11th EAWE PhD Seminaron Wind Energy in Europe

23-25September 2015

Stuttgart, Germany

Session XXXX Paper XXXXXXX

Sample Abstract for

EAWEPhD Seminar 2015

11th EAWE PhD Seminaron Wind Energy in Europe

23-25September 2015

Stuttgart, Germany

Session XXXX Paper XXXXXXX

First Author#1, Second Author*2

#First Department, First University

Address Including Country Name

*Second Department, Second Affiliation

11th EAWE PhD Seminaron Wind Energy in Europe

23-25September 2015

Stuttgart, Germany

Session XXXX Paper XXXXXXX

Keywords – Template, EAWE PhD Seminar 2015, Styles, Book of Abstracts

This template should be used for preparing abstracts for the 11th EAWE PhD Seminar 2015 on Wind Energy in Europe to be hold on 23-25 September at the University of Stuttgart. The abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts; therefore it is necessary to maintain a consistency in formatting.

Please submit your Abstract in both Word *.docx and PDF file format.

I.The One Page Abstract

The abstract for the 11th EAWE PhD Seminar should have a length of 1 page and give a brief summary of the question you want to address in the publication, your methods and findings. It is meant to be a basis for discussion with other PhD students during and after the seminar and willalso be usedfor the organisation of the sessions.

The document should start with the above given header including the paper title, the list of authors and the contact information of the lead author. The paper title may be single line or 2 lines long. Please make sure you use the appropriate predefined Style to maintain a consistent format.In case the co-authors belong to another affiliation, list it accordingly, otherwise leave this line empty. Please do not change the number of lines here. We want to maintain the position of the title, author name, keywords, etc. equal for all abstracts.

The text is separated in two columns and starts with the keywords. Include 3-6 keywords or phrases. You may structure your text by using section headings. Figures, Tables and Equations are often an appropriate method to support your claims and make it more clearly for the reader.

Finish your abstract with a conclusion and if applicable acknowledgements. References to literature, e.g.[1], are also often improving the quality of the document and make it easier for the reader to get more insight into the topic.

II.Abstract Formatting

A.Fonts, Text size and Styles

The present document is prepared in Microsoft Word 2010 and contains all the necessary Styles and Settings. As these are predefined with all format information it is not recommended to set the font, text size, etc. manually. Write your text in plain format and apply the styles accordingly.Do not change the text size, font, etc.


Use high quality figures only, cf. Fig. 1. In case of diagrams make sure they can be printed and read in colour and black-white. Test it! E.g. in Matlab ‘ColorOrder’{[0,0,0],[1,0.25,0.25],[0,1,1]}gives good results for 3-colour diagrams. The figure caption may be single or multi line. Use the appropriate Style.

Fig.1 Example of a figure with acceptable quality (left) and lowquality(right)


The formula editor of the actual version of word is a power full tool. Use it as necessary and number the equations, Eq.(1). To reference it in the text use bookmarks on the equation number.



This document is a sample abstract for the 11th EAWE PhD Seminar and contains recommendations for the abstract. Use it as a template for your abstract.


This template was written at the University of Stuttgart. The document is based on the template of the EWTEC 2013 and the guidelines of the IEEE.


[1]Burton, T., Sharpe, D., Jenkins, N., Bossanyi, E., “Wind Energy Handbook”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, England, ISBN 0-471-48897-2, 2001

[2]Betz, A., “Wind-Energie und ihre Ausnutzung durch Windmühlen“, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, Germany, 1926