South Africa Winter Term Study Abroad 2010

Alcohol Policy Statement & Signed Acknowledgement

Elon University Alcohol Position Statement (Revised Fall 2006)

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Elon University is committed to the intellectual and personal development of students. Alcohol misuse inhibits students' development and is negatively correlated with academic success and personal safety. The vitality of the academic community relies on each member taking personal responsibility for his or her actions regarding alcohol use and safeguarding the well-being of others.

• The University welcomes and supports the decision of students not to drink.

• Elon emphasizes education about risks, choices and personal responsibility regarding the use of alcohol. Students are expected to make conscious choices that do not diminish the academic or social success, or personal safety, of themselves or others.

• The University observes laws regarding alcohol use, particularly those that address underage drinking, and holds students accountable for their choices.

• Students whose drinking creates a risk of danger to the health and safety of themselves or others are subject to suspension and/or loss of other University privileges.

The University's Position Statement on Alcohol serves as a guide for programs and policies regarding alcohol. One set of programs are those that educate students about specific behaviors that promote their academic success and personal development, and safeguard the well-being of the community. Practicing the following behaviors will reduce students' risks (academic, social, physical, legal, personal).

Good practices

• Choosing not to drink alcohol.
• Drinking alcohol only when you are of legal age.
• Deciding before you go out whether you will drink and, if you decide to drink, choosing not to exceed the amount of alcohol that is low-risk for you.
• Always knowing what you are drinking.
• Eating a full meal before drinking, not just salty food such as pretzels or chips.
• Never drinking shots to get a head start before attending an event.
• Having a plan of how you will get home safely.

Responsible Partying is not a contradiction in terms. You can have fun, entertain your friends, kick back and relax, and--yes, even drink alcoholic beverages--without violating the law, annoying your neighbors, destroying property, endangering yourself or others, or getting the police involved.

Tipsfor remaining low risk if you choose to drink:

*Eat a meal before drinking

*Pace yourself - most people can metabolize no more than one standard drink per hour. A standard drink is a 12 oz. Beer, a 4-5 oz. glass of table wine, and a shot glass of liquor as a mixed drink

*Never drink a large amount in a short amount of time

*Know how you will get home safely if you choose to drink

*Know what you are drinking and if you leave a drink unattended throw it away

*Your decisions about how much to drink on any given night belong to you, not your peers - the morning after also belongs to you - no one finds it enjoyable to wake up and realize the decisions you made last night do not reflect the person you want to be

*Know about abuse and addiction in your family and know how that history may influence your drinking choices

RecognizingAlcohol Poisoning

If you discover any ONE of the following, STAY with the person and call emergency services and inform your RA (faculty while abroad) immediately.

*Wake the person up. Call their name. Pinch them, Shake them

*Place the person on their side so that they will be less likely to get choked on their vomit

*Check the person's skin to see if it is cold, clammy or purplish

*Check the person's breathing to see if it is slow, shallow, or irregular

*Better safe than sorry. When in doubt, call emergency services

(NOTE: If you are concerned about the well-being of someone and do not get help for them, you could be in violation of the honor code – specifically, “Behavior that Endangers the Health & Safety of Self and/or Others.” Additionally, our “Good Samaritan” rule allows a student to seek appropriate care for another. If a student is with another student "in danger" or "of concern" and calls for medical aid s/he will not be held accountable for violating the university alcohol policy.)

SubstanceUse During Travel in South Africa:

In addition to the policies and recommendations outlined above in the Elon University Alcohol Position Statement, the following rules apply during your study abroad experience:

  • You are not allowed to consume alcohol during any flights to, from, or during domestic travel in South Africa.
  • You are not allowed to consume alcohol during class outings/sessions regardless of the time of the day. If you are unsure about consuming alcohol during an outing, please consult Professors Layne/Reid.
  • While the decision to consume alcohol at other times may be at each student’s discretion, there may be times that your instructors advise you against alcohol consumption because of the time/nature of an upcoming class activity or for other reasons. Otherwise, exercise common sense, drink in moderation if you choose to consume alcohol, and follow Elon’s recommended guidelines. Alcohol-related behaviors such as showing up late for class, sleeping through class, reeking of alcohol, hangovers, and so on are considered alcohol abuse).
  • Do not accept drinks from anyone and under no circumstances are students to take unauthorized trips to people’s homes.
  • No student should consume more than two drinks in a single day or in one sitting.
  • Absolutely no illicit drugs will be allowed at any point during the course, including marijuana. Taking illegal, illicit, and prescription drugs notprescribed to you is not permitted.

Anyone caught violating the Honor Code will face serious consequences, including and not limited to being packed up and placed on the next available flight to the United States. (Please note that under such circumstances, none of your monies will be refunded and any additional costs you incur will come out of your own pocket.)Any unfinished coursework may not be made up and the student will lose participation points; your grade will be calculated only on work received prior to the policy violation. Students who violate these policies are subject to judicial charges and further sanctions through Judicial Affairs upon returning to Elon, up to and including suspension from Elon.Students taking prescription drugs that may have an adverse reaction with alcohol are NOT permitted to consume alcohol at any time during the course without a written release from a personal physician. Your signature on this document signifies that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by these rules and policies. Finally, we wish to point out that while studying abroad students need to practice good safety habits at all times. Any riskybehaviors, such as going unattended with strangers or bringing strangers back to your room, must be avoided, and may also result in judicial charges for violating the Elon University Honor Code.


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