EMI SIG Speaker/Special Guest Biography
DIRECTIONS: Please email your completed form to by 6 p.m. Monday, May 15, 2017. Your bio will be used by our EMI SIG Facilitators and Moderators for introductory purposes during the EMI SIG Annual Meeting. It will also be used to promote your presentation in our EMI SIG Attendify App (IOS, & Android) and within EMI SIG SharePoint.
Presenter/Speaker Name: Eric Smith
Presentation Title: Random Thoughts: Evolving Emergency Management OP3
Presentation Synopsis: Click here to enter Candidate’s Title
Organization & Location: National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.
Email Address:
Mobile Number: 240-474-2674
Things to include in your *BRIEF biography (75-100 words):
· Current position and a brief mention of your work history and experience that is relevant to your speaking topic and our Emergency Management audience
· Academic qualifications, credentials, certifications, achievements, awards, and a reference to published work, but only if applicable to the material you are presenting
Eric is a retired U.S. Army Colonel. His last military assignment was Executive Officer to the Director of the Defense Logistics Agency. During that time, Eric played a key role in the response to Hurricane Katrina. After his retirement, he oversaw disaster logistics at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and was executive lead for FEMA’s Naional Response Coordination Center’s Resource Support Section. Eric also worked for Fluor Federal Services and was responsible for business capture and project management of domestic response and recovery contingency opreations. From there, Eric started a small business, Logistics Assistance Network. Eric has a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University at Tennessee at Chattanooga, a master’s degree in business administration from Saint Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa, and a master’s degree in national security strategy from the U.S. National War College in Washington, D.C.*Please ensure your bio does not exceed the100 character limit, or it will be edited to fit that parameter.
2017 EMI SIG Annual Meeting