oecd sids {OECD TARGETED}[substance name]

SIDS Initial Assessment Report

{Initial Targeted Assessment Report}For

CoCAM[click here to insert No of meeting]

[click here to insert location and date of meeting]

1{a}.Chemical Name(s): / [click here to insert Substance Name]
{1b. Category Name:} / [click here to insert Category Name]
2.CAS Number(s): / [click here to insert CAS No.]
3.Sponsor: / [click here to insert Sponsor and SIDS Contact Point]
4.Shared Partnership with: / [click here to insert text]
5.Review and Quality Check Process Prior to CoCAM: / [click here to insert text]
6.Date of Submission: / [click here to insert text]
7.Date of Last Update: / [click here to insert text]
8.Comments: / [click here to insert text]


oecd sids {OECD TARGETED}[substance name]


oecd sids {OECD TARGETED}[substance name]

SIDS Initial Assessment Report

{Initial Targeted Assessment Report}

{Rationale for Targeting the Assessment}


1.1Identification of the Substance

CAS Number: / [click here to insert CAS No.]
IUPAC Name: / [click here to enter IUPAC Name]
Molecular Formula: / [click here to enter molecular formula]
Structural Formula: / [click here to enter structural formula]
Molecular Weight: / [click here to enter molecular weight]
Synonyms: / [click here to enter synonyms]

[click here to enter additional information or delete as appropriate]


[click here to insert text]

1.3Physical-Chemical Properties

Table 1 Summary of Physical-Chemical Properties

Property / Value / [enter comment/reference or delete column]
Physical state
Melting point
Boiling point
Relative density
Vapour pressure
Water solubility
Partition coefficient n-octanol/water (log value)
Henry’s law constant
[enter other property or delete row]

[click here to insert table note or Table X continued overleaf or delete if not appropriate]

[click here to insert additional information and discussion or delete as appropriate]

1.4Category [or Analogue/supporting chemical] Justification

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2general information on exposure

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2.1Production Volumes and Use Pattern

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2.2Environmental Exposure and Fate

2.2.1Sources of Environmental Exposure

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2.2.3Stability in Water

[click here to insert text]

2.2.4Transport between Environmental Compartments

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2.2.7Other Information on Environmental Fate

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2.3Human Exposure

2.3.1Occupational Exposure

[click here to insert text]

2.3.2Consumer Exposure

[click here to insert text]

3human health hazards

3.1Effects on Human Health


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Studies in Animals

In vitro Studies

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

In vivo Studies

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans

In vitro Studies

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

In vivo Studies

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

3.1.2Acute Toxicity

[click here to insert text]

Studies in Animals


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[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans


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[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


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Skin Irritation

Studies in Animals

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Eye Irritation

Studies in Animals

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Respiratory Tract Irritation

Studies in Animals

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


[click here to insert text]

Studies in Animals


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Respiratory Tract

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Respiratory Tract

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

3.1.5Repeated Dose Toxicity

[click here to insert text]

Studies in Animals


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[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Studies in Humans


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[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


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Studies in Animals

In vitro Studies

[click here to insert text]

In vivo Studies

[click here to insert text]]

Studies in Humans

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


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[click here to insert text]

In vitro Studies

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

In vivo Studies in Animals

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[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


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Studies in Humans

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3.1.8Toxicity for Reproduction

[click here to insert text]

Studies in Animals

Effects on Fertility

[click here to insert text]

Developmental Toxicity

[click here to insert text]

Studies in Humans

Effects on Fertility

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Developmental Toxicity

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]


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3.1.9Additional Information

[click here to insert text on items such as specific neurotoxicity or immunological studies, or knowledge on chemical mode of action, or delete subheading as appropriate]

[Bolded overall conclusion from SIAP or ITAP]

4hazards to the environment

4.1Aquatic Effects

[click here to insert text]

Acute Toxicity Test Results

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Chronic Toxicity Test Results

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Toxicity to Microorganisms

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

4.2Terrestrial Effects

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Acute Toxicity Test Results

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

Chronic Toxicity Test Results

[click here to insert text, or delete subheading as appropriate]

4.3Other Environmental Effects

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[Bolded overall conclusion from SIAP or ITAP]


oecd sids {OECD TARGETED}[substance name]


[click to insert references classed alphabetically by author. For details on referencing, see explanatory note]


oecd sids {OECD TARGETED}[substance name]


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