Associated Teachers TV programme

Primary Assessment: Collaborative Learning

0001 10:00:09:05 10:00:12:16

So let's first look

at the informal language.

0002 10:00:12:16 10:00:14:17

You've done the "dear",

0003 10:00:14:17 10:00:18:06

you've started the letter,

0004 10:00:18:06 10:00:21:04

and you've signed off with "from".

0005 10:00:21:04 10:00:26:05

And that's informal language

as well, so I'll write that down.

0006 10:00:30:00 10:00:32:11

(man) Assessment for Learning,

as we now know it,

0007 10:00:32:11 10:00:36:24

is a way of involving children

in monitoring their own learning,

0008 10:00:36:24 10:00:41:14

matching the way they learn to their

approach to different subjects,

0009 10:00:41:14 10:00:45:03

and trying to understand

where they have to go to next

0010 10:00:45:03 10:00:47:12

with any particular piece

of learning.

0011 10:00:47:12 10:00:51:02

So, against a background

that we have in the school anyway

0012 10:00:51:02 10:00:53:04

of listening to children,

0013 10:00:53:04 10:00:56:14

school is no longer

something that's done to them,

0014 10:00:56:14 10:00:59:02

it's something

that they're partners in.

0015 10:00:59:21 10:01:02:21

(narrator) Park Lane Primary

is a one-form entry school

0016 10:01:02:21 10:01:04:16

in the London Borough of Brent.

0017 10:01:04:16 10:01:08:10

Assessment for Learning in

the school is constantly evolving.

0018 10:01:08:10 10:01:11:04

And as part of

an action research project,

0019 10:01:11:04 10:01:14:05

teachers have been researching

different learning styles

0020 10:01:14:05 10:01:16:05

to accelerate children's progress

0021 10:01:16:05 10:01:19:10

and encourage more active

participation in their learning.

0022 10:01:19:10 10:01:24:08

One, two, three, four, five.

0023 10:01:24:08 10:01:27:03

(narrator) Students

in Pippa McGeoch's year 6 class

0024 10:01:27:03 10:01:29:12

are no longer grouped

according to ability,

0025 10:01:29:12 10:01:34:01

but seated in mixed-ability groups

which are changed every two weeks.

0026 10:01:34:01 10:01:37:19

Differentiation is achieved

with a choice of success criteria

0027 10:01:37:19 10:01:39:14

in this maths lesson.

0028 10:01:40:12 10:01:43:13

So now you've seen the different

things we're going to do,

0029 10:01:43:13 10:01:49:04

we need to think about what choice

of activity you're going to make.

0030 10:01:49:04 10:01:52:07

Now, the first one,

this is the easiest one,

0031 10:01:52:07 10:01:56:16

for those of you that need a bit

more practice to get you started.

0032 10:01:56:16 10:02:01:16

The second choice, for those of you

that really would like to try

0033 10:02:01:16 10:02:05:05

working in all four quadrants,

0034 10:02:05:05 10:02:09:01

is going to be an activity

that you're going to do with me.

0035 10:02:09:01 10:02:13:07

The final task, the real challenge,

is a game,

0036 10:02:13:07 10:02:17:01

a bit like the game Battleships,

which you might have seen before.

0037 10:02:17:01 10:02:20:12

(Pippa) If the children are to be

able to assess their own learning,

0038 10:02:20:12 10:02:23:09

they have to know

what that learning looks like

0039 10:02:23:09 10:02:26:15

and what the actual learning

intention was initially.

0040 10:02:26:15 10:02:30:18

Which is why we share our "WALT" -

"We are learning too".

0041 10:02:30:18 10:02:36:00

The success criteria is basically

a guideline for the children,

0042 10:02:36:00 10:02:39:11

so that they know

what they're aiming towards.

0043 10:02:39:11 10:02:44:11

- Positive three minus four.

- Positive three minus four.

0044 10:02:50:08 10:02:52:03


0045 10:02:52:03 10:02:54:04

It's really important

that we remember

0046 10:02:54:04 10:02:57:23

either along the corridor

and up the stairs

0047 10:02:57:23 10:03:01:17

- or along the corridor and...

