Ealing Health & Social Care Summit Summary Report

Wednesday 19th November 2014, 14:00 – 17:30, Victoria Hall at Ealing Town Hall

Ealing Community Network (ECN) , with London Borough of Ealing (LBE) and the Ealing Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), organised a second ‘Ealing Health and Social Care Summit’ which brought together health professionals, GP Reps, Ealing CCG, representatives from LBE and the local voluntary and community sector (VCS)

A list of attendees is at the end of this report

Presentations and Key note speakers

·  Albie Stadtmiller (ECN) and Jill Downey (Ealing CCG) reported on actions taken in response to issues raised at last years’ event.

·  Keynote presentation: Mohini Parmar (CCG Chair) and Kathryn Magson (CCG Managing Director) gave a presentation on future priorities for Ealing CCG and opportunities for partnership work with the VCS

·  Carmel Cahill (Healthwatch Chair) gave a presentation on Healthwatchs’ current activities and future plans

For a copy of the PowerPoint presentations from the summit contact

Group Workshops

The room split into groups to discuss the six following topics:

·  Ealing Integrated Care Programme

·  Mental Health Support

·  Equalities Issues in Health and Social Care

·  Public Health Work in Ealing

·  Children and Young Peoples’ Health and Social Care Issues

·  Support for Carers and the Care Act

Each group was asked to discuss which issues they would give top priority over the next twelve months and to present the five they felt were most important. They were also asked to consider how the VCS, CCG, GPs and LBE could work in partnership. A representative from each workshop gave feedback to the wider meeting

Children & Young Peoples’ Health & Social Care Issues Workshop

Top Priorities

·  Preventing problems early on- ‘get them while they are young’. The importance of a family background, parental love and the presence of positive role models. When both these elements are missing, this is often where things can go wrong.

·  The importance of guiding children into services at an early age. Identification can take place at children centres, nursery schools and via health professionals. GPs are also all well-placed to identify issues at an early stage.

·  Healthy eating and dental hygiene is a key issue for Ealing. Education of parents, cooking skills, eating well on tight budgets, fresh ingredients. If young people can be educated they will educate their parents.

·  Support for young carers. Schools, primary care and others could do more to identify young carers and support them. Some young carers might not identify themselves as such. Online and social media access to help and advice may be a preferable method for young carers

·  Housing and homelessness. There is more to be done for young people at risk of homelessness. This is an issue for young adults, particularly those who have left children’s services. They are caught between being no longer a child and struggling as an adult.

·  ‘Young Ealing’ website needs more promotion. Lots of young people may not know about it.

·  Incentivise VCS groups to tell young people about local support and services available

Support for Carers and the Care Act Workshop

Top Priorities

·  Education for carers specifically on their new rights under the Care Act. There was a concern if it is appropriate to rely on neighbours dropping in, personal buddies? What is the standard of care going to be?

·  Advocacy for all carers. Who is going to provide this? Is advice and information separate from advocacy?

·  Training for VCS staff and volunteers on the Care Act

·  Managing expectations because of the lack of funding, particularly in the local authority

·  Carers Assessment: Different level of need for carers and for care users themselves


·  Equalities and impact on different communities especially the hard to reach, will they be aware of new rights under the Care Act?

·  Information systems need to be up to date e.g. LBE website, Care Place

·  Emergency carer cards.

·  Local protocols for LBE and NHS staff on supporting carers

·  More information on local services and support for carers at GP surgeries, health centres, children centres, VCS day centres etc

Mental Health Workshop

Top Priorities

·  Sustainability and continuity as there is already instability in the people’s lives.

·  Support of Mental Health is as complex as the individual’s needs. Not everyone will fit into the model of IAPT/CBT sessions. Some need longer term support, different options for treatment (more choice), hard to manage groups e.g. dual diagnosis.

·  Relapse prevention. Many people go to A&E multiple times and it is used inappropriately. Hard to diagnose physical manifestion of mental health (medically unexplained symptoms).

