Spring 2014 Outdoor Track & Field

Mandatory Parent Meeting: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 in Commons

Requirements: You MUST have a physical on file to practicewithin the last yearand must have passed AT LEAST 3 of 4 classes your last 2 semesters to compete. If no physical is on file with the school by Thursday, February 14th then you will not be allowed to practice with team. Also, you must attend practice to be part of this program and team. Three unexcused absences will warrant removal from team and any unexcused absence the week of a meet and you Will Not participate in the meet. If you are not going to be at practice, it is YOUR responsibility to communicate with Coach Cleland or Coach Carter. It is NOT anyone else’s responsibility. If you are late for practice you must complete the full workout before the coaches leave to not be considered an absence. Here are the policies for absences:


Doctor’s appointment (MUST PROVIDE NOTE)

Injury diagnosed by Mrs. Thompson and/or Mrs. Myers

School related functions (example: musical, field trip or college visit)

Tutoring (Must provide email from advising teacher)

Freshmen taking Driver’s Ed



Hair Appointment

Doctor’s appointment with NO NOTE

No ride

Too much Homework-You must learn to manage your time better!!!!

“I thought it was cancelled”. We will announce if it is cancelled

If you are not at practice you not only let yourself down, but most importantly you are letting your teammates down who count on you!!!!!!!!

Varsity Letter Requirements: 15 points earned from scoring at meets or qualify for and compete in the regional meet.

Participation in Meets: Before the first meet and at different times we will time/test the athletes in their various events to see who goes to the meets. In most Track events we can take upwards of 5 participants in each in event. In most Field events we can also take upwards of 5 participants. We will place each athlete in events that we as coaches feel that they have the best chance of helping the team in.

  • We may need parent help with concessions or help with me during the 2 home meets 3/18 and 3/27 – please have your parents contact Coach Carter: or Coach Cleland:
  • At both Home MeetsEVERY ATHLETE is required to stay until the meet is completed to help with clean up and procedures.
  • At away meets you can leave when your events are over if you have a parent or older sibling (not a student) at the meet that can take you home.
  • If you are signed up for an event at a meet you will compete in the event. No questions asked or discussion about it.
  • Follow us on Twitter Now @ LNHSTrack
  • We will also post information almost daily on the Track and Field website. To get to the website simple go to Coach Carter’s school webpage and locate the tab on the left side titled Lake Norman Track