Minutes of Chedgrave Parish Council Meeting held Thursday 5 May 2016
Present: Chairman J Bircham, Vice Chairman M Hubbard, Cllrs R Wood,
J Riley, C Frosdick, C Frost, J Lurkins & C Gould.
County Councillor Barry Stone.
1. / Apologies – District Cllr Larner.2. / Minutes of meeting held on 7 April 2016 approved and signed. Proposed MH seconded RW.
3. / Matters arising.
CG said he attended a meeting at Saffron Housing at which the local needs affordable housing scheme was discussed and the possibility of a permissive footpath along the boundary of the development through to Big Back Lane was mentioned. J Bir had a map with the proposed path marked and Cllrs agreed that it was a good idea. Clerk to contact Saffron.
4. / Declarations of interest – J Bir Item 10 , C Frosdick Item 9, CF Item 16, CG Item 20.
Chairman invited Cllr Stone to give his report at this stage.
Cllr Stone said that there was very little to report at present. A meeting was to be held on June 27 at NCC to discuss devolution.
Cllr Stone said he had authorised an indefinite traffic order on the Chedgrave section of the Wherryman’s Way footpath. There was no further news on the path but the Environment Agency (EA) had a meeting planned for 6 May and Cllr Stone said he would feed back any information he received to Cllrs.
CG said he had asked EA to carry out a study on the possible effects if the path were to be abandoned but had heard nothing further.
JL said that it appeared no further work had been done on the easy access path, Cllr Stone said he would investigate.
Mop AM said that the path could definitely be kept open to the bird hide.
5. / Public participation
AM said that he had looked at the footpaths on The Common. J Bir gave Cllr Stone a copy of a map with the footpath at the back of the houses marked on it and asked if he could speak with Norfolk County Council (NCC) about the possibility of getting it opened up as it is currently inaccessible.
Cllr Stone left the meeting at this point.
There was a discussion on the traveller’s bus that was stuck on Mr Tabor’s marsh on the approach to The Common. The police are aware and the travellers have said once they can move the bus they will be leaving.
6. / Reports :
There was no police report.
Tree Warden :
There is a broken branch on the Jubilee oak, reported to the Clerk by a parishioner. Clerk to contact Scott Raney in the morning and ask him to take a look.
J Bir asked JR to check the hedge along the churchyard footpath and speak to the church and South Norfolk Council (SNC) about getting it sorted out.
Parish Councillors reports :
JL reported that the sign post on the corner of Hardley Road was broken and that the drain at the post box was blocked. Clerk to refer both matters to the Highways rangers.
JR asked Cllrs to attend the AGM for the Jubilee Hall if possible. JR said a query had been raised re the Playing Field Deed of Trust, JBir confirmed that it had been signed in 2015.
C Frosdick asked if it would be possible to change the furthest point of the yellow lines about to be put on the Langley Road/Norwich Road junction. Clerk said this work had now been agreed so it was difficult to make changes.
7. / Clerk’s report.
Clerk’s written report circulated before the meeting.
Loddon & District Business Association (LDBA) AGM on 9 May, all welcome.
Clerk was awaiting information from NALC regarding the PC website before asking Cllrs to make a decision on renewing NALC annual subs.
8. / To consider writing a letter of support for Mr Frost regarding his planning application.
JL proposed supporting Mr Frost and J Bir seconded.
Clerk to draft letter.
9. / To discuss White Horse Plain.
J Bir said she had contacted two companies for prices and could provide a third. Clerk had heard nothing from SNC planning, CG to investigate.
10. / To discuss the proposed lych gate/war memorial.
MH reported that the grant from LDBA for electrical works had now been received.
£39.21 had been raised from the sale of cakes at the Easter Egg Hunt.
MH said he intended to make a funding application to WREN.
11. / To discuss The Pits and receive feed back on the Easter Egg Hunt.
JBir reported that the EEH was reasonably well supported and it was followed by the beacon lighting for the Queen’s birthday.
12. / To confirm arrangements for the next working group to update the Parish Plan.
The next meeting is planned for Thursday, 12 May. J Bir said that some questionnaires had been given out at the EEH.
13. / To approve and sign the Council’s financial standing orders for the purposes of the audit.
All Cllrs present approved and signed the standing orders. Proposed
J Bir, seconded JL.
14. / To consider a response to The South Norfolk Council Draft Community Assets Strategy.
None of the Cllrs had any comments to make but it was agreed that the Clerk should feed back that Cllrs were extremely dissatisfied with the fact that the street light on Hardley Road was still not working after well over a year.
15. / To consider the offer from District Cllr Larner to provide a projector for viewing planning applications.
The Cllrs were unanimous in their agreement for this proposal.
16. / To discuss The Common and the recent grant application by Norfolk Wildlife Trust.
Clerk to circulate list of possible meeting dates with Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT) to Cllrs.
17. / To discuss the Picnic in The Pits to be held for the Queen’s 90th birthday. Simon Peck no longer wishes to organise a barbecue, it was therefore agreed that people should bring their own food.
Grant application to SNC successful with an award of £400.00. It was agreed to purchase 200 commemorative coins for local children.
18. / To discuss the Wherryman’s Way.
This had been discussed earlier. JL said the PC should support the comments made by LDBA re the impact of the path closure on tourism and local businesses. JL proposed that the Clerk should write to the Environment Agency to ask what progress was being made on re opening the easy access path.
19. / To agree the payment for Loddon & Chedgrave playing field.
Clerk had obtained information from Loddon PC which clarified the situation with the payments. It was agreed to pay the contribution as invoiced. Proposed J Bir, seconded MH.
20. / To consider making a donation to the River Chet Fayre.
JR proposed a donation of £35.00, C Frosdick seconded.
21. / To review allotment rents and arrange an inspection.
Clerk reported that there were two new allotment holders.
J Bir proposed that the rent remained the same, C Frost seconded.
J Bir suggested an inspection on Wednesday, 25 May at 7pm. This was agreed.
J Bir had a discussion with Mr Tabor and he agreed to waive the rent this year in order that the PC could use the money to plant an orchard on the allotments in the Autumn.
22 / Planning applications: 2016/0747 – Wherry Cottage, Pits Lane.
Convert sitting room window and side door to French windows. No comments.
23. / Planning decisions: None received by 29 April 2016.
24. / Payments.
Clerk salary
Stamps / £ 242.34
£ 7.14
Chedgrave PCC room hire
Room hire on behalf of Saffron Housing
( see receipts below ) / £ 30.00
£ 22.50
Ravencroft Tree Services for White Horse Plain survey / £ 354.00
Donations :
Chedgrave MS Centre
Norfolk Accident Rescue
Eastern Rivers Gym
Loddon on Call
Loddon Day Centre
East Anglian Air Ambulance
East of England Children’s Hospice
Loddon & Chedgrave Scarecrow Festival / £ 50.00
to each of the named organisations.
Loddon & Chedgrave Playing field contribution / £ 1,630.20
Loddon Garden Centre for grass cutting / £ 360.00
Total / £ 3,047.17
Receipts : Rent for grazing £ 80.00
Allotment rent £30.00
SNC grant for Picnic in The Pits £400.00
Saffron Housing for room rental £22.50
Proceeds from Easter Egg Hunt £39.21
Precept £12,010.00
Total £ 12,581.71
Approved :
Proposed JBir, JL seconded
25. / Items for next agenda – None further.
Date & time of next meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 2 June 2016 at The Church Rooms, All Saints Church, Chedgrave.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Signed : Dated :