The Shorter Catechism Illustrated
by John Whitecross
Q. 28. Wherein consisteth Christ's exaltation?
A. Christ's exaltation consisteth in His rising again from the dead on the third day, in ascending up to heaven, in sitting at the right hand of God the Father, and in coming to judge the world at the last day.
1. A little child, when dying, was asked where he was going: 'To heaven,' said the child. 'And what makes you wish to be there?' said one. 'Because Christ is there,' replied the child. 'But,' said a friend, 'what if Christ should leave heaven?' 'Well,' said the child, 'I will go with Him.' Some time before his departure, he expressed a wish to have a golden crown when he died. 'And what will you do,' said one, 'with the golden crown?' 'I will take the crown,' said the child, 'and cast it at the feet of Christ.'
2. On the morning of the day on which Dr John Owen died, Thomas Payne, an eminent dissenting minister, who had been entrusted with the publication of the doctor's work, entitled, Meditations on the Glory of Christ, called to take his leave, and to inform him that he had just been giving it to the printer. 'I am glad to hear it,' said the doctor; and, lifting up his hands and eyes, exclaimed, 'But, O brother Payne, the long-wished for day is come at last, in which I shall see that glory in another manner than I have ever done, or was capable of doing in this world!'
3. I once found my daughter asleep, with her finger lying on her Bible, which lay open before her, pointing at these words, ‘Lord, remember me when Thou comest into Thy kingdom.’ Is this casual or designed, thought I. Either way is remarkable. But in another moment, I discovered that her finger pointed to the thoughts of her heart. She half awoke from her dozing state, but not sufficiently so to perceive that any person was present, and said in a kind of whisper, “Lord, remember me — remember me — remember — remember a poor child; Lord, remember me.”
5. 'In January last,' said a godly father, in writing to his friends, 'I dreamed that the day of judgment was come. I saw the Judge on His great white throne, and all nations were gathered before Him. My wife and I were on the right hand; but I could not see my children. I went to the left hand of the Judge, and there found them all standing in the utmost despair. As soon as they saw me, they caught hold of me, and cried, "O, father, we will never part." I said, "My dear children, I am come to try, if possible, to get you out of this awful situation." So I took them all with me, but when we came near the Judge, I thought He cast an angry look, and said, "What do thy children with thee now? they would not take thy warning when on earth, and they shall not share with thee the crown in heaven; depart, ye cursed." At these words I awoke, bathed in tears. A while after this, as we were all sitting together on a Sabbath evening, I related to them my dream. No sooner did I begin, than first one, and then another, yea, all of them burst into tears, and God fastened conviction on their hearts. Five of them are rejoicing in God their Saviour; and I believe the Lord is at work with the other two, so that I doubt not He will give them also to my prayers.'
This material is taken from THE SHORTER CATECHISM ILLUSTRATED by John Whitecross revised and republished by the Banner of Truth Trust edition 1968 and reproduced with their permission.