As this Stickney News is for December 2014 and January 2015 the Parish Council would like to thank everyone who has made any contribution to the Stickney News in the last twelve months. Thank you to everyone for the monthly reports and information and for the items for the Kiddies Corner.
Thanks are also expressed to those who carry out work in the Parish on behalf of the Parish Council, keeping the grass cut in the play area, the cemetery and at the Garden of Remembrance. Another job well done is the litter picking in the village and keeping the litter bins in the play area empty as well as checking the safety of the play equipment.
Finally, to the volunteers who deliver this magazine every month, a big thank you and, along with all those listed above we wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR and look forward to continuing the work in 2015.
To all the readers of Stickney News – the same message!
How time flies! It doesn't seem that long since I was wishing you all a good summer holiday and here we are rapidly counting down to Christmas. It seems rather strange to be wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in the middle of November but as this is the Christmas edition I would like to wish you all the best for the coming festivities. To the
Children, I hope you all get what you want from Santa and to the grown-ups I hope it manages to be a stress free time.
There will be a Family Dance again this year on New Years Eve.
I went along last year and can report that a good time was had by all! We are hoping to go again this year.
Welcome to any newcomers to the village, we hope you enjoy living in our community. You will find useful information inside the magazine and important phone numbers on the back.
Children's Disco
The children's disco has started again!
Where: at the Village Hall, Hall Lane
Times: between 6.30pm and 8.30pm
Dates: last Friday of each month (except December)
28 November, 19 December, 30 January, 27 February and 27 March
Cost: still £2.50, sweets and drinks will be on sale and there
will be some prize games!
(Fixed weekly meetings in the Village Hall (VH) and Youth Centre (YC))
Toddler Group 9.30am – 11.30am (term time only) (YC) 07833 797682
Dance Class 4.00pm - 7.00pm (YC) 07947 486290
Ladies Club 7.30pm (2nd Tues in month) (YC) 01205 480292
Badminton Junior and Senior 7.00pm (VH) 01205 368077
Stickney & District Gardening Club 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480802
(4th Tuesday in month)
Short Mat Bowls 1.00pm - 4.00pm (VH) 01205 480397
Table Tennis 7.30pm (winter months only) (YC) 01205 480653
Thursday Over 60’s Club 1.30pm - 4.00pm (YC) 01205 480802
(1st Thursday in month)
Short Mat Bowls 6.30pm - 9.00pm (VH) 01205 480397
Coffee/Tea & Crafts (YC) 2.00pm – 4.00pm 01205 480802
(3rd Thursday in month)
Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (YC) 01205 270352
(First Thursday in the month with Public Forum 7.20pm)
Bingo 7.30pm start (YC) 01205 480802
29 November Prize Bingo Eyes down 7.30pm. Donations of prizes can be given to Mrs Brady, Mrs Cooley or Mrs Gosling and all proceeds are for St Luke’s Church
06 December Prize Bingo (YC) proceeds to Hall Funds
13 December Prize Bingo (YC) proceeds to Thursday Club
28 December Chicken Show (VH)
31 December New Year’s Eve Party (VH). Proceed to LIVES. Any
items for the raffle can be given on the night.
Sunday 30 November marks the beginning of a new Church Year and the start of ADVENT 2014. A new booklet for Advent with the title THE LIFELONG JOURNEY is available for individual use or to work through for four sessions in small groups. Many of us like to sit together over a warm drink and chat about bigger issues, and this course will definitely provoke discussion. If two or three of you are interested in meeting together, or as an individual you would like to join others, please contact Rev'd Fran on 01205 481 183. Booklets are available from St Luke's Church.
Advent starts the countdown to CHRISTMAS, CAROLS, FUN and FEASTING.We anticipate yet again the birth of a special BABY into extreme poverty, in a country with a cruel king and under foreign rule. Why not join us for one of our December services: CHRISTINGLE on 7 December at 11.15am or CAROLS TOGETHER at 3.00pm on
21 December, both with The New Name leading the singing; the MIDNIGHT MASS 11.30pm on Christmas Eve, or bring the family on CHRISTMAS MORNING.
Refreshments are served after all services and after the Carols Together we will enjoy mince pies and Christmas cake.
Through December and into the New Year we will have our collecting box in St Luke's for tins and packets of food and other useful items for CENTREPOINT OUTREACHin Boston. People were so generous at harvest time and it would be wonderful to help give the charity a good start in January.
Our last PRIZE BINGO for 2014 will be on SATURDAY 29 NOVEMBER, 7.30pm in the Youth Centre - if you wish to pass on any prizes please contact Bev Gosling, Doreen Cooley or Angela Brady.
The AUCTION held on 01 November in the Village Hall raised approximately £880 for our cluster of Churches. Thank you for all items donated, all the help to lift, sort and carry, serve and sweep up. As always it was good fun.
At the end of 2014 we thank you for all the different ways you have given support to your Church of St Luke. Prizes, cash, gifts, attending events, baking cakes, donating and purchasing books and jigsaws, showing an interest in what is happening in and around the building, coming to worship or for prayer, or just calling in to find a quiet space. Long may St. Luke's continue to be filled with music, laughter and caring prayer.
This Christmas-time may you know the love in your hearts from that Special Baby and may His peace be with you all.
December Church Services for St Luke’s:
Sunday 07 10.45am Come together to make your own
Christingle ready for ….
11.15am Christingle Service
Sunday 14 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 21 3.00pm Carol Service with The New Name
Wednesday 21 11.30pm First Communion of Christmas
(Christmas Eve)
Thursday 25 10.00am Family Celebration of Christmas – pop the
turkey in the oven, leave the veg ready, bring along your favourite present and come and have a coffee as we celebrate together with carols and conversation.