- (pupils) Down the stairs.

0048 10:03:07:07 10:03:11:00

I'm lost because

I don't know where it's going.

0049 10:03:11:00 10:03:13:00

It's confusing.

0050 10:03:14:08 10:03:16:07

- I'm lost.

- Don't worry.

0051 10:03:16:07 10:03:21:00

All you have to do... Point, point,

point, and join just those three.

0052 10:03:21:00 10:03:25:04

Let's do that first bit together.

And it has to be X, Y.

0053 10:03:25:04 10:03:27:20

(woman) Assessment for Learning

isn't an add-on.

0054 10:03:27:20 10:03:31:08

And I think it's extremely important

because what it does,

0055 10:03:31:08 10:03:34:21

as well as helping children

to understand

0056 10:03:34:21 10:03:36:08

what they expect to learn,

0057 10:03:36:08 10:03:38:17

it also helps them to learn

how to learn,

0058 10:03:38:17 10:03:42:10

and also it helps them

to understand how well they're doing

0059 10:03:42:10 10:03:43:23

and how they can improve.

0060 10:03:43:23 10:03:46:19

(Pippa) Have a look

against the success criteria.

0061 10:03:46:19 10:03:49:03

Use your highlighters.

How could we use these?

0062 10:03:49:03 10:03:51:12

What could we do with

the highlighters? Hafsa?

0063 10:03:51:12 10:03:57:02

We can use them to highlight

bits that they've done good.

0064 10:03:57:02 10:03:59:14

And probably with another colour,

0065 10:03:59:14 10:04:02:21

you can highlight things

that they need to improve on.

0066 10:04:02:21 10:04:04:18

(narrator) Working with partners,

0067 10:04:04:18 10:04:08:02

students peer-assess

each other's letter writing.

0068 10:04:08:02 10:04:10:06


0069 10:04:10:06 10:04:15:12

Blue for good work.

Can you write your success criteria?

0070 10:04:15:12 10:04:19:12

So let's first look

at the informal language.

0071 10:04:22:21 10:04:24:21

You need to make it more

to the point

0072 10:04:24:21 10:04:31:11

because you're talking like this is

her problem, not other people's.

0073 10:04:31:11 10:04:34:15

(Pippa) Often the children will

be assessing their own learning,

0074 10:04:34:15 10:04:37:14

which I think, in some ways,

is far more valuable

0075 10:04:37:14 10:04:42:05

than me sitting for an hour at

the end of the day distance-marking

0076 10:04:42:05 10:04:45:23

and the children not understanding

what I meant because I wasn't there.

0077 10:04:45:23 10:04:50:03

Also, I think, when children have

had that advice off somebody else

0078 10:04:50:03 10:04:53:05

who's been maybe struggling

to learn a similar thing,

0079 10:04:53:05 10:04:56:04

they're going to take it

much more on the chin

0080 10:04:56:04 10:04:59:03

because it's somebody

in their peer group that said:

0081 10:04:59:03 10:05:01:22

"Let's learn this together."

0082 10:05:01:22 10:05:04:16

Excellent. Ah.

0083 10:05:04:16 10:05:07:10

Right. I see.

0084 10:05:07:10 10:05:10:24

Why have you highlighted

these bits here?

0085 10:05:10:24 10:05:16:02

Because she needs to

try and keep it more to the point.

0086 10:05:16:02 10:05:19:00

- And try and sort it out.

- OK.

0087 10:05:19:00 10:05:22:03

Cos she repeated quite a bit.

Good point.

0088 10:05:22:03 10:05:24:06

So if you finish doing this bit,

0089 10:05:24:06 10:05:28:13

you could perhaps work together

on that first paragraph.

0090 10:05:28:13 10:05:33:13

I realised that if children were

going to be self-aware as learners,

0091 10:05:33:13 10:05:35:17

I wanted to make sure

that the children

0092 10:05:35:17 10:05:39:16

actually had a real part

in the whole process.

