Learning for a better world
Free Membership for Groups & Individuals
Our membership scheme was re-launched in 2013 and is completely FREE to join.
Global Education Derby (GED) is a not-for-profit charity with more than 25 years of experience helping teachers, youth workers and community educators, together with young people and the members of the local community to develop the thinking skills that we all need to make sense of a complex and rapidly changing world.
We run a wide range of projects with schools, youth and community groups and have many opportunities which people can join in, such as school linking, community cohesion, youth projects based around the hip-hop culture, etc. We also run training courses ranging from CPD for teachers, cultural and religious diversity training, to Arts Awards accreditations!
What am I signing up for?
- All of our members are offered a 10% discount on our training (some courses are even free!).
- We will send you a link to our newsletters and members will also have the opportunity to contribute to our publications.
- We have a resources library which our members can borrow from free-of-charge.
- You will be invited to our AGM each year and have voting rights (so long as you are over 18)
- We will include you in our e-mail lists, to keep you up-to-date on the areas which interest you.
If you are interested in becoming amember, please complete the form and return to us. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail and membership number.
Global Education Derby is a member ofThink Global and The Consortium of Development Education Centres. All training and consultancy activities are designed and led by staff who are qualified trainers and are all DBS checked.
Application for
DOB (if under 18 years):......
Organisation (if applicable):......
I am a teacher/other educator I am aged 13-25
I am particularly interested in......
Member’s agreement:
I agree to become amember of Global Education Derby. I confirm that I am in agreement with the organisation’s aims.
All Membership is at the discretion of the Board, who reserve the right to decline Membership Applications or Renewals if they have due cause.
Signed:...... Date:......
Please return to:
Lisa Sabey, Membership Administrator, Global Education Derby, 1st floor,
32 Charnwood Street, Derby DE1 2GU or email to:
For completion by GED Membership Administrator:
Membership number assigned: ______
Logged on database Email added to appropriate list Welcome email sent