SWPBS Lesson Plan Template

Location: Restroom / Time needed:
Show responsibility / On time / Always prepared / Respect yourself, others…
  • Use restroom for intended purpose only
  • Always flush when finished
/ Expectations:
  • Use restrooms during designated times only
  • Limit time spent in bathroom
/ Expectations:
  • Take nothing to restroom unless necessary
/ Expectations:
  • Keep hands, feet & mouth to self
  • Dispose of all trash appropriately
  • Keep school property clean

Teach examples/non-examples for meeting behavioral expectations
Non-Examples / Examples
Show responsibility:
  • Running, yelling, pushing, shoving, etc., in bathroom
  • Leaving toilets or urinals un-flushed
  • Standing on toilets or urinals
  • Going to restroom to get out of class, have conversations, etc.
/ Show responsibility:
  • Walking into and out of restroom
  • Flushing toilets and urinals when done
  • Going to restroom because you actually need to use it

On time:
  • Asking to use restroom during class
  • Spending time hanging out in restroom before/after class
/ On time:
  • Use restroom between class periods (7th/8th) or with class during designated times (5th/6th)
  • Leave restroom when done

Always prepared:
  • Taking textbooks, paper, markers, pens, pencils, extra clothes, etc., into restroom
/ Always prepared:
  • Taking necessary hygiene products to restroom

Respect yourself, others, and property:
  • Hitting, pushing, shoving, slapping necks, throwing objects, talking inappropriately to or about others
  • Writing on stalls, toilets, sinks, mirrors, toilet paper/paper towel dispensers, etc.
  • Throwing trash on floor
  • Yelling, profanity, slang, gang signs, etc.
  • Stuffing toilets or urinals/flushing anything other than a reasonable amount of toilet paper down toilet
/ Respect yourself, others, and property:
  • Maintain personal space, use objects for their intended purposes, keep comments about others to yourself
  • Not writing on anything in restroom
  • Throwing trash into trash cans only
  • Speaking at an appropriate volume, using appropriate words
  • Putting only a reasonable amount of toilet paper, and flushing only that

  • Divide group in two—boys in one group, girls in the other
  • Warm-up—work with a partner to create a list of top five things students dislike about restroom (give ideas like how did it look? Smell? What kinds of things happened that should not have?”)
  • Have partners share their lists, and record one big list. Work together to rank the overall top 5 things students dislike about restroom and discuss ways to fix those things.
  • Hand out rules/expectations and go over them, discussing details or examples students offer
  • Keep same boys/girls groups from Day 1
  • Review Day 1 (examples/non-examples)
  • Divide students into two groups within boys/girls groups. Have a group send an illustrator to front and pick a non-example behavior from envelope. Student then tries to draw it (no words!) and get his/her group to guess the non-example behavior in one minute. If they can’t guess, the other group gets 30 seconds to guess. Once non-example behavior is identified, discuss the corresponding desirable behavior. The next team then draws an undesirable behavior, and the game continues until time runs out.
  • Summarize rules/expectations

Day 1: (ENOUGH FOR BOYS GROUP AND GIRLS GROUP) Paper/pens for student groups, butcher paper/markers to record responses, copies of rules/expectations for students
Day 2: (ENOUGH FOR BOYS GROUP AND GIRLS GROUP) Butcher paper from Day 1, large tablet of newsprint, markers