lou Lou left Emma where did Emma think she was going to eat first.
(Answer) Sherman’s Food Shop
(Follow Up) List the other places Emma went. (Margie’s Snack Bar & Palmer’s Cooke Corner)
(10)Tell me the individual who told Emma to be herself and not like everyone
(Answer) Little Willy
(Follow Up) Recall what kind of hate did Lou Lou gave Emma. (A flat hat)
- Write a different ending to this story.
- Pretend you are Emma. Write a letter of apology to Emma.
- Draw a picture of your best friend and you wearing something “cool”.
- Design a new hat for Emma and Lou Lou. Be creative!
- Show the child the front of the book. Ask the child which hat they like the best. Ask them if wear what everyone else is wearing. Say, “In this story we will read about a cat that only wears what is in style. Let’s read and see what happens.”
- Ask the child to recall a time when one of their friends wasn’t wearing the newest fashion. What did they do. Say, “We are going to read a story about two friends with the similar situation. Let’s read and find out what happens.”
- Ask the student to share a story about when they said something mean to one of their friends. Ask why they said it and how they made up. Say, “We are going to read a story about two cats. One cat is not so nice to the other. Let’s read and see what happens.”
Book Title: That Fat Hat
Author: Joanne Barken
/ Illustrator: Maggie SwansonISBN: 0-590-45643-1 / # of Text Pages: 35 Book Level:
Building Oral Vocabulary
10 / posh tosh / 19 / grumble / 21 / sighed
Prediction Questions
10 / If you were Emma, would you have said that?
18 / Do you think she hurt Lou Lou’s feelings?
34 / Do you think Emma is really sorry?
This resource is provided by KYREADS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.
Big Bird’s Busy Day – Barbara Hamilton -