“Centralized library system of Korsakov district” public office.

The Central Children's Library

Application for participation in the grant program "Korsakov initiatives”.

The Project “Childhood Island”

Project objective: Provision of quality service for children and teenagers by means of new information technologies, educational and informational activity

Project executor: the public office Central Children’s Library of the “Centralized library system of Korsakov district”

Project Manager: Galina Illarionovna Okhrimuk – the “Centralized library system of Korsakov district” Deputy Director on education of children

Phone: (42435)2 29 60

Sponsor’s KBK 91830303040040000180

UFK for Sakhalin Oblast (Financial Department of Korsakov District, Department for social development)

INN 6504000025

KPP 650401001

BIK 046401001

s/acc. 40101810900000010000

Bank: GRKCGU of the Bank of Russia for Sakhalin Oblast, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk town

In payment allocation: (02613002570 / 03918000210).

Terms of the project implementation: 3 months

Requested sum:

80000 Rubles

Shared sponsorship:

114000 Rubles

Total project costs:

194000 Rubles



The name of the organization – “Centralized library system of Korsakov district” public office

Full name and title of the head of the organization – Galina Gennadiyevna Rekrut, director

Full name of the project executors - Galina Illarionovna Okhrimuk – the “Centralized library system of Korsakov district” Deputy Director on education of children

Legal address of the organization– Sovetskaya St, 18, Korsakov town, Sakhalin Oblast, 694020, phone No: 4 52 97, 2 23 57.

“Childhood Island”

The Program objective – by means of the library’s information resources and new technologies attract more widely children and teenagers to the reading process and to books.

Summary of the project

The Central Children's Library (hereinafter referred as CCL) of Korsakov town will celebrate its 60th anniversary on the 9th of August 2009. For these years the library had become an educational, informational and cultural center for children and teenagers of the town. For years the CCL was nominated the title "The Best Library of the Year". The stock of our library comprises 36 thousands books. Every year we provide service for 3500 young readers of the town, lending out more than 90 thousands books and magazines. The Central Children's Library with its informational resources is an important source of knowledge for children and teenagers in various fields of life.

For the CCL’s anniversary we are planning to publish an album of photos dedicated to history of our library, which is a part of our town’s history. This action will be done in cooperation with group of children-activists and literature club “It’s time to read" based in the CCL. We have a digital camera and we need to buy a bookbinding machine and a laminator. And then our souvenir album may obtain more aesthetically acceptable and modern form. Information about events for children, about new coming interesting books, newspapers and magazines, which the library receives by subscription we provide to children in form of booklets, invitation cards, information sheets, list of references. Utilization of the bookbinding machine and the laminator will improve quality of our printed products.

At the moment there are 4 PCs in the CCL. So far they have been used for professional works (for completion of the e-catalog, typing recommendation lists, leaflets, commemorative booklets, etc.). High speed of development in the IT and their penetration in all fields of human activity sets in front of our library the problems of attaching young readers to the new technologies without which they won’t manage in the future. Now we have possibility to install a PC for needs of our readers, therefore we shall equip a workplace for users in the reading hall and acquire a computer desk and a chair.

The fund of storage mediums has been completed in the library, but obviously their number is not enough because for the last years children's information demands has become much more complicated and rose due to reforms of school teaching programs. There is need in purchasing of a fair number of electronic encyclopedias, cognitive programs, games and tutorial software and e-books.

There are a demonstration screen, a projector and a laptop in the library and the reading hall turns into a mobile cinema hall during mass events. However, the reading hall windows are on the sunny side, therefore jalousies shall be bought.

Every day up to 200 kids attend the children’s library. Every year more than 300 events are held in the reading hall, in 2005 new chairs were purchased, in 2007 – new desks for readers. Now exposition show-cases, bookstands, stands and board are outweared.

Project objectives: By means of new information technologies provide children with access to new knowledge, create more comfortable conditions in the library for young readers, distract them from bad influence of streets.


-Provide quality service to kids and teenagers by giving in reader’s usage electronic encyclopedias, cognitive programs, games and tutorial software and e-books, and more full and recent information.

- Using the bookbinding machine and the laminator provide quality service to kids and teenagers giving them more full and recent information.

- Create more comfortable conditions in the library for young readers.


- Purchase the bookbinding machine and the laminator

- Purchase electronic encyclopedias, cognitive programs, games and tutorial software and e-books.

- Prepare information message about completion of the fund of storage mediums via mass media, individual and collective informing.

- Purchase equipment for creation of comfortable conditions for children and teenagers in the library (exposition show-cases and bookstands, stands, board, computer desk, and chair).

Project implementation period: 3 months

Number of people involved in the project implementation:

Employees of The Central Children’s Library – 5 persons

Volunteers – delivery of apparatuses, equipment – 2 persons.

Attenders of the library – 3500 readers.

Project geography: Korsakov town.

Expected results:

- Completion of the library fund with new CDs and DVDs in number up to 20 copies.

- Reduction of numbers of refusals on readers requests down to 75%.

- Provided additional services will be used by 1600 readers.

- The bookbinding machine and the laminator will be used by the Central Children’s Library, town and village branches of CLS (centralized librarian system).

Partnership relations with other organizations:

- “Voskhod” newspaper – placing articles about the project implementation

– Secondary schools No 1, 6

– Kindergartens No 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 25, 30

- Children's social and rehabilitation center “Children of Sakhalin”

- House of childhood and youth

- Teen club «My vmeste” (We are together)

- Schoolchild room “Orlenok” (The Eaglet)

- Department of social security of Korsakov town

-Regional Children's Library of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk town

Project implementation work plan.

