March 2014

Jumble Sale

In Langworth Memorial Hall

Saturday 1st March, 2-00pm

Donations of Jumble can be brought to the Hall

at 10-00am. No electrical goods thank you

??? Quiz Night ???

In Langworth Memorial Hall

Friday 14th March 2014 at 7-30pm

Supper - Jackets and Fillings, (veggie option available) Bar Open

Bring your Friends; make up teams of 4 people

All ages welcome

Tickets £3.50 per person,

Available from

Jacki Myers 01522 754748

Becky Stumm 01522 751016 or any Committee Member

Also available at Tuesday Coffee Mornings

Lincolnshire Limewoods

The Lincolnshire Limewoods are full of history and brimming with life, from ancient woodlands to archaeological sites. A number of organisations run events throughout the Limewoods area to help you discover more about the landscape, wildlife and heritage of this special area.

The Lincolnshire Limewoods Project is a partnership working to protect, enhance and promote the natural and historic landscapes and features of this important area.

The Forestry Commission owns and manages Chambers Farm Wood and other woods within the Lincolnshire Limewoods area, which together form the Bardney National Nature Reserve.

The Limewoods Wildlife Watch group is for junior members of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust, meeting at Chambers Farm Wood by kind permission of the Forestry Commission.

Butterfly Conservation (Lincolnshire Branch) runs a number of volunteer work parties throughout the year. For more information visit

Lincolnshire Ramblers organise walks across the county and beyond. Non-members are welcome to try one or two walks before joining their local group. For more information visit

I have a supply of a guide which is packed full of walks, volunteer days, children’s activities and much more. Anyone who would like one please either email me or give me a ring. Chris Myers or 01522 750531

Save ££££ on Heating Oil Bills, benefit from joint buying power through Community Lincs, local contact Joyce Hopkins on 01522 595037

Deadline for items for inclusion in the April Langworth 20th March 2014 to

Barlings • Langworth • Newball • Reasby • Stainton


our parish plan – our opportunity to Change things we don't like,
to get to know our neighbours and to improve our quality of life.

Forthcoming events.
Please support us – we need YOU!

Langworth Voice Community bash at the George

Saturday 1st March, 5pm

Chicken goujons and chips
from 5pm–6.30pm
and a live band from 7pm.

£5.00 a head.

Please book in advance – call the George on 01522 595787 or pop in.

Easter egg event and graffiti wall

Easter Sunday 20th April, 2pm–5pm

For under-14s. Grown-ups welcome to come along. FREE ENTRY.

Light refreshments will be available.

Do you want to be part of a thriving community?
We'll be asking you for your thoughts on living here – what do you like, what don't you like, how would you change it?

we need volunteers!
it doesn't have to be a regular committment – just a one-off
would be a great help. we need leaflet-droppers, poster-pasters
and spare hands at events. we need people on the committee that
live in barlings, newball, reasby and stainton – at the moment
we're all from langworth. any photographers out there happy
to record events for us, for the publication of the report?

If you can join us, at any stage, please contact us at

or 01522 595522


Outreach Post Officeis in the Hall on: Mondays 1.30pm – 4pm; Tuesdays 9am - 12 noon;

Thursdays 1.30pm - 4pm.

Coffee Morningis held every Tuesday morning from 10am - 12 noon alongside the post office. £1 per cup and biscuits – free refills. Come and meet with your neighbours and take advantage of our book loan service, leaflets of information of what is available in and around the village.

Community Arts and Crafts is held on the second and fourth Thursday each month, 2pm - 4pm. Bring your art/craft enjoy the company of others with coffee/tea.

Family Prize Bingois held on the last Friday of each month. This month is 28th February. Eyes down at 7.30pm - £4.00 per card (children’s cards £2.00)

Bar open, tea coffee available.

Above are rolling events that happen on a regular basis.


31 residents, 7 Parish Councillors, County and District Councillor and the Principal Area Development Office from West Lindsey District Council all attended the February meeting. The item of interest on the agenda which dominated the meeting was the outline planning application at The George, Langworth including means of access for up to 36 dwellings, including affordable provision, ancillary convenience store A1, public open space, ecological reserve and landscaping.

Following the answering of questions by the representative of WLDC the Parish Council discussed the application and have forwarded the following commentsto WLDC:-

‘Concern is expressed with regard to overdevelopment of the site. It is felt that 3 storey dwellings are not in keeping with surrounding properties.

Traffic problems are envisaged:-

  • Parking problems would occur with the siting of a shop on the Main Road. Lorries could not pull up on the main road to purchase items -Could provision of a lay-by be considered?
  • The development would generate many extra vehicles from the properties driving onto the main A158, therefore access from the site should be considered in depth.

The main concern from both the Parish Council and the public present was the impact on surrounding properties and the possibility of flooding. Please also take into account any comments made from residents of neighbouring properties.

The local Flood Wardens have studied the Flood Risk Assessment for the proposed development and their findings are detailed below:-

‘We make no comment on the possibility of the properties to be built flooding as the developers seem to have taken this into account.

