The Stanway Federation Academy Trust

Executive Headteacher: Mr Jonathan Tippett BA MA

Thomas Lord Audley School
Winstree Road, Stanway
Colchester, CO3 0QA
Tel: 01206 245002
Website: / Monkwick Avenue,
Colchester, CO2 8NJ
Tel: 01206 547911

May 2014

Dear applicant,

Post of Assistant Headteacher x 2(L12-16) within The Stanway Federation Academy Trust - September 2014

I am delighted that you have decided to respond to our advert for the above post. Please find attached the following:

  • Person Specification
  • Details of the NEEEP Partnership
  • Application form
  • Recruitment & Selection Policy Statement
  • Recruitment monitoring information
  • Form SD2

I was appointed as Headteacher of The Stanway School (Stanway) in April 2001 and took over as Executive Headteacher at The Thomas Lord Audley School (TLA) and Language College in January 2007 following the resignation of the Headteacher at the end of December 2006. In the summer of 2009 we consulted on forming a hard Federation between Stanway and TLA which was agreed and implemented on 2 November 2009. In March 2012 the Governors of the Stanway Federation formed a multi-academy Trust comprising the Stanway and TLA - The Stanway Federation Academy Trust. This Trust forms part of the North East Essex Education Partnership (NEEEP) with 5 other secondary schools in the area. Contracts of employment will be with the Stanway Federation Academy Trust which is a scheme employer for the purposes of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.

Stanway is now in its ninth year as a specialist school in Humanities (English being the lead subject) and the headline figure of 5 A* to C with English & Maths has increased significantly during that period. In April 2009 we were awarded a second specialism for Maths and Computing. We had over 900 applications for the 223 places in our Year 7 for September 2014 and expect to see the percentage of students achieving 5 A* to C with English and Maths to remain above 70%+. The school has also undertaken a £14M redevelopment programme between August 2004 and September 2007.

Last summer the percentage of Year 11 students at TLA achieving 5 A*-C with English and Mathematics was the second best set of results ever. The 5 A*-C figure also continued to rise and we expect to improve on these results again this summer. As result of our recent significant improvements we were full in Year 7 in September 2013 for the first time in a number of years. For September 2014 the number of first choice applications to the school has risen by 31% and we are over-subscribed with a waiting list and appeals. We are very pleased that more and more parents and students are making a positive choice to send their children to our school.

Cross-federation links continue to develop and one of the main reasons for the significant improvement in results at both schools is the well-developed personalised CPD programme. The programme focuses on areas identified in the school and departmental development plans, as well as covering areas identified as priorities by individuals. There is a strong emphasis on learning and teaching. The CPD programme has recently been extended to include all Colchester secondary schools and we are expecting, as part of a Teaching School bid, to extend this to the whole of North East Essex. We also offer significant opportunities for teachers to develop in leadership and management roles at all levels across the federation.

I will be retiring in the summer of 2014 and, as part of the Governors’ long term succession planning, in April 2013 they appointed Ms Helena Boast as Headteacher of TLA and Mr Jonathan Bland and Mr Scott Holder as Co-Headteachers of Stanway from September 2014. Helena was appointed to Stanway staff as Deputy Headteacher in September 2008 and was immediately seconded to the TLA where she worked until her promotion to headteacher. Jonathan & Scott also joined Stanway in September 2008 but as Assistant Headteachers. Both were promoted to Deputy Headteacher in September 2011 and seconded to join Helena at TLA. In September 2013 Scott returned from secondment following the retirement of a Deputy Headteacher at Stanway and Jonathan will obviously return in September 2014.

We are seeking two dynamic individuals who are looking to work in the supportive and collaborative environment of the Trust. There is an expectation that the successful candidates would be prepared to work in either school initially and that they would be given the opportunity to work at both schools.

If you feel you have the enthusiasm and commitment required to join us please complete the application form and in a separate supporting letter of not more than two sides of A4, outline the strengths and experiences that you would bring to the Trust. We are particularly interested in how, as a leader, you have based your actions on deep and accurate self-evaluation which have led to strong impacts on achievement, behaviour, attendance and personal development of all students. At the heart of this is a capacity to lead highly effective teams which not only provide the very best teaching and learning, but also care passionately for every child’s individual needs.

The closing date for applications is 12.00pm on Thursday 15th May 2014 and completed applications should be sent directly to The Stanway School.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Tippett

Executive Headteacher