(All ceremonies are held at the Sheldonian Theatre)

(To graduate without attending a ceremony please see the form at:


The College will present graduands on the following dates in 2013.

MA Conferments: There are a limited number of places available for MA conferments in person at the June ceremonies in 2013In absence conferments are possible at all ceremonies. Please contact Rebecca Smith for further information.

Graduands may invite three guests to theJune ceremoniesin 2013.
Trinity Term 2013:
8 June, 2pm -22 places FULLY BOOKED
(Please note that St Anne’s will not be offering lunch in College on this date.)

Degree Ceremonies from July 2013

The scheduling of degree ceremonies will change from July 2013 to enable students to graduate as soon as possible after completing their course. Undergraduate and postgraduate taught students who complete their course and receive their examination results after June 2013 will be assigned a date for their degree ceremony at the start of Michaelmas term of their final year. For example, if your course finishes in June, July or September 2013, you will be assigned a date in October 2012 for your degree ceremony in 2013 or 2014. Research students who are granted leave to supplicate after June 2013 will be offered dates for their degree ceremony once they have been granted leave to supplicate.

Further information can be found on the University's Degree Ceremonies website.

Graduation in absence

Other dates in addition to the dates aboveare available for inabsence graduations. If you wish to graduate but you are unable to attend a ceremony in person your application will be put forward for the next ceremony after receipt. Please use the form at:


Applications, for which the form is attached on page 5, should be returned to Rebecca Smith in the Academic Office as soon as possible and not later than 18 days before the date of the ceremony at which you wish to be conferred. If your application form is not acknowledged within a fortnight of despatch, please email to enquire whether your booking has been received.

Students should check when results for their course are due with their Faculty or Department before booking.


Fees are payable as follows:

Undergraduate Degrees: / No fee if taken within 2 years of the Final Honour School. £10.00 thereafter
Graduate Degrees: / No fee if taken within 2 years of completing the degree. £10.00thereafter.
MA: / £20.00 (i.e. University £10.00/College £10.00)

Please note that graduation is not possible for anyone with un-returned library books, outstanding accounts, or loans from the College or University (including the University Hardship Fund). Methods of payment to Collegeare shown on page 4.

Guest tickets to the Ceremony

Each graduand is asked by the University to bring no more thanthree guests to the ceremonies on 08 June 2013 and 22 June 2013.To enforce this, tickets for the ceremony are always required for guests. The ceremony is not suitable for children under the age of seven.

Please note that the names of graduands will be published in the programme provided at the ceremony, including those graduating in absence. If you do not wish your name to appear please notify Richard David in the Academic Office no later than three weeks before the ceremony.


If you find yourself unable to attend having said that you will do so, please inform the Academic Office as soon as possible on 01865 274869 or, if out of office hours, the Lodge on 01865 274800. The University requires candidates to give 16 days’ notice to withdraw from a ceremony. If the required notice has not been given the degree will be conferred in absence and you will not be eligible to attend a ceremony.

Degree certificates

Please collect your degree certificate at the Lodgeafter the ceremony. For information from the University about requesting a proof of award letter for presenting to third parties (such as employers) and about replacement of lost certificates see:


All candidates must wear full academic dress:-

Subfusc Clothing:

Men: / a dark suit and socks, black shoes, a plain white shirt and collar, white bow tie, and square cap.
Women: / a white blouse, black tie, dark skirt or trousers, black stockings and shoes (no stiletto heels, please), square cap or soft cap and, if desired, dark coat.

Dress for each sex should be such as might be appropriate for formal occasions.

Gowns for degree ceremonies:

First degrees: / Undergraduate gown
gown and hood of degree to be conferred. (BA gown and hood for: BA, M.Biochem, M.Chem, M.Earth Sciences, M.Eng, M Math, and M.Phys.)
degrees: / Oxford graduates – gown and hood of present degree
gown and hood of degree to be conferred (or full dress robe of a D.Phil.).
Graduates of other universities – academic dress of previous university, or Oxford Advanced Student’s gown
gown and hood of degree to be conferred (or full dress robe of a D.Phil.).
MA: / First degree gown and hood
MA gown and hood.