0093 10:05:39:16 10:05:42:24

So rather than just

choosing their activity

0094 10:05:42:24 10:05:46:01

and then assessing

against success criteria

0095 10:05:46:01 10:05:47:15

or assessing their learning,

0096 10:05:47:15 10:05:50:18

I wanted them also to be able

to get the opportunity

0097 10:05:50:18 10:05:54:21

to say what they wanted to learn and

how they wanted to learn it as well.

0098 10:05:54:21 10:05:58:02

And that's why I plan

with the children.

0099 10:05:58:02 10:06:01:20

Looking at the first WALT,

0100 10:06:01:20 10:06:05:10

we are learning how to comment

on the style and language

0101 10:06:05:10 10:06:07:10

of different news articles.

0102 10:06:07:10 10:06:11:00

Who had ideas

for that part of the learning?

0103 10:06:11:00 10:06:12:15


0104 10:06:12:15 10:06:15:16

Maybe like a sort of game

to match the layout,

0105 10:06:15:16 10:06:18:08

and then match up

with the article it would go into.

0106 10:06:18:08 10:06:22:03

That's a really good idea, and that

will remind me of what you said.

0107 10:06:22:03 10:06:25:16

Any other ideas for this WALT?


0108 10:06:25:16 10:06:28:18

You might have a bullying page.

We could do a bullying page

0109 10:06:28:18 10:06:32:10

with a problem page on it,

so if people are being bullied,

0110 10:06:32:10 10:06:35:24

they could write their problems in

and we could give them solutions.

0111 10:06:35:24 10:06:41:01

So if we put this maybe... "adapting

texts for different readers",

0112 10:06:41:01 10:06:45:20

we could have a range of different

types of writing in our newspaper.

0113 10:06:45:20 10:06:48:08

What about using

a range of connectives?

0114 10:06:48:08 10:06:50:23

What could we do for that?

0115 10:06:50:23 10:06:53:13

We could have a game,

like you can roll the dice

0116 10:06:53:13 10:06:57:12

and if you land on a connective,

it will pop up and you can use it.

0117 10:06:57:12 10:06:59:15

That's a lovely idea.

0118 10:06:59:15 10:07:02:04

(Sally) Certainly,

for the last 10 to 15 years,

0119 10:07:02:04 10:07:04:11

teachers have been

given the message

0120 10:07:04:11 10:07:07:13

that they have to be in control

of the children all of the time.

0121 10:07:07:13 10:07:10:06

And so, consequently,

what has tended to happen

0122 10:07:10:06 10:07:15:08

is that children have become a great

deal more passive in their learning,

0123 10:07:15:08 10:07:19:23

and teachers are having or are

appearing to work a lot harder.

0124 10:07:19:23 10:07:24:24

What Assessment for Learning does

is twist it round the other way,

0125 10:07:24:24 10:07:29:18

where children have to work

a lot harder, or learn a lot harder.

0126 10:07:29:18 10:07:33:19

And consequently, that means

that teachers have to sometimes

0127 10:07:33:19 10:07:35:23

relinquish control to children.

0128 10:07:35:23 10:07:41:10

Right. You now

may open your envelopes.

0129 10:07:41:10 10:07:45:12

"Culture poems. Your mission is to

explore the world of culture poems."

0130 10:07:45:12 10:07:49:00

"You will need

to mount a global hunt."

0131 10:07:49:00 10:07:53:23

"Perhaps children in your group know

some poetry from their culture."

0132 10:07:53:23 10:07:56:01

(narrator) Students

use jigsaw learning

0133 10:07:56:01 10:07:58:16

to deepen their knowledge

of poetry genres.

0134 10:07:58:16 10:08:02:15

This collaborative approach places

the responsibility on the students

0135 10:08:02:15 10:08:05:04

to research any given subject.

0136 10:08:06:00 10:08:11:22

Maybe we can use that poem

that I just found. That ballad.

0137 10:08:11:22 10:08:16:10

(Pippa) Jigsaw learning has been

one of the most exciting things.

