Microsoft Word – Labels Instructions

·  Budget Blister Labels - HCL Item No.: 7048


  1. Begin with a new, blank document in Microsoft Word.
  1. Select Tools from the main menu bar. Then select Envelopes and Labels from the Tools drop-down menu. The following dialogue box will appear. Select the Labels tab.

  1. Select the Options button and the following dialogue box will appear:

4.  Select the Dot matrix button, under Printer information.

5.  Select Other in the Label products drop-down menu.

6.  Select the New Label button and the following dialogue box will appear:

7.  Fill out the New Custom dot matrix screen with the below parameters:

Label Name: HCL Budget Blisters #7048

Top Margin: 0” Label Height: 0.98”

Side Margin: 0.25” Label Width: 1.75

Vertical Pitch: 1” Number Across: 2

Horizontal Pitch: 1.9” Number Down: 20

Page Size: 4.15” fanfold

  1. Select the OK button. Continue to exit from the labels setup by selecting the OK buttons.

1.  After you have set up your label definition, open a new blank page in Word.

2.  Type the text just as you want it to appear on the labels, such as the sample text below. You can adjust font attributes: size, type, color, etc.

Health Care Logistics

PO Box 25

Circleville, OH 43113

3.  Click on Tools > Envelopes and Labels. The Envelopes and Labels dialog box will appear and you should see your typed, formatted text in the Address window:

4.  Click on the Options button. The Label Options dialog box will appear.

5.  From the Product Number window, select the label definitiont hat you just created or the one that you want to use. Click on OK.

6.  This will take you back to the Envelopes and Labels dialog box. Click on the New Document button.

7.  This will take you to a new document window that contains a full page of the labels with the text you just typed. You can edit the text and change font attributes directly on this page.

8.  Your labels are now ready to be printed. Select File > Print and the Print dialog box will appear.

9.  From the Print dialog box, you can select the printer where you want to print the labels to and the number of copies (pages) you want to print.

10. Select the Save In location from the drop-down menu.

11. Type in the name you want to save the file to in the File Name box.

12. Click on Save.

Microsoft Word Labels Instructions Page 1

Budget Blister Labels – HCL Item No.: 7048