Sunday 28 11.15am Cluster Service at New Leake
January Church Services for St Luke’s:
Sunday 04 11.15am All Age Worship with The New Name
including renewal of baptismal vows
Sunday 11 9.30am Morning Prayer
Sunday 18 11.15am Cluster Service at New Leake with
Commitment to Discipleship
Sunday 25 9.30am Holy Communion
Thursday’s 9.00am Morning Prayer
The Church is open daily from 9.30am until late afternoon.
A coffee morning is held from 10.00am every Thursday.
The Police try to attend on the third Thursday and Parish Council representatives are available on the last Thursday of each month for anyone to speak to about any Parish matters.
Rural Dean: Canon Peter Coates 01790 752526
Parish Priest: Rev’d Fran Jefferies 01205 481183
Church Wardens : Mrs A Brady 01205 480661
Mrs B Gosling 01205 480641
PCC Secretary: Mrs M Weston 01205 480127
Treasurer: Mrs D Cooley 01205 480397
Merry Christmas
Gingerbread Men
When you bake our gingerbread recipe the smell of it wafting around your house will be just wonderful. This recipe makes a lovely gift for children to make for their teachers, friends or relatives.
Makes approximately 20 biscuits
v 350g plain flour
v 1-2 teaspoon ground ginger
v 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
v 100g butter or margarine
v 175g soft light brown sugar
v 1 egg
v 4 tablespoons golden syrup
1. Put the flour, ginger and soda into a bowl and rub in the butter
2. Add sugar and stir in the syrup and egg to make a firm dough
3. Roll out to about 5mm thick and cut out your gingerbread men. If you don't have a gingerbread man cutter, use any Christmas shape.
4. Bake at 190'C/Gas 5on greased baking trays (spaced out, as they will spread) for 10-15 minutes until golden brown
5. Leave to firm up for a couple of minutes before placingona wire rack to cool. Once cooled, decorate with icing.
The Snowman
Three friends live in houses next to each other in Frosty Lane and they have built a snowman. Can you work out where each friend lives and what item each of them brought to dress the snowman?
1. Mark lives in house 1 but wasn't the one who brought a carrot to make the snowman's nose.
2.Katie brought a scarf to put on the snowman.
3.Sarah doesn't live in the house next door to Mark.
4.One of the friends brought a hat.
(see over the page to put in the answers)
1 2 3
Who lives where? ………………… ……………….. ………………..
Item for snowman? ………………… ………………… ………………..
Christmas Quiz
Good Luck!
1. What is traditionally hidden in a Christmas pudding?
a. a coin b. a watch c. a pair of dice
2. How many days are there on a traditional advent calendar?
a. 12 b. 24 c. 30
3. What pulls Santa's sleigh?
a. guinea pigs b. cats c. reindeer
4. According to the song, how many days of Christmas are there?
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13
5. What is the last day of Christmas called?
a. Advent b. Twelfth Night c. Boxing Day
6. What fruit used to make a traditional Christingle?
a. peaches b. pears c. oranges
7. Charles ……………? wrote the book 'A Christmas Carol' ?
a. Dahl b. Rowling c. Dickens
8. Which royal couple started off the fashion for Christmas trees in
a. King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn b. Queen Victoria and Prince
Albert c. Prince William and Kate Middleton
9. Which of these plants is traditionally associated with Christmas?
a. daisy b. daffodil c. poinsettia
10. Why do we shorten Christmas to Xmas?
a. X is the first letter of the Greek word for Christ b. X looks like a
snowflake c. X looks like a star
Happy New Year
Eton Mess
If you're still in Christmas mode, use cream. If you're in January healthy eating mode, use yoghurt! This recipe is easy to make with your kids and tastes delicious.
Whip the cream in a large bowl until thick. Stir in the icing sugar, if used.
Roughly crush the meringues into the bowl and stir gently.
Add the chopped fruit and stir again until just combined.
Spoon into serving dishes and enjoy!
Word Play
1. Look at the words below and see of you can make a new word by changing just one letter in each of these words.
a. Change TALK into a story
b. Change GATE into something found in a calendar
c. Change FINE into a number
2. Put a different letter in front of EAR each time to make words with the following meanings.
a. Animal
b. Close
c. Fruit
3. Can you rearrange the jumbled letters into a 9-letter word which will help you speak to someone?
4. Can you also use some of the letters to find three 4-letter words with the following meanings?
a. Assist
b. Skin of an orange
c. Music symbol
5. Can you find a vegetable in the following words?
Christmas pictures to colour
Year 11 GCSE RE Trip to Walsingham
This was a lovely day; the weather was brilliant and we enjoyed the beautiful and calm grounds of Walsingham Pilgrimage Centre. It was quite enlightening for the students to explore and experience different places of worship. The Orthodox Church was so inspiring that one student asked to light a candle.
Some students stood at the Methodist pulpit to experience how it feels to speak to a congregation, whilst another showed his expertise by playing some songson the church organ.
The art at the Shrine was breath taking and we all took part in the sprinkling of water from the well!
We cannot forget to mention our experience in the modern Catholic Church - state of the art andself-sufficient in electricity! What a beautiful day we had!
Working with the BBC
Students from William Lovell School in Stickney are currently working on a scheme with the BBC to produce news items that they feel are important to them. Every week students from year 7 to year 11 will work together in their own time to produce news items that will appear on the school website every week.
They are working with different media resources to produce written articles, audio presentations and videos of themselves reading the news just like the BBC news team. They are having special training so they can learn about researching, using recording techniques and editing. The students have said “It’s a great scheme and it’s really helping with literacy” and “It’s good fun to research about different things that are interesting”.
Mobile Library Visits