0138 10:08:16:10 10:08:20:19

It's an amazing way

of engaging all learners,

0139 10:08:20:19 10:08:24:05

but making them feel

of equal importance,

0140 10:08:24:05 10:08:26:18

which I think

is very important for children

0141 10:08:26:18 10:08:31:05

to feel safe to take those risks

and bring their learning on.

0142 10:08:31:05 10:08:37:04

That's the same one. "From fairest

creatures we desire increase."

0143 10:08:37:04 10:08:39:09

Every second line rhymes.

0144 10:08:41:00 10:08:44:04

Yeah, they have 14 lines.

Check it yourself.

0145 10:08:44:04 10:08:47:01

Every one of them have 14 lines.

0146 10:08:47:01 10:08:50:01

That's five syllables and seven...

0147 10:08:51:04 10:08:53:04

(Pippa) Children have got

the opportunity

0148 10:08:53:04 10:08:57:17

to take the driving seat, if you

like, with their own learning.

0149 10:08:57:17 10:09:02:06

I've had times where I didn't even

need to really be in the room

0150 10:09:02:06 10:09:05:06

because the children

were so into their own learning

0151 10:09:05:06 10:09:08:13

and managing it so well themselves.

0152 10:09:08:13 10:09:13:05

Threes to three. Fours to four.

Fives to five. Off you go.

0153 10:09:14:09 10:09:18:01

(narrator) Jigsaw learning has

students moving from group to group,

0154 10:09:18:01 10:09:21:19

envoying their specialist knowledge

around the class.

0155 10:09:21:19 10:09:27:16

Expert at each table has now got

their three minutes to envoy. Go.

0156 10:09:27:16 10:09:31:21

Me and my group,

we were learning about haiku poems.

0157 10:09:31:21 10:09:33:20

To make a haiku poem,

0158 10:09:33:20 10:09:37:11

the ingredients are seven syllables,

five syllables

0159 10:09:37:11 10:09:41:07

and another five syllables.

0160 10:09:41:07 10:09:44:10

Shakespeare, cos William Shakespeare

wrote a lot of sonnets

0161 10:09:44:10 10:09:47:00

and he was quite good at it.

0162 10:09:47:00 10:09:51:16

We found out about sonnets, that

they all had to have 14 lines...

0163 10:09:51:16 10:09:55:14

(Pippa) What you see

is an envoying of the learning,

0164 10:09:55:14 10:10:00:15

and we had five different types

of poetry covered over four hours.

0165 10:10:00:15 10:10:03:20

But every child,

by the end of that session,

0166 10:10:03:20 10:10:07:12

was able to tell me about

five different types of poetry,

0167 10:10:07:12 10:10:11:12

not just the one that

they had specifically researched.

0168 10:10:11:12 10:10:14:19

A poem has to have a iambic...

0169 10:10:14:19 10:10:18:05

iambic penta... pentameter.

0170 10:10:20:02 10:10:23:15

(chanting) We are ParkLaneSchool.

0171 10:10:23:15 10:10:27:21

You can call us PLS.

0172 10:10:27:21 10:10:30:16

We are cool for school.

0173 10:10:30:16 10:10:33:10

(Sally) One of the advantages

of Assessment for Learning

0174 10:10:33:10 10:10:36:14

is that it's an idea,

it's a philosophy,

0175 10:10:36:14 10:10:38:17

it's a way of thinking

about learning,

0176 10:10:38:17 10:10:40:17

but it's also very flexible.

0177 10:10:40:17 10:10:44:05

And depending on the age

of the children that you teach,

0178 10:10:44:05 10:10:46:00

the context of the children,

0179 10:10:46:00 10:10:49:10

you can actually adapt

the approaches, the philosophy,

0180 10:10:49:10 10:10:52:17

to your particular children

and your particular needs.

0181 10:10:52:17 10:10:55:23

(narrator) Head teacher Martin

Francis and his management team

0182 10:10:55:23 10:10:58:11

take an active role

in monitoring the effectiveness

0183 10:10:58:11 10:11:01:07

of these collaborative

learning strategies.

