Redlynch Parish Council Assets, Amenities and Finance Committee Members met on 25th October 2016 for the Assets, Amenities and Finance Committee Meeting at Morgan’s Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall at 8.00pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs Baker-Beall, Bennett, Blocksidge, Budworth (Chair), Dunn, Simpson and Wood.
IN ATTENDANCE: Unitary Cllr Leo Randall and Mrs Nicky Ashton (Parish Clerk).
Cllr Bennett spoke to state that in his personal opinion he felt it was unreasonable for the fireworks recently discussed to go ahead because of the animal welfare issues.
Cllr Bennett also stated he had found a historic document from Salisbury and Wilton District (which included Redlynch Parish) which states that footpath no. 1 should be 2ft wide and subject to ploughing.
16.63 To Receive And Accept Apologies For Absence:
Apologies were received from Cllrs Aymes and Roberts. Members RESOLVED to accept the reasons for absence which were due to being on holiday and work commitments.
16.64 To Receive Declarations Of Interest and any Dispensation Requests in Respect Of Matters Contained In This Agenda In Accordance With The Localism Act 2011:
There were no declarations of interest or dispensation requests received.
16.65 Chairman’s Announcements:
There were no announcements.
16.66 Adoption Of The Minutes For The Assets, Amenities And Finance Meeting Held On 27th September 2016:
Redlynch Parish Council Assets, Amenities and Finance Committee Members RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 27th September 2016 as a true record and the minutes were signed by the Chair (Cllr Baker-Beall abstained as not present).
16.67 Representative Reports:
Cllr Blocksidge reported the new Wiltshire South (Salisbury) Community Policing Team came into effect on 17th October. The team will be operating from Bourne Hill in Salisbury and the Community Co-ordinators are PC Matt Holland and PC Tracey Holloway. The team will cover Salisbury along with the rural Beat areas which have traditionally been policed from Alderbury and Wilton Police Stations. You can email them about any local Community issues via
16.68 Clerks Report:
· An internal audit was conducted last week and there are no issues to report.
· A parishioner has raised concerns regarding a hedge at the top of Slab Lane encroaching on the highway and about the traffic at the shop which causes issues for pedestrians crossing the road.
· A piece of play equipment at Redlynch Playing Fields has been vandalised. This has now been taken out of action.
· The Clerk contacted Wiltshire Council regarding traffic measures on Hamptworth Road, Timberley Lane and Grove Lane as discussed in the last meeting. The Highways Engineer felt that there is no suitable traffic calming solutions for such a rural location and suggested that if speed is an issue to request Metrocounts in the area.
16.69 Footpath 9 Mary’s Walk - To discuss funding for works to the footpath – Cllr Bennett:
Cllr Bennett informed members that the footpath is part of the circular walk that goes around Langley Wood. It is extremely wet in certain areas and looking to carry out improvements so usable all year round. Funding of £10k has been offered by Natural England and will be approaching the Paths Improvement Grant Scheme for a further £5k and looking for £5k from the Parish Council. Cllr Bennett offered to give Councillors a tour of the path on Saturday. It was agreed that the Clerk email all Councillors to advise them of Cllrs Bennett’s offer and the proposal be added to the next Full Council meeting for a decision.
16.70 Deed of Dedication – To receive an update regarding the Deed of Dedication for Lover Green:
The Clerk reported that Lover Green Association no longer wish to proceed with the Deed of Dedication to the Fields in Trust. It was agreed the Clerk inform the council’s Solicitor to no longer proceed.
16.71 Asset Grant Application – To agree to recommend approval for the application received from Lover Green Association:
The Clerk had circulated the application and supporting documentation to members prior to the meeting. Members RESOLVED to recommend approval to Full Council.
16.72 Cemetery – To discuss and agree any actions regarding the un-consecrated sections of the cemetery:
It was agreed that further enquiries be made with the Diocese to establish whether or not it is possible for the consecration of individual plots and what charges would be involved.
16.73 Date And Venue Of Next Meeting – 22nd November 2016 at Morgan’s Vale and Woodfalls Village Hall starting at 7.45pm.
With no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.25pm.