Actions / Deadline / Responsible person
Creation of list of required СDs and DVDs / May / N.A. Briakhna
N.A. Yakubenko
Search and acquisition of the СDs and DVDs / June / N.A. Briakhna
N.A. Yakubenko
Delivery of the goods to the completion and processing department for registration and delivery to CCL. / July / Volunteers
The Equipment purchase
(the bookbinding machine and the laminator, exposition show-cases, bookstands, stands, board, jalousies, computer desk and chair) / June / G.I. Okhrimuk
Creation of list of new СDs and DVDs / July / N.A. Zaiants
T.Yu. Burenkova
Addition of cards into catalog / June / N.A. Briakhna
T.P. Tian
Notification of users / June / M.V. Kalugina
N.A. Briakhna
N.A. Zaiants
Creation of scenario and conduction of the novelties review / June / N.A. Zaiants
T.Yu. Burenkova
Information in mass media / June / G.I. Okhrimuk
Analysis of the novelties distribution / July / N.A. Zaiants
T.Yu. Burenkova
Analysis of the equipment’s operation
(the bookbinding machine and the laminator, exposition show-cases, bookstands, stands, board, jalousies, computer desk and chair) / July / G.I. Okhrimuk
N.A. Briakhna
N.A. Yakubenko
Report to grantors / July / G.I. Okhrimuk
N.A. Briakhna
N.A. Yakubenko

The Project sustainability:

- Lifetime of the acquired CDs and DVDs – 3 – 5 years.

-Application of IT for high qualified service in the library for kids and teens – 5 years

-Provision of additional services for users in comfortable conditions in library (these services are provided for a fee for compensation of costs of paper and cartridge). – 5 years.

Control over the aims and objectives achievements.

The financial control will be carried out by specialist (accountant).

Event / Report Format / Responsible person
The Equipment purchase / Expense report / G.I. Okhrimuk
Acquisition of the CDs and DVDs / Expense report / G.I. Okhrimuk
Transport services / Expense report / G.I. Okhrimuk

The Project cost estimate

Articles of the Cost estimate / Asked financial means (Rubles) / Own contribution (Rubles) / Partners / Total
Preparation of the premises:
Desk (10)
Chairs (20)
Utility service
Electric Power / 10000
2500 / 10000
Acquisition of the CDs and DVDs / 6000 / 2000 / 8000
Salary (Acquisition, delivery and handling of the CDs and DVDs) / 75000 / 75000
The Equipment purchase:
the bookbinding machine (1)
- the laminator (1)
- show-cases ( 2)
- bookstands (3)
- the board (1)
- the jalousies (4)
The computer desk (1)
and the computer chair (1) / 5000
5000 / 5000
Transport services / 3500 / 3500
Total / 80000 / 108500 / 5500 / 194000

Orientation of the “Childhood Island” project to the readers

Date / Actions / Forms of the works / Orientation to readers / Planned audience (number of visitors) / Venue
May / The electronic encyclopedias for kids in assistance to educational process
“The new encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius” / Review
Printing (printer)
Training / 13-15 years / 100 pers / CCL, read. hall
May / “Old new “Nutcracker” / Computer game based on “Nutcracker” fairy-tale by Gophman / 7-9 years / 60 pers / CCL, read. hall
May / Let me introduce:
- “The great travelers and navigators”
-The Great geographical discoveries”
-The Great archaeological discoveries” / The electronic encyclopedias
Review-education / 12-13 years
14-15 years / 100 pers / CCL, read. hall
June / “We play with Kuzia. New year.”
(25 games and New Year's stories) / Learning computer games / 5-12 years / 120 pers / CCL, read. hall
June / -“Wars, people, battles”
- The Great Commanders
The Great Admirals
-The Great Wars / The electronic encyclopedias
Review-education / 10-12 years
13-15 years / 220 pers / CCL, read. hall
June / Competition for inquiring minds
-“Ecosystem of the Earth”
-“Red Book of Sakhalin region” / Electronic quizes / 12-15 years / 100 pers / CCL, read. hall
July / -“Countries of the world” / Electronic geographical reference book / 12-15 years / 100 pers / CCL, read. hall
July / -“Holidays, ceremonies and customs of Russian people” / The electronic encyclopedia / 12-15 years / 60 pers / CCL, read. hall
July / - “Clever boys. Studying the planet”
-“The celestial map”
-“Kuzia in space” / Learning computer games
Learning computer games / 10-12 years
7-9 years
5-12 years / 80 pers
80 pers
80 pers / CCL, read. hall
May / -“The Victory Day”
-“Knights and merchants” / Learning computer games / 10-12 years
13-15 years / 50 pers
50 pers / CCL, read. hall
September / -“The cultural panorama”
-“Life and art of Leonardo da Vinci” / Electronic illustrated encyclopaediс dictionary / 6-12 years
10-15 years / 100 people
100 pers / CCL, read. hall
August / “We play with Kuzia” (12 games) / Learning computer games / 6-10 years
11-12 years / 100 pers / CCL, read. hall
December / The electronic encyclopedias for kids in assistance to educational process
-“The great names of history”
-“The great scientists”
-“Encyclopedia of the literature”
-“Great encyclopedia for kids” / Review
Printing (printer)
Training / 10-15 years / 100 pers / CCL, read. hall
Total / 1600 pers