  • P8 Para 4.5 To our knowledge the George field has flooded in1981, 1993, 2007,-Jan 2008 and Jan 2013 which is later than 1993 as stated.
  • P8 Para 4.10. We do not know what the ‘Langworth reservoir ‘is and flows are not contained in bank.
  • P9 Para 4.15. What specific plans are there to address this issue? What underground storage system is to be provided? What has a properly maintained site drainage system got to do with the sewerage provider?
  • P11 Para 6.8. At the present time the LCC highways surface water drainage maps are incomplete. In our view the drainage of theA158 from the bridge to the George car park entrance by the ditch on the north side of the A158 along the George property, there being no outfall into the Barlings on the south side of the A158.
  • P11para 6.10 We note the statement ‘ideally reducing the flood risk where possible’
  • P12 Para 6.16. The foul sewer adjacent the site should have the capacity to accept flows from this development subject to confirmation by Anglian Water.At the present time the sewerage system in Langworth cannot cope with the present volume of sewerage causing frequent sewerage floods on Scothern Lane.
  • P13 Para 9 and 10.We welcome the statements in these two paragraphs.
  • P15 Para 9.4. We note the statement ‘There will be no significant adverse impacts as a result of this development.
  • In conclusion.As flood wardens we would like WLDC planners to put the following restrictions on the application:-
  • No development should take place until Anglian Water has upgraded the Langworth sewerage system to enable it to cope with the additional flow of sewerage.
  • No development should take place until Lincolnshire County Council have established a proper system for discharging surface water from the site and the adjacent A158.’

The vote was unanimous that the Parish Council would like to see the development go ahead providing the Flood Wardens comments are fully adhered to.

Police Matters -Incidents were reported as follows:-

  1. A theft from a front porch reported in Chamberlains Close
  1. A theft of cast iron goods on Station Road. Persons were arrested the next day and the vehicle used in the crime seized pending court proceedings.
  2. Elderly residents on Station Road are having their doorbells rang in the early hours of the morning.

On 4th March 2014 Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Hardwick will be attending Langworth Coffee Morning in the Memorial Hall with PCSO Jackie Parker. He has stated that he would like to have a chat and answer any questions possible.

Barlings Lane – Traffic Regulation Order- It has been suggested that a Traffic Regulation Order be implemented on Barlings Lane to prevent unauthorised parking on verges and the road. Enquiries have been made with the County Council Highways Department who have offered for County Council staff to attend a Parish Council meeting in order to explain the Order to Councillors and residents.

Block paving – Barlings Lane –The area of verge between No 22 Barlings Lane and St Hugh’s Drive has been costed out at £25,000 by the LCC Highways Department

Library provision for Langworth and Stainton By Langworth - Notification has been received that the mobile library usage in Stainton By Langworth between July 2012 and August 2013 was less than 6 people per 30 minutes of stop and therefore the existing stop will cease after 6 May 2014.

The mobile library usage in Langworth had exceeded 6 people per 30 minutes of stop and would therefore be continued with a mobile stop of at least 30 minutes per month.

Date of next meeting – Tuesday 4th March 2014 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall


This will be held on Tuesday 1st April at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall.

There will be a short address by a member of AgeUK ‘s on First Contact - a service that allows people aged 60 and over to access a wide range of services and information to help them stay safe and well in their own home through one point of contact.

It is hoped that useful information can be learned from this talk for both residents and those needing to care for older relatives.

All residents are invited, the meeting will last about 45 minutes


I think I have shared with you before that prior to coming into the Ministry I used to be a teacher at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School. One of the things that has always struck me about that school is its history. Whilst I was there, it celebrated 900 years of education on that site in Lincoln. Of course, the school hasn’t always looked as it does now, because it has changed with the times and needs of the students that attend, but in so many ways it seemed to me that it managed to keep its rootedness, whilst still changing to cater for many different generations of students with different needs. I remember not long after my time there discovering an old table, and I mean really old (!), and into it was etched medieval graffiti, containing the names of previous students – and that always reminded me that history is made by people.

We are blessed with some beautiful churches in our two groups. It really thrills me that we are always looking for ways in which we can cater for the needs of the current communities in which they are set. Church buildings are not merely monuments that celebrate the past, they have always changed in character and if you go into many of our buildings, you will see the work of generation upon generation. Churches need to keep their rootedness, but also reflect current needs. You might ask, why do this? Well our churches should be at the heart of serving our community and it’s important that our buildings reflect that. I want to maintain our roots, but adapt to the needs of our communities, as far as we can.

How does this affect LANGWORTH? Well, I am interested in getting Langworth Church and the Churchyard on Barlings Lane, tidied up, cleaned up, easily accessible and so that people come into the church, feel welcomed and appreciate what a stunning place is at the heart of the community. How? Well the inside of the church needs a good clean beyond the usual tasks of carpets and pews. The outside needs tidying up and the church needs to be made more visible to both the community and passing traffic. The bell needs repairing and the whole area needs a bit of a lift. Please don’t think that this is a criticism of anyone in the church – of course it isn’t – their number is very small at present, and they need some support. In light of that I would love to form a working party of folk who will turn out on a couple of days to help with some of these tasks! Any offers? Call Revd Penny on 01522 595596.