·  Need focus on social determinants of mental health not just medical e.g. debt, housing problems, benefits issues

·  Holistic approach: Social engagement, drop in centres, community support, self-help, empowerment.

·  The availability of out-of-hours services. Mental health problems are not 9.00-5.00 issues. Help can be needed at any time and this is difficult for service providers but it is what people want

How do we work together?

·  Attitudes to culture change

·  Map existing provision by both statutory and VCS groups

·  Sharing and ensure alignment of services e.g. Ealing Mental Health Forum

·  Address barriers that stop people accessing services eg languages, cross cultural.

·  Align services: common referral materials by statutory and VCS providers

·  More online services and advice for young people who may have a stigma about using mental health services

·  Needs more active partnership work by the VCS and West London Mental Health Trust

Ealing Integrated Care Programme Workshop

Top Priorities

·  Mapping of existing provision in Ealing, statutory and VCS

·  Understanding how Care Navigators and Care Coordinators will link to existing VCS services

·  Improved holistic care planning to include overall wellbeing not just medical focus eg finance, debt, housing issues

·  Provision of more social and physical activities for people with long term health conditions eg gentle exercise, volunteering, falls prevention

·  Public health education on self-care, using a variety of mechanisms to reach different communities.

·  Patient’s central choice and preference

Whole Systems Integrated Care pilot

·  Care Coordinator works with the patient to link to services by a wider care team.

·  The support starts at GP level

·  Top 2% of patients at risk now have an individual care plan

·  Initially turreted at over 75s, then extended

·  Pilot will start in central Ealing then be rolled out across the borough

·  Two Care Coordinators and one Care Navigator for each of the 7 GP networks

·  Who does what when? GP and Multi-disciplinary team will identify at risk patients. Care Plan agreed with patient and Care Coordinator will be put in place; this will get escalated if necessary. The Coordinator will monitor activity and guide towards the right care and support.

·  CCG commissioned culture change programme. How to work together and enable self-care.

·  Community pharmacists should be brought into the team, linked with care coordinator, they can help manage medication.

·  January 2015 dedicated training programme and induction starts.

·  Carer is often older and their needs have to be taken into consideration.

·  The Care Plan should consider different options to meet people with different aspirations e.g. personal budgets.

Public Health Work in Ealing Workshop

How & What to Focus On

·  Men’s health

·  Recent migrants isolated in the community.

·  VCS involvement in delivering public health messages.

·  Use non-traditional settings and local activities to engage hard to reach communities.

·  Welfare reform impacts on health

·  Important role of ECN in gathering information and being a central point of service information for the VCS

Top Priority Issues

·  Sexual health for women/girls. Broaden messages to outside of school and into communities, bring in newly arrived communities, fun activity sessions for young people

·  Social Isolation. Older people and house bound people. Volunteers to visit homes, campaigns against loneliness. Also homelessness, disengaged people, substance abuse

·  Mental Health. Use physical activity to engage people and make them feel better. Links to addiction and other issues

·  Long term health conditions. Important VCS role on dementia, cancer care, diabetes

·  Important VCS roles to inform the public on changes to NHS services. Especially hard to reach communities

·  Use new volunteer ‘Ealing Community Health Champions’ to promote public health messages and services. Trusted sources of information and in non-traditional settings.

·  VCS role in promoting healthy lifestyle awareness, healthy eating, attending GP appointments, awareness of 7 day appointments, avoiding unnecessary A+E visits, winter pressures services, disease prevention and self-care

·  Make use of new ‘Ealing Health and Social Care Self Help Directory ‘

Equalities Issues in Health & Social Care Workshop

Top Priorities

·  Barriers including language and cultural. They can be complex and fit into more than one group

·  Lack of knowledge of local processes and rights.

·  Equality of access, including transport.

·  Expand role of VCS for low level clinical tasks- e.g. monitoring well-being.

