AP Human Geography Project
America by the Numbers- Time Magazine
Complete the following project. Anything not done in class needs to be completed at home by the next class.
- Go to this website
- If you scroll down, you will see the following headlines on the left side:
- An In-depth View of America by the Numbers
- What we buy….
- Denomination Nation
- How we view God
- This is where we live
- Who we are
- This is what America buys and why
- How we spend our leisure time
- Use these headlines to do the following activities- not all headlines will be used
Who We Are Headline
- At the top, you can click on numbers 1-5 to look at different statistics
- Number 1 Tab
- What percentage are women? Men?
- Looking at the graph, what minority has the most people?
- How do you think this graph would have looked 100 years ago? Explain.
- Number 2 Tab
- Looking at graph on left side, what group is having the most babies?
- What impact will this have on America’s population?
- Number 3 Tab
- Look at the numbers and statistics on the top, what two statistics surprise you the most and why? Can something be done about them and if so what?
- Number 5 Tab
- Explain the 4 trends shown in these graphs
Denomination Nation Headline
- At the top, you can click on the 4 subtopics (buttons)
- All Religions button
- What type of map is this?
- Name and explain 2 trends you notice in this map.
- 3 other tabs (mainline protestants, evangelical protestants and roman catholics)
- Looking at all 3 maps together, what regions do each religion dominate?
- Name and explain 2 trends you notice in these 3 areas.
This is Where we Live Headline
- You can click on the blinking circles to get more information about certain areas
- What are the 3 biggest metro areas in the US?
- How many people does the least populated county have?
- Which state has the highest population density?
- Name and explain 2 trends you notice in the map.
What we Buy Headline
- Looking at this sheet from the article to answer these questions
- What 2 things surprise you the most? Why?
- Looking at this sheet as a whole, what are 2 conclusions you can make about American society?
Final Question
- From all of the information above, make some predictions of what America will look like in the year 2050. Make at least 3 predictions based on the information you have analyzed in this activity.