Vocabulary Practice
Quarter Two-Word List Four
Find the Meanings: Choose two phrases to form a sentence that correctly uses a word from our word list. Write the completed sentence on the line provided.
A. To attain something is to / C. stay away from it.B. To jeopardize something is to / D. put it in harm’s way.
Sentence: ______.
A. To swivel is to / C. To plummet is toB. fall suddenly to earth. / D. avoid getting caught.
Sentence: ______.
A. A superb automobile is one / C. that is not moving.B. that is in need of repair. / D. A stationary automobile isone
Sentence: ______.
A. To attain something is to / C. reach it.B. let it go. / D. To inflate something is to
Sentence: ______.
A. lose sight of it. / C. To propel something is toB. To elude something is to / D. drive it forward.
Sentence: ______.
Just the Right Word: Improve each of the following sentences by crossing out the italicized and underlined phrase and replacing it with a word (or form of the word) from our word list. Write the replacement work above the part of the sentence that you crossed out.
1.) The telescope swings in any direction so that it can be pointed to any part of the sky.
2.) It’s easier to hit a target that is fixed in one spot and doesn’t move.
3.) Materials that are quick to catch fire should be segregated in a fireproof container.
4.) One expects the food at a five-star restaurant to be of the highest quality.
5.) I attempted to get away from my pursuer by hiding in the doorway.
Create your own Just the Right Word sentences. Use different words that were used in 1-5. You will needs to write the sentence and cross out the part of the sentence where you will use a vocabulary word as a replacement. Write the replacement vocabulary word above the section of the sentence that you crossed out.
Applying the Meanings: Complete the following vocabulary exercises.
1.) Draw an illustration to explain the definition of jeopardy and plummet.
2.) Circle or highlight the two words that are synonyms in each of the groups of words below. (Synonyms are words that have the same or nearly the same meaning.)
- Swivel, inflate, turn, charge
- Address, achieve, propel, attain
- Collect, hover, elude, avoid
3.) Circle or highlight the two words that are antonyms in each of the groups of words below. (Antonyms are words that have opposite or nearly opposite meanings.)
- Stationary, changing, spoken, written
- Desert, terrain, superb, inferior
4.)Write three sentences using the following words: Elude, Attain and Hover.