
1(a) How UML is used in Embedded system design process. Briefly explain.

(b) Describe the following

(i) An object in UML notation

(ii) A class in UML notation

  1. a)Draw the Pin Diagram of the 8051 microcontroller

b)Block diagram of the 8051 microcontroller and describe in detail about its CPU components.

3(a) Explain with suitable example, how to perform unsigned multiplication using relevant mnemonics.

(b) Write an assembly language program to multiply the unsigned number in register R3 by the unsigned number on port 2 and put the result in external RAM locations 10th (MSB) and 1 lh (LSB). Place comments on each line of code.

4. (a) Write short notes on bit-addressable control registers.

(b) Write an assembly language program to find a number that when XORed to the A register results in the number 3 Fh in A. Also write comment on this.

5. Explain the following instructions:

(a) INC destination

(b) DEC destination.

(c) ADD destination, source.

(d) ADDC destination, source.

(e) SUBB destination, source.

(f) MUL AB.

(g) DIV AB.

(h) DA A.

6) a)write a brief note on SJMP,LJMP, and AJMP instructions in 8051 and give an Example for each.

b)How is DPTR register used in 8051 and Explain?


1. Explain the following types of relationships exist between objects and classes.

(a) Association

(b) Aggregation

(c) Composition

(d) Generalization.

2. (a) Explain about TCON and TMOD function registers relevant to counters and timers of the 8051 microcontroller.

(b) Draw and explain the timer/counter logic in which the resultant timer clock is gated to the timer circuit.

3. (a) Explain which bits in which register must be set to give the serial data interrupt to the highest priority.

(b) When used in multiprocessing, explain which bit in which register is used by a transmitting 8051 to signal receiving 8051s that an interrupt should be generated.

4. (a) Explain the commands that place data in registers, internal memory and external memory.

(b) Write an assembly language program to copy a block of 8 bytes of data to RAM locations starting at 50H from RAM locations 30H. Also write comment on this.

5 a) Classify Embedded System?

b)With the help of a neat block Diagram Explain the Architecture of 8051?

6a)Explain different addressing modes of 8051 Microcontroller with an Example?

b)Explain data Transfer instructions of 8051?


1. Compare the features in an exemplary family chip or core of each of the




(c)RISC processor

(d)Digital signal processor

2 a).Explain the necessary details on interrupts while writing interrupt-driven programs.

b)Describe the following:

  1. Machine language
  2. Assembly language
  3. High-level language.

3.(a) List the advanced microprocessors and microcontrollers used in the embedded systems.

(b) What are the functional circuits in a chip or core of microcomputer in an embedded system? Explain them in brief.

4. a) Explain with suitable example, how to perform increment and decrement the contents of registers and RAM using relevant mnemonics.

(b) Write an assembly language program to increment the contents of RAM locations 13h, 14h and 15h using indirect addressing. Place comments on each line of code.

5 a)Why a low –address byte latch for external memory is needed?

b)how an I /O pin can be both an input and output?

c)Evaluate the execution time of a single cycle instruction for a 6 MHZ Crystal.

6 a) Explain Different branch instructions in 8051 with an example each?

b) Briefly Explain the port 3 functions in 8051?

Set 4:

1 a)What are the levels of abstraction in an Embedded system Design Process?

b) What are the major Components of an Embedded System Hardware?

2) a)Explain the timer Counter init operations of 8051

b)List the internal memory contents and their functions.

3) a) Explain the Shift and Rotate Instructions of 8051 with Examples

b) Write an Assembly Language program to 8051 to search for Consecutive Zeros in internal RAM location from 60H to 7FH.

4)a)Explain with suitable Examples the conditional and Unconditional jump instructions in 8051.

b) Compare top down and Bottom Up design of an Embedded System?

5 a) Define an Embedded System.

b)List out the Software Tools needed on designing an Embedded System, Discuss about them?

6) a)Explain how signed arthimetic is carried out in 8051?

b) write an ALP program to 8051 to keep incrementing R1 and Decrementing R2 register bank 3 of 8051 till they become equal?