
Word Guidelines Checklist

General Accessibility

Document Structure

Bullets and Numbering

Text Elements

Table of Contents, Footers




Non-Text Elements


File and Document Name

General Accessibility Tips and Info

Setting Language

Document Structure Tips and Info

Headers and footers

Heading styles



Bullets and Numbering Tips and Info


Text Elements Tips and Info


Table of Contents and Footers Tips and Info

Tables Tips and Info

Designating Content as a Table Header

Set Repeating Headers:


Protecting Forms in Word 2010 - 2013

Links Tips and Info

Images Tips and Info


Color & Contrast

File and Document Name Tips and Info

Saving the doc


Word Guidelines Checklist

General Accessibility

Instructions do not refer to sensory characteristics of components, such as size, shape, visual location, orientation or sound

All functions are available using only the keyboard.

Language set

New pages added using “Instert > Page Break

If a piece of information could be inaccessible to someone, always convey that information in a second format. And make sure that any information conveyed in an image or diagram is also available in text.

General Accessibility tips and info

Document Structure

Document design has been created using “Styles.”

Heading styles are used to indicate main sections of the document.

Header and Footer styles are used to define headers and footers.

Ensure that document has a reading order that is left-right and top-bottom and that the embedded objects, tables and images are in line with text.

Information contained in headers and footers is also presented at least once in the body of the document.

Avoid use of manually created white space (spacebar or enter key). Use paragraph formatting to create space between sections of text.

The Column tool is used to create multiple columns.

Have a big gap of white space between each column (large gap prevents screen readers from reading across columns)

Documents for mobile should use single column so page reads top to bottom

Document Structure (Headers, Footers, Heading Styles, Layout and Columns.

Bullets and Numbering

The Bullet style is used to create bulleted lists.

The Number style is used to create numbered lists.

List tips and info

Text Elements

There is no content that flickers or flashes.

Do not use ornate fonts

Text boxes are not used.

Font selection is Sans Serif

Common fonts used throughout document

Body text 12-14 point

Text tips and info

Table of Contents, Footers, page Numbering

Footnotes are created through document footnote feature.

Created a Table of Contents for lengthy documents (20+ pages)

If Table of Contents is used, it is created using the Table of Content tool.

Update TOC. It does not automatically update.

The Page Number style is used to create page numbers.

Table of Contents and Footers tips and info


If possible use a list instead of table

The Table tool is used to create tables.

Tables do not contain merged cells.

Table information reads in the correct order. Tab through table to proof reading order.

Tab or Enter/Return keys are not used to add rows and columns to the table.

If a table spans multiple pages, the header row repeats at the top of each page.

If a table spans multiple pages, row data does not break across pages.

Table cells are identified by their corresponding column and row headers.

Tables are inline

Table summary included as text or caption

Bookmark added to table

Table tips and info


Do not use Tables for formatting. Tables should be used for tabular data. Use columns and other native formatting techniques in Word. (

Table cells not used to simulate input fields

Help Text is placed in the Status Bar area (138) character limit). If additional help text is needed, it’s placed in the Help Key (F1) area (255 character limit).

Additional “information only” inputs contain help text that does not fit in its related field.

Help Text available for all input fields

Document Zoom Level is set to 100%

Form is Protected (Locked)

Form fields are shaded or underlined

Tab order is correct

Inaccessible explanatory text is not placed between form fields

Explanatory text is sectioned off with section breaks and that section is left unprotected

Helpful Bookmark names are used for form fields

Form field options are used to restrict date input if specific types of input are required

Final input field includes and end of form indicator

Forms tips and info


Links describe their purpose or target (“Click Here” or “More” are not acceptable.)

Links that refer to a web address use the full URL:

Links are indicated with something other than just color, such as underlined.

Links tips and info

Non-Text Elements

Non-text content (such as graphics, illustrations, charts, and graphs) has alternative text or captions to describe the image.

Background images are avoided.

Information contained in a watermark is also presented at least once in the body of the document.

Images and other non-text features are set as “In Line with text” in text wrapping.

All complex images (contain multiple parts or images tied together) are grouped and include an alternative text description.

Images and Objects tips and info


Color is not used as the only way of providing information; if color is used to indicate an error, required field, or other information, the information has a secondary code, such as an asterisk.