Every blessing


Church Services March 2014
Sunday 2nd March / Stainton by Langworth / 9:00am / Holy Communion
Sudbrooke / 10:30am / Holy Communion
Langworth / 6:00pm / Evening Prayer
Wednesday 5th March / Cherry Willingham / 7.30pm / Holy Communion for Ash Wednesday
Sunday 9th March / Barlings / 9:00am / Holy Communion
Sudbrooke / 10:30am / Family Worship
Langworth / 6:00pm / Holy Communion
Sunday 16th March / Sudbrooke / 10:30am / Holy Communion (BCP)
Langworth / 6:00pm / Holy Communion
Sunday 23rd March / Sudbrooke / 10:30am / Holy Communion
Thursday 27th March / 2, Chestnut Close, Sudbrooke / 2:30pm / Tea Service
Sunday 30th March / Barlings / 10.30am / Songs of Praise


March 6th – Annual Meeting

April 3rd - Speaker Rev Sue Bradley

Subject – Sense and Nonsense

Competition – Something made from Ribbon

Weight Watchers –Your local meeting is held on Tuesdays

in the Old School, Mill Hill, Nettleham at 5.45pm.

You are very welcome to come along where Hazel will be pleased to help

Ring her on 07806 782 167


/ Nettleham Neighbourhood Police Team
Police Office,
Scothern Road
Nettleham, LN2 2TU

Crime in our area often takes on a pattern; at the moment we seem to be having a spate of garden ornament thefts from gardens around the county.

This can range from small pots and plants right up to large garden statues and urns, a lot of these larger items will have taken more than just one person to remove them and would often require a vehicle of some kind. These items are mostly sold, either at car boot sales or internet auction sites never to be seen again, and we are left to buy replacements.

We need to be as vigilant as possible, just keeping an eye on a neighbour’s property can be enough, or keeping an eye out for people trying to sell cheap ornaments in your village, if this occurs or you have any information regarding stolen garden ornaments or any other crime please ring 101 and you will be able to speak to someone from Lincolnshire Police.

Unsolicited phone calls and mail

Householders may receive unsolicited telephone calls from a variety of sources. Invariably the callers state they are from an ‘official’ organisation such as the water/energy company; local authority; or a company selling goods and/or services.

In most cases the caller will be seeking information such as personal details including bank details; usage rates or other personal information. Most of these types of calls can be reduced by the following advice.

Registering with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS)

The TPS is a free service that gives you the opportunity to select who contacts you by

telephone. Once registration is complete telemarketers are legally bound not to call you.

Registration takes about a month to become effective and can be made online at

or via the telephone on 0845 070 0707.

Register with the Mail Preference Service (MPS)

The MPS is a free service which supports the right for people to choose the mail they wish to receive. Registering with this service will prevent the receipt of unsolicited direct mailing sent from companies who are members of the Direct Marketing Association. It will not stop mail from overseas, un-addressed materials or those addresses to The Occupier. Registration to this free service can be made online at or via the telephone on 0845 703 4599

It is important to remember to protect your personal details. Do not give any personal details including bank details to anyone either in the street, on the doorstep, over the telephone or on the internet as these details can be used to steal your identity.

If you want to keep up with all the latest Police news in your area please join us on Twitter and Facebook, we have an Email address if you want to contact us, these are listed below.

Lisa Hurst Dance

Exciting dance and movement classes for all ages

Dunholme Old School Centre on Mondays

4 pm – 4.30 pmFlutterby Balletfor 2.5 years to 4 years

4.40 pm -5.15 pmDragonfly Balletfor 4 years to 6 years

5.25 pm – 6 pmStreet Jazzfor 4 years to 6 years

6.15 pm – 7.15 pm Fusion Dance Academy for 6 to 12 years

7.30 pm – 8.30 pm Fusion Dancefor adults

Sudbrooke Drive Community Centre, Lincoln Ermine, Saturdays

9.30 am – 10 amFlutterby Balletfor 2.5 years to 4 years

10 am – 10.30 amGroovy Moversfor 2 years to 4 years

E: 07890 545372

Ellison Boulters Church of England Academy

‘Kingdom Kids’

As a regular ‘helper’ at Kingdom Kids I was asked to provide a glimpse into the exciting, caring and fascinating club for Key Stage Two children here at Ellison Boulters.

I thought it only fair to let the children have an input, so I asked them how they would describe this afterschool club that always has a long and ‘distinguished’ waiting list! “Fun, friendship and worship” were the words that were repeated time and time again, oh and the fact that they get, “squash and a biscuit!” Treats aside, Kingdom Kids at Ellison Boulters offers weekly Christian fellowship, arts, crafts and so much more. It offers an additional opportunity for Christian discussion, investigation and reflection in an environment where the children are supported by members of staff and the community who are willing and eager to help the children’s spiritual journeys.