0184 10:11:01:07 10:11:03:07

(boy) We had three different tasks.

0185 10:11:03:07 10:11:06:02

So you had three sets

of success criteria.

0186 10:11:06:02 10:11:08:02

So which was the one you chose?

0187 10:11:08:02 10:11:10:11

I chose the hardest one,

the Battleships.

0188 10:11:10:11 10:11:14:24

So how did you know that you would

be able to succeed at that?

0189 10:11:14:24 10:11:16:14

Or didn't you know?

0190 10:11:16:14 10:11:18:14

I wasn't sure until I tried.

0191 10:11:18:14 10:11:20:23

OK, and you were willing

to go for a challenge.

0192 10:11:20:23 10:11:26:03

Faizah, you've got the same overall

learning objective with coordinates,

0193 10:11:26:03 10:11:30:10

but you've chosen a different

success criteria. What's yours?

0194 10:11:30:10 10:11:34:15

"Can you plot coordinates

using positive numbers?"

0195 10:11:34:15 10:11:37:04

Did you decide yourself

0196 10:11:37:04 10:11:40:13

where you were at in terms of

your learning about coordinates?

0197 10:11:40:13 10:11:43:00

And you thought

you were still at the beginning.

0198 10:11:43:00 10:11:46:15

So, both of you, is this

a new way of working for you?

0199 10:11:46:15 10:11:51:14

Yeah. I found that, instead

of everyone doing the same thing,

0200 10:11:51:14 10:11:54:16

some people might not

understand the work,

0201 10:11:54:16 10:11:59:03

and another person might understand

the work well, but need more help.

0202 10:11:59:03 10:12:01:09

How about working

with learning partners?

0203 10:12:01:09 10:12:05:08

I think that's a really good way,

cos we can both help each other.

0204 10:12:05:08 10:12:07:17

Usually there's one person

on a higher level.

0205 10:12:07:17 10:12:09:22

They can help the person

who's lower level.

0206 10:12:09:22 10:12:14:10

And how does it compare with the way

you worked in other schools?

0207 10:12:14:10 10:12:16:20

In other schools

there were ability groups,

0208 10:12:16:20 10:12:19:09

and there was always

the higher group.

0209 10:12:19:09 10:12:23:02

You always think, "I want to be on

that table, to know what it's like."

0210 10:12:23:02 10:12:26:07

The teachers just give you

the same work,

0211 10:12:26:07 10:12:30:18

and no matter how good you do, they

just keep you on the same table.

0212 10:12:30:18 10:12:35:21

How did it change your attitude

when there were no ability groups?

0213 10:12:35:21 10:12:38:03

I feel like I've gone higher now.

0214 10:12:38:03 10:12:40:12

OK. Well, thanks both very much.

0215 10:12:40:12 10:12:42:12


0216 10:12:45:11 10:12:50:06

A lot of them have said

that they feel now

0217 10:12:50:06 10:12:53:20

much more motivated,

0218 10:12:53:20 10:12:57:08

because we're saying to them,

"You can do this."

0219 10:12:57:08 10:13:02:10

And they feel that, really,

the sky's the limit for them.

0220 10:13:05:13 10:13:07:18


Within the new Ofsted framework,

0221 10:13:07:18 10:13:11:08

because they do make judgments

on teaching and learning,

0222 10:13:11:08 10:13:15:08

Assessment for Learning fits in

very well with that second category.

0223 10:13:15:08 10:13:16:18

When we had our Ofsted,

0224 10:13:16:18 10:13:20:08

I was really heartened by the extent

to which they talked to children

0225 10:13:20:08 10:13:21:23

about the work they were doing.

0226 10:13:21:23 10:13:25:02

I thought that was a big departure

0227 10:13:25:02 10:13:28:20

from just seeing how effectively

the teacher put over material

0228 10:13:28:20 10:13:31:01

without looking

at how it was received.

0229 10:13:36:01 10:13:39:18

Visiontext Subtitles:

Simon Campbell

0230 10:13:39:18 10:13:41:18