Large text (18-point or larger or 14-point bold) has a color contrast ration of at least 3:1. All other text has a color contrast ration of at least 4.5:1.

Color and Contrast tips and info

File and Document Name

File names do not include spaces.

If a document refers to another document, the documents have similar names.

Document saved not as “Final”

Document meets all the requirements in the Accessible Word Documents Checklist.

File and Document Name Tips and Info

General Accessibility Tips and Info

Setting Language

There are several language options in Word, but the main one to be concerned with setting properly is the proofing language.

The language(s) used throughout the document can be checked by highlighting portions of the text within the document and opening the Reveal Formatting pane. To open the Reveal Formatting pane press SHIFT + F1 on the keyboard.

Document StructureTips and Info

Headers and footers

Headers and footers should be added using the features available in Microsoft Word instead of typing it as text on each page.

Screen reader will not read headers and footers unless individual changed setting.

Heading styles

Headings are used to organize content in a document and to help users, including those who use assistive technology (AT), understand how information is structured and quickly navigate to specific topic. Use Word styles to create structure and correct reading order.

Headings should be structured in a hierarchical manner, with first-level headings for the title of the document, second-level headings for the major sub-sections, and so on.Heading 1 is usually used for the overarching document title. There usually is only one main title for a document; therefore, there should only be one Heading 1 style within the document.

Apply headings to tables of content to help users jump to pertinent information. Through a table of contents, a map of the document is created. Users can locate sections of documents by activating a link in the table of contents and reaching a designated heading. This is particularly useful in long documents.


Repeated Blank Characters

When additional spacing is entered within sentences, paragraphs and words (such as excess carriage returns) it is read by screen readers and affects the normal flow of the document. Use paragraph spacing settings instead of carriage returns when additional line spacing is needed between paragraphs.

Page width recommended being no more than 80 characters or glyphs. Users with certain reading or vision disabilities may have trouble following long lines of text. Narrow blocks of text

Add new pages by using: Insert > Page Break. Do not use carriage return or Enter to add a new page. Each time you hit enter key an invisible character is added to the document that is invisible to eye but picked up by assistive devices.


Use the Column tool to create columns.

Documents created for Mobile use should be single column so page reads top to bottom.

Bullets and Numbering Tips and Info


When lists are formatted using asterisks, hyphens or images to create the look of bullets in a document, users of AT are not able to detect the hierarchical structure and relationship of the list items.

It is important to use the bullets provided through the list styling options because these characters are a type of text that can be translated into something meaningful by AT.

If it is necessary to use graphics as bullets or numbers, meaningful alternate text needs to be applied (i.e., “bullet”) to the graphic.

Text Elements Tips and Info


Sans serif , Body text 10-14 point

Line spacing with in paragraph 120%

Spacing between paragraphs need to be enough to identify paragraph breaks.

Table of Contents and Footers Tips and Info

The items in the TOC are links that allow the user to easily jump from one section to another, making them particularly useful in lengthy documents (20 or more pages). A TOC makes it unnecessary to scroll through the document searching for a particular section.

When creating a TOC position the cursor at the place where the TOC needs to be inserted > References > Select TOC. By default a TOC will not be inserted at the beginning of the document.

It is very important that if any changes are made to title and section information that the content is updated in the table of contents. It does not automatically update. To update a TOC > Select the TOC > References > Select Update Table

Tables Tips and Info

Use tables for presentation of data and not page structure.

Tables must be inline. Table Properties > Set Text wrap to None

Do not use lines or boxes to create a table. Select Instert > Table

It is not possible to structurally associate merged or split data cells with their associated data headers. Microsoft Word does not support this capability.

Title table – Select Caption Tool > Table: Sample Text

A header cell is the title of the row or column. A data cell is the meaningful content related to the header cell. Each distinct header and data point within a table needs to be placed in its own table cell.

Headers (Column and Row): Data tables must re-identify column headers after each page break. When using screen readers and other assistive technologies, lengthy tables may be displayed as independent table structures on each page.

Try not to use tables -

Instead use a list:

  • Cat: fur, four legs
  • Monkey: fur, two legs
  • Snake: no fur, no legs

Designating Content as a Table Header

  1. Place the insertion point in a table cell within the desired header row.
  2. Navigate to and activate the Design tab on the toolbar.
  3. Locate the Table Styles Options pane.
  4. Ensure the Header Row checkbox is checked.

