Supplement No. 15 to

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1


Rates, Rules and Regulations

Governing the Furnishing of Sewer Service

In Portions of

Township of Delaware,

Pike County, Pennsylvania

Filed in Compliance with

Commission Orders of

December 29, 1992 @ C-892706

And C-892531

ISSUED: February 8, 1993 EFFECTIVE: April 1, 1993


Raymond F. Stanford, Managing Agent

MLA Management Associates, Inc.

P.O. Box 16

Pocono Summit, PA 18346

Supplement No. 15 to

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1

Fifth Revised Page No. 2

CLEAN TREATMENT SEWAGE COMPANY Canceling Fourth Revised Page No. 2



Title Page 1

Schedule of changes made by this Tariff 1A

Table of Contents 2

Schedule of Rates Fourth Revised 4

Rules and Regulations Original 5 – 10 & 13

Rules and Regulations First Revised 11 – 12

Refund Rider Original Page 14 (C)

(C) Indicates Change

Issued: February 8, 1993 Effective: April 1, 1993

Supplement No. 14 to

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1

Third Revised Page No. 3

Canceling First Revised Page No. 3



3.6 House Sewer and Connections

of Sewer Lines Original Page No. 9

3.7 Standard of Quality of Con-

struction – House Sewers Original Page No. 9

4. Special Devices and Treatment:

4.1 Requirement of Special

Devices Original Page No. 10

4.2 Prohibited Wastes – Special

Treatment Original Page No. 10

4.3 Approval of Pretreatment

Devices First Revised Page No. 11

5. Bills:

5.1 Payment of Applicable

Charge First Revised Page No. 11

5.2 Delayed Payment Charge;

Termination of Service First Revised Page No. 11

5.3 Payment of Bill Original Page No. 12

5.4 No Waiver of Rules and

Regulations Original Page No. 12

6. Discontinuance of Service:

6.1 Termination of Service Original Page No. 12

7. Customer’s Deposit:

7.1 Amount of Deposit; Interest First Revised Page No. 12

7.2 Refund of Deposit Original Page No. 13

8. Miscellaneous:

8.1 Rules and Regulations are

Binding Original Page No. 13

8.2 Alteration or Amendments

of Rules and Regulations Original Page No. 13

Issued: January 25, 1992 Effective: January 24, 1992

Supplement No. 14 to

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1

Fourth Revised Page No. 4

Canceling Second Revised Page No. 4




This schedule is available to all residential and non-residential customers, as indicated below.


(1) Residential Service: (I) (C)

A charge of $23.25 per month per lot shall be payable by the owner of each lot which is located within the development known as Marcel Lake Estates and upon which no structure has been erected. Such charge shall be payable irrespective of the quantity of sewage discharged.

A charge of $58.47 per month per lot shall be payable by the owner of each lot which is located within the development known as Marcel Lake Estates and upon which a structure has been erected. Such charge shall be payable irrespective of the quantity of sewage discharged.

The term “structure” shall be deemed to mean any building connected to the sewage collection system and containing any one or more of the following fixtures: a wash stand, a flush toilet, a bathtub, a shower or a kitchen faucet.

(2) Non-residential Service: Per Month (I) (C)

Each Outdoor Pool and Bathhouse $58.47

Each Clubhouse $58.47

Each Association Office or Maintenance Building $58.47

Each Bathhouse at Each Lake Site $58.47

Terms of Payment:

Charges will be billed payable monthly. (C)

(I) Indicated Increase

(C) Indicates Change

Issued: January 25, 1992 Effective: January 24, 1992

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1




1.1 “Sewer System” shall mean sewer mains, lateral sewers from main to point of sewer service line connections, sewer service lines, sewage ejector and/or pumping stations, sewer force mains, sewage treatment plants and all appurtenant facilities operated by Clean Treatment Sewage Company in furnishing sewer service.

1.2 “Sewer Service Line” shall mean all facilities located between a lateral sewer and the curb or, if there is no curb, the edge of the roadway abutting the property furnished sewer service.