·  Community asset building in younger members of families, grassroots community groups. Suggestion for dissemination of information and regular updates from CCG to smaller VCS groups via ECN

·  Simple, easy-access ,regularly updated directories and in community languages

Following the Summit a further year two joint action plan will be drawn up jointly by ECN and the CCG. For more information please contact the ECN Chair, Andy Roper via

There is a commitment to hold a third Ealing Health and Social Care Summit in November 2015

Thanks To

Natasha Mayer and Albie Stadtmiller from the ECN Team and Jill Downey from the CCG for organising the event

ECVS volunteers for assisting at the event: Daniella Villani, Carol Kilby and Amanda Pawliszyn -Ealing CVS

The following people for facilitating workshops: Cath Atlee – LBE, Alex Tambourides - Mind, Matt Coulam - Ealing Mencap, Jill Downey - Ealing CCG, Christiana Torricell – LBE, Angela Dodwell – Ealing CVS, Karen Pereira - Pre- School Learning Alliance, Maggie Wilson – LBE, Roger Beckett - Dementia Concern

Delegate List


14.00-17.30 on Wednesday 19th November in the Victoria Hall at Ealing Town Hall

/ First Name / Surname / Company / Organisation /
1 / Alan / Cook / Healthwatch Ealing
2 / Albie / Stadtmiller / Ealing Community Network
3 / Alex / Tambourides / Mind
Amanda / Pawliszyn / Ealing Community Network
Amar / Dasani / CAER
4 / Amelia / Clarke / Volunteer Link Scheme
5 / Andy / Buddle / Neighbourly Care Southall
6 / Andy / Roper / ECN Chair
7 / Angela / Bell / Ealing Community and Voluntary Service
8 / Angela / Dodwell / Ealing Community and Voluntary Service
9 / Ann / Jacklin / UCL Centre for Medicines Safety
10 / Ann Marie / Charles / Neighbourhood Involvement Worker & DBS (CRB) Coordinator
11 / Anna / Whitty / Ealing Community Transport
12 / Antonia / Orr / ECT Charity
13 / Audrey / D'Costa / Tasha Foundation
14 / Avani / Devkaran / GP Clinical Lead
15 / Beatrice / Marett / Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare
16 / Barbara / Tilley / Age UK Ealing
17 / Becky / Davies / St Mungo’s Broadway
18 / Brigitte / Bistrick-Bryan / P.E.S.T.S.
19 / Carmel / Cahill / Healthwatch Ealing Chair
20 / Carol / Kilby / Ealing Community and Voluntary Service
21 / Cath / Atlee / LBE/CCG Integrated Commissioning Manager
22 / Christiana / Torricelli / LBE Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager
23 / Christine / Giles / Dementia Concern
24 / Comfort / Fullick / Healthwatch Ealing
25 / Daniella / Villani / Ealing Community and Voluntary Service
26 / David / Fullick / Hestia Housing and Support
27 / David / Hunt / ECIL
28 / David / Tinnion / ECT Charity
29 / Deborah / Castle / Ealing CCG
30 / Deborah / Saville / Ealing Abbey Counselling Service
31 / Deirdre / McLellan / Bereft Bereavement Support
32 / Denise / Madden / Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust
33 / DS / Bhasin / St Joseph Drive Residents Association
34 / Dzidra / Stipnieks / Ealing Fields Residents Association
35 / Ella / Cox / Family Lives
36 / Elays / Worku / Education Skills Group
37 / Eva / Horgan / CWHHE
38 / Fin / O'Donnell / GP Clinical Lead
39 / Fiona / Kellam / IMPACT Theatre and Outreach Network
40 / Fiona / Hamilton-Fairley / The Kids Cookery School
41 / Geoff / Warren / ECT
42 / George / Venus / Ealing Mencap
43 / Ginny / Ellis / EACS
44 / Hendri / Cawood / Ealing Community and Voluntary Service