Set Repeating Headers:

  1. Locate the table within the document.
  2. Activate the context menu of any cell in the table by pressing the right mouse button or pressing SHIFT+F10 on the keyboard.
  3. Select the Table Properties option.
  4. Locate and select the Row tab.
  5. Under the Options section, ensure the "Repeat as header row at top of each page” checkbox is checked.
    Note: It is only possible for one row to be repeated as a header row. All header rows for complex tables will not be identified by assistive technology when the table extends to another page.
  6. Navigate to and activate the OK button.

Since the association between headers and data cells is not recognized consistently with current assistive technologies and the options available in Word, it is recommended that when creating complex tables an accessible alternative is provided in addition to the Word document. An accessible alternative would be a properly marked-up HTML or PDF table. This approach applies to tables with a large number or rows and/or columns and tables containing multiple header rows and/or columns. Explicit header/data cell associations are not possible in Word. Therefore, if a document is converted to another format, remediation will be required to associate the cells for the content to be Section 508 compliant. Just because the content is converted, it will not be automatically associated.

Empty cells can be misinterpreted or improperly conveyed by some assistive technologies because they have trouble determining the purpose of an empty table cell. Blank cells can make it difficult for assistive technology to determine the total number of rows and columns in the table and position within the table the user has navigated to. The desired visual formatting needs to be applied with table border controls.

Table summaries can be helpful in describing the purpose of a table. A summary of the table can be a description in surrounding text or in a caption near the table. An example of where summaries are commonly found with tables is when tables are used in appendices. It benefits the user to have a brief description to identify what information the table references.

Note: Adding Bookmarks can make a table more accessible for users of the JAWS screen reading software. Refer to the Bookmarks tutorial for more information. Insert curser in first table cell > Click on Bookmark button > Enter name without spaces (Sample_Text_Text)

Set table width: Highlight entire table > right click > Table Properties > Row Tab > Uncheck “Allow table to break across pages.”


While electronic forms are very useful, they cannot be made fully accessible with Microsoft Word 2010; therefore, HTML or PDF formats are recommended for creating electronic forms. HTML and PDF formats have the capabilities to produce accessible forms.

Do not use ___ to create lines for forms. It is very important to not use keyboard characters to visually format the form fields (e.g., creating lines for signatures using the “underscore” character, etc.). Rather, use Adobe Acrobat Professional or the Adobe LiveCycle Designer tool to create these visual references when constructing PDF forms.

Screen reader beeps to let user know it is in “form mode.” Only the form information is read. If you have directions for the form it is suggested to add them on a previous page or above the form.

Form elements in Word 2010 are not accessible, and should not be used. If you must create a form in Word, use more open formatting, where a user can put the information in the right place based on the text of the form – such as, “Name” and leaving plain blank space to be typed in instead of a form field.

Otherwise, use HTML or PDF forms. (

The last form field prompt should contain the words “end of form” to let users know they have reached the end of the form. Otherwise, after completing the final input, and pressing the tab key, they are returned to the top of the form.

Open the file and choose Save As to save your form with a meaningful name other than the original name. This way, your original blank form stays intact for repeated use.

Authors of forms should turn off the Forms toolbar and make sure that the document is in Print Layout view before saving the document so that JAWS users will not need to do this on their own.

You cannot test the form until the form is protected. Save your form with a meaningful filename (e.g., intake form).

If you have a lot of text or instructions you might want to consider creating an accessible HTML form instead of a Word form. Text and instructions outside of form controls can be more easily read in an HTML form than in a Word form. Alternatively, consider putting instructions in a separate document to be sent along with the form.

If the end user cannot visually see the text, or move to the text with the normal PC cursor, she may not even know it exists, so the author of the form should somehow make that clear.

Microsoft Word Sections feature allows the input areas to be protected and keeps the instructional or layout text unprotected. The disadvantage of this is, of course, that new text can be unintentionally (or intentionally) inserted in the sections that are unprotected. Instructions put in the unprotected area can accidentally be deleted. Users of this type of form normally navigate by using UP or DOWN ARROW to move through the document. This allows reading of instructional text, and it also allows movement to fields and other controls.