1.3 “House Sewers” shall mean all facilities located between a Sewer Service Line and premises furnished sewer service.

1.4 “Sanitary Sewage” shall mean spent water, together with human and household wastes ordinarily removed by water carriage. Such definition expressly excludes the effluent from septic tanks or cesspools, as well as rain, storm and ground water which could in any way enter the Sewer System as well as roof or surface drainage, drainage of percolating or seeping waters or of accumulations thereof, whether underground or in cellars or basements.

1.5 The word “Company”, as used herein, shall mean Clean Treatment Sewage Company acting through its properly authorized officers, agents or employees, each acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to him.

1.6 The word “Customer”, as used herein, shall mean the person owning a lot which is located within the development known as Marcel Lake Estates and within the service area of the Company.


2.1 Compliance with Rules and Regulations

No connection shall be made, either directly or indirectly, to the Sewer System until all requirements of the

Issued: April 4, 1974 Effective: May 6, 1974

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1


rules and regulations have been met. No connection or House Sewer, through which sanitary sewage does or may enter the Sewer System, shall be constructed, altered, repaired, or allowed to exist, which does not comply with the rules and regulations.

2.2 Application for Service

All applications for sewer service must be made, in writing, on a form provided by the Company. The application and these rules and regulations constitute a contract between a customer and the Company.

2.3 Individual Sewer Service Line

Each property must have its own individual Sewer Service Line.

2.4 Maintenance, Repair and Relocation of House Sewers

All House Sewers shall be maintained and repaired at the cost of the owner of the premises served, and such repairs shall be subject to the direction, approval and inspection of the Company.

The owner of the premises served shall make any change to House Sewers which shall be required because of change of grade or relocation of the Company’s facilities or otherwise.

2.5 Inspection of House Sewers and Sewage

The Company, by its agents and employees, shall have the right, at all reasonable times, to enter any premises connected with, or about to be connected with, the Sewer System, to inspect House Sewers, sources and nature of sewage and all fixtures and facilities from which sanitary sewage may be discharged into the Sewer System in order to enforce compliance with the rules and regulations.

2.6 Prohibited Flow – Sanitary Sewage

No flow, other than sanitary sewage, shall be turned into or permitted to enter the Sewer System, and no connection

Issued: April 4, 1974 Effective: May 6, 1974

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1


fixture, device, opening or condition shall be allowed to exist which would permit any flow, other than sanitary sewage, to enter the Sewer System.

Use of the service by a customer shall be in accordance with the class, scope, and type of use, and for the purpose stated in an application. A customer shall not use, and shall not allow use by others, of his House Sewer for other persons or for other purposes than as covered in an application. A new application will make service available for other purposes or for other character of use.

2.7 Damages

The Company shall not be liable for any damages or expense, occurring to or within any premises, resulting from leaks or stoppage in the Sewer System or from any other cause.


3.1 Plans and Specifications

Before connecting any proposed drainage or sewers directly or indirectly with the Sewer System or before making any material alterations of existing drainage or sewers, connected directly or indirectly with the Sewer System, plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Company, showing proposed construction or existing plumbing, as applicable.

3.2 Types of Pipe – House Sewers

House Sewers, placed through foundation walls, shall be constructed of not less than medium-grade, cast-iron, soil pipe having not less than four (4) inches inside diameter with lead joints. House Sewers placed outside foundation walls may be constructed of medium-grade, cast-iron, soil pipe having not less than four (4) inches inside diameter with lead joints, or of asbestos-cement, building sewer pipe having not less than four (4) inches inside diameter and made with joints and fittings employing a rubber gasket and asbestos-cement, coupling sleeve to effect the joint seal or of vitrified-clay sewer pipe having

Issued: April 4, 1974 Effective: May 6, 1974

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1


not less than six (6) inches inside diameter with premoulded joints or hot-poured bituminous joints properly yarned with oakum or hemp. Four (4) inch pipe shall be coupled to a six (6) inch pipe using suitable pipe increases.