Candidates should note that the Proctors may refuse graduation to anyone incorrectly dressed. (This includes wearing a skirt without black tights.)


Gown and hoods may be hired from the shops below.

Please arrange hire in good time as the shops have been unable to provide gowns for some degrees for popular ceremonies. (Particularly Masters degrees in the summer and autumn.)

Shepherd & Woodward Ltd.
109-113 High Street, Oxford
(Tel. 01865-249491)
(e-mail:) / Castell & Son (Oxford) Ltd.
13 Broad Street, Oxford.
(Tel. 01865-244000) / Walters & Co. (Oxford) Ltd.
10 The Turl, Oxford.
(Tel. 01865 241848)

NB: Please note that there will be photographers in the Bodleian quadrangle adjacent to the Sheldonian Theatre. Photographers who operate outside the railings of the Bodleian quadrangle do so without the permission of the University authorities.



NAME (print) ...... Graduation Date ......

  1. Bank draft or personal cheque

Must be drawn in UK pounds sterling on a UK bank

Payable to “St Anne’s College, Oxford”

My cheque/draft is enclosed/will be sent on ......

  1. Bank transfer

Ask your bank to transmit funds, ensuring that charges are not deducted at the receiving bank.

Royal Bank of Scotland, 32 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3ND.


IBAN: GB26RBOS16101512200916. BIC: RBOSGB2L

Sort code 16-10-15. Account “St Anne’s College General Account” Account No 12200916

Reference “Graduation – (your name)”

Date when transfer authorised ...... Amount £......

  1. Credit card/Debit card (not American Express)

Telephone or post the following details to the Treasury (01865 274834):

Name of cardholder ......

Address as held by card company ......

VISA/Mastercard/Switch/Delta (delete as appropriate)

Card number ......

* Switch only-issue number ......

* Valid from date ......

* Expiry date ......

* Security code (last 3 numbers printed on card reverse) ......

(* you may wish to send these details separately by email to ), specifying the reason for payment

Amount authorised £......

Please charge the above amount to my credit/debit card. I note that if my VISA or Mastercard is used, the bank’s charge of 1.75% must be added to the total.

Signed ...... Dated ......


Application to be entered for Conferment of Degreeby attending a ceremony on 22 June 2013 only

(To graduate in absence please complete the form at:

Bookings must be made no later than 18 days before the date of the ceremony.

Please return this form by post to:Rebecca Smith, Academic Office, St Anne’s College, Oxford OX2 6HS

Your attention is drawn to the accompanying notes about DATES, the ARRANGEMENTS IN COLLEGE on Degree Days and DRESS. Please retain them until the ceremony.

Maiden Name (or name at Oxford)
Date of Birth
OSS Number (from Student Self Service)
Degree+ to be taken (e.g. BA, DPhil)
Date for conferment IN PERSON / 22 June 2013, 11am.
E-mail address (other than Oxford account):
Address for correspondence after you leave Oxford:
Tel. No:
Permanent Address:
(if different from above)
Tel. No:
Matriculation Year (your first year at Oxford or at St Anne’s)
Current employment/further study

Morning Reception – 22 June 2013

Please attend the Dean of Degree’s briefing at 10.00 in SR8, of the Ruth Deech Building, where you will be required to sign the degree list. Teas, coffee and pastries will be available to all graduands and their guests, free of charge. Please indicate in the table below how many people will join you for these refreshments.

Number / £ total
Fee for conferment of degree (if applicable) / £
Total number for the morning reception (no charge) / ------
TOTAL (See page 4 for payment methods) / ------/ £
Payment attached / YES/NO / ------
The deadline for cancellation is 18 days before the ceremony.
Date: / Signature:

+ Only one degree will be conferred in person at a ceremony. Additional degrees may be conferred on the same date in absence, and if you are applying for more than one conferment, please complete an additional form for the in absence conferment.