45 / Hitesh / Tailor / Councillor London Borough of Ealing
46 / Huldah / Ogwel / Opportunity for All
47 / Hussein / Dima / Barwaqa Relief Organisation
48 / Ivan / Coutinho / Heritage Healthcare Ealing
49 / Jackie / Chin / London Borough of Ealing Director of Public Health
50 / James / Guest / Ealing Fields Residents Association
51 / Jane / Barnes / Ealing Carers Centre
52 / Janpal / Basran / Southall Community Alliance
53 / Jay / Dasani / Multi -Cultural Society
54 / Jill / Downey / CCG Patient and Public Engagement Manager
55 / John / McNeill / Healthwatch Ealing
56 / John / Blackmore / Action Acton
57 / Joy / Barton / P.E.S.T.S
58 / Kami / Kooner / Rethink Mental Illness
59 / Karen / Pereira / Pre- School Learning Alliance
60 / Karen / Robinson / Age UK Ealing
61 / Kathryn / Magson / CCG Managing Director
62 / Kim / Mughan / IMPACT Theatre and Outreach Network
63 / Lesley / Dodd / Ealing Mencap
64 / Lisa / Gatward / Alzheimer's Society
65 / Liz / Ursell / St Mungos Broadway
66 / Lorna / Fleming / Joint Commissioning Manager for Older People Services
67 / Louise / Taylor / LBE
67 / Louise / Chamberlain / Home-Start Ealing
68 / Lucine / Shahbazian / Centre for Armenian Information and Advice
69 / Maggie / Wilson / Head of Children’s Commissioning, NHS Ealing/London Borough of Ealing
70 / Maire / Lowe / Residents Association
71 / Margaret / Nyuydzewira / CAME Women And Girls Development Organisation
72 / Mary / Hicks / Deafplus
73 / Matt / Freidson / Acton Community Forum
74 / Matt / Coulam / Ealing Mencap
75 / Michael / Russell / LBE Public Health
76 / Michelle / Bailey / EASE
77 / Misak / Ohanian / Armenian Centre
78 / Mohammad / Ahmed / Ealing NHS
79 / Mohammad / Alzarrad / GP Clinical Lead
80 / Mohammad / Jawaid Khursihd / The Asain Health Agency
81 / Mohini / Parmar / CCG Chair
82 / Mona / Sahota / LBE Public Health Specialist
83 / Monika / Eady / Ealing Woodcraft Folk
84 / Mukhtar / Handule / Golden Opportunity Youth Association
85 / Natasha / Lea / Homestart Ealing
86 / Natasha / Mayger / Ealing Community Network
87 / Neha / Unadkat / CCG Deputy Managing Director
88 / Neelam / Rahi / Havelock Family Centre
89 / Oola / Balam / Opportunity for All
90 / Peter / Buckman / Ealing CCG
91 / Raj / Chandok / GP Clinical Lead
92 / Ranjit / Kang / West London MH Trust
93 / Rekha / Elaswarapu / Healthwatch Ealing
94 / Ricky / Singh / Ealing Equality Council
95 / Robin / Fleming / ECIL
96 / Roger / Beckett / Dementia Concern
97 / Ruby / Sidhu / LBE Public Health
98 / Said / Gabobe / Educational and Social Group
99 / Sam / Jenfa / His Word Everlasting Church
100 / Santosh / Kanwar / Southall Day Centre
101 / Sapna / Chauhan / LBE
102 / Sarah / Luke / CAPE
103 / Sasha / Rhoden / Lido Centre
104 / Satpal / Chana / Healthwatch Ealing
105 / Serena / Foo / Ealing CCG
106 / Shanker / Vijayadeva / GP Clinical Lead
107 / Sharon / Flynn / The Log Cabin
108 / Sian / Phillips / VoiceAbility
109 / Stephen / Day / LBE Head of Adult Services
110 / Sue / Graham / LBE Adult Services
11 / Sukhwat / Sandher / Southall Day Centre
112 / Suzanne / Lyn-Cook / Healthwatch Ealing
113 / Tanvi / Barreto / LBE Public Health
114 / Tessa / Sandwell / CCG Deputy Managing Director
115 / Thomas / Davidson / Certitude
116 / Tom / Knight / Care Place
117 / Tom / Neumark / Hestia
118 / Usha / Prema / Ealing CCG
119 / Zeina / Mehio / Greenford, Northolt and Perivale Community Federation

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