3.3 Laying House Sewers

In laying House Sewers, special care shall be taken to ensure water-tight construction and to prevent infiltration. Any indication of leakage or possible infiltration shall be sufficient basis for disapproval, by the Company, of the connection. Drain pipes, either directly or indirectly connected to the Sewer System, shall be laid in trenches excavated to line and exact depth required. The minimum grade or slope for House Sewers shall be one-eighth inch per foot of sewer; whenever possible, a steeper grade shall be maintained. Bell holes shall be dug beneath each joint and the pipe barrel shall be bedded on undisturbed trench bottom or properly tamped crushed stone. The trench must be kept dry during laying, jointing and inspection. The pipe must be kept true to line and grade, and the pipe ends must be properly centered.

3.4 Back-filling Trench – House Sewers

Trenches shall be back-filled by placing loose, fine earth or limestone screenings, free from stones, brick-bats or large clods, under the sides and around the pipe to a distance of one foot from the bottom of the trench, thoroughly tamped in six inch layers. From this point to top of trench, the earth may be tamped by hand or settled by flushing. No trench shall be back-filled until inspected and approved by the Company.

3.5 Main Trap and Vent – House Sewers

There shall be a main or intercepting trap on each House Sewer. The trap shall be located, wherever possible, within the cellar of the building and shall consist of a double-plugged, cast-iron trap, a case-iron service tee with a riser extending upward and out through the wall and terminating in the outside air with a suitable grated vent. Where no cellar exists,

Issued: April 4, 1974 Effective: May 6, 1974

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1


or the above construction is impossible, a main or intercepting trap may, if approved by the Company, be placed between the Sewer Service Line and the premises, and in such case, the trap shall be vented by a suitable sidewalk vent, or cowl type vent. The vent must be located to prevent surface water or floods from entering the Sewer System.

3.6 House Sewer and Connections of Sewer Service Lines

All connections to the Sewer System shall be made at the curb, or, if there is no curb, at the edge of the roadway abutting the property furnished sewage service. Where no Sewer Service Line previously has been constructed, such facilities shall be constructed, at the expense of the Company, by the Company, or under the Company’s direction and supervision.

3.7 Standard of Quality of Construction – House Sewers

All construction, reconstruction and alterations of House Sewers and appurtenances shall be done and installed in a competent, workmanlike manner in accordance with recognized standards of the plumbing trade. The Company may require reconstruction of any work done improperly.


4.1 Requirement of Special Devices

All persons discharging sanitary sewage containing grease, oils or fats into the Sewer System shall provide adequate grease and sand traps or oil separators which shall effectively keep the grease content of sewage leaving the premises to less than 100 parts per million by weight.

4.2 Prohibited Wastes – Special Treatment

Sanitary sewage, discharged into the Sewer System shall not contain any industrial waste, chemicals or other matters:

(a) having a temperature higher than 150˚F;

Issued: April 4, 1974 Effective: May 6, 1974

Sewer – Pa. P.U.C. No. 1


(b) containing more than 100 parts per million by weight of fat,

oil or grease;

(c) containing any gasoline, benzine, naptha, fuel oil, or other

inflammable or explosive liquids, solids or gas;

(d) containing any underground garbage;

(e) containing any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings,

metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, paunch manure,

or any solids or viscous substance capable of causing

obstruction or other interference with the Sewer System or the

sewage treatment plant into which the sewage is discharged;

(f) having a “pH”, as determined by the Company, lower than

6.0 or higher than 9.0, or having any other corrosive property

capable of causing damage or hazard to structures or equipment

in the Sewer System or structures, equipment, bacterial action

or personnel of the sewage treatment plant into which the

sewage is discharged;

(g) containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient

quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment

process, to constitute a hazard to humans or animals or to

create any hazard in the receiving